Fu Fu, Your pumpkin head was very funny. Comet and I laughed and laughed. Sometimes Comet gets his head stuck in an empty bag of chips and that's really funny too. BLU
Fufu you silly little hammie! You never fail to crack me up, hee, hee! I hope Eil or Bibi come to your rescue soon, although Bibi is probably laughing hysterically!
Hi Fu Fu, You are lucky to have a 'costume' for Halloween.. My ma said I look scary as it is now with my short fur so I don't need anything else.. *whines*
Hey FuFu, You better be careful, maybe that's the evil pumpkin from the Pumpkin Head movies and he's not so nice. He didn't hurt you when you were stuck did he? Do es your hair smell like pumpkin now? tee hee! Good thing you didn't turn orange. Wirey Hugs! Butchy & Snickers
hey fufu, don't you think Eil is such a evil mama to you? see, you were stucked and she was busy taking photos of your funny act!
wet wet licks... not to Eil - the evil mama
Oh Fufu, you that would be a good costume, except it better have air holes so you can breathe.
Good evening.
It is a situation that cannot be taken by the pumpkin's narrowing in the neck.
This should help.
Hi Fufu,
If you see this, that means you have already got rid of that "pumpkin head" and can see, so I dont need to help you anymore :)
Well, if you can't see this, I will be back in a few days time. But by then, Im sure you have slim down enough to get rid of that "pumpkin head" :)
Fu Fu, Your pumpkin head was very funny. Comet and I laughed and laughed. Sometimes Comet gets his head stuck in an empty bag of chips and that's really funny too.
You are entirely too CUTE!!!
Fufu you silly little hammie! You never fail to crack me up, hee, hee! I hope Eil or Bibi come to your rescue soon, although Bibi is probably laughing hysterically!
Your pal,
Hey Fufers, you have a real problem in your area with toy discipline. I think I'm going to have to fly in for a consult.
I hope you got out okay. And that no fur was misplaced.
FuFu, you are so funny! Hopefully you got your cute little furry head out ok... But um...were there any treats in there??
Tell your mom to line the pumpkin edge with vaseline and maybe you can shimmy your head out?
While you're in there...grab me some candy??
You should probably claw your human for leaving such a dangerous toy in your cage.
I can teach you my tricks! No prob. Just come visit me and I will have my parents put you up.
Fufu - I think we should all have a Halloween party. Only problem is, I don't have any outfit or Halloween stuff. I wonder is mom will buy it for me
Fu, you are so adorable and funny! I think you should have your own TV show.
Big Wags,
I don't think I've ever met a hamster I liked before, but you Fufu are top notch!
By the way, I like the costume!
I don't think I've ever met a hamster I liked before, but you Fufu are top notch!
By the way, I like the costume!
Hi Fu Fu,
You are lucky to have a 'costume' for Halloween.. My ma said I look scary as it is now with my short fur so I don't need anything else.. *whines*
Hi Fu Fu, when J gave you the pumpkin basket, I'm sure she did not meant for you to use it in such a creative way!
Hmmmmm... that means you no longer need any costumes for Halloween.
I wonder if I will have any Halloween party this year...
Did you find any treats in that tiny pumpkin.sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick's
That last picture is really cute!
You crack me up Fubear with all your little antics! You are one hell of a hamsterrier I tell ya, you the little things you do...hehe.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey FuFu,
You better be careful, maybe that's the evil pumpkin from the Pumpkin Head movies and he's not so nice. He didn't hurt you when you were stuck did he? Do es your hair smell like pumpkin now? tee hee!
Good thing you didn't turn orange.
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
If there's food in there, you can eat while waiting for help to arrive.
My M wanted to make me a halloween costume, luckily she's too busy to go buy the stuff, and halloween's gonna be over, phew!
Hey Boo, yeah Eil can be evil sometimes. But she did help me after that and I forgave her since she always give me treats.
T-Man, I'll be the pumpkin-ster. haa
Umekotyan, are you dressing up for halloween?
Boo boo, I'm out already. Thanks for your offer to help. Hee..
BLU really? Haa.. Comet now I know how you feel... :(
~ fufu
Zach, thank you. You are cute too.
Roo, you are so right. Bibi was laughing his butt off. I wiggled my way out later.
Max, really you would fly in for me. I'm so touch, you would really teach those toys a lesson.
Hi Chicote, no worries. I got out in 1 piece. heee
Toby, there was a sunflower seed there. I was trying to get to it..
Sure Chelsea , I'll pass you candy if I see any. :)\
~ fufu
Hey Meeshka, really but I wouldn't want to chew Eil. She's my best human friend.
salchicha & lilly, those treats were not for you guys? That's sad. Maybe you should talk to your mum.
Hey Cairo, really. That's so cool. :)
Scuba, will you get a halloween suit? Do update us.
Haa. Really Isabella? Well if I do get my own tc show, I'll invite you as a guest ok. :)
Hi Kelsey and Smokey. Hee. Nice to meet you guys too. Glad you like my blog. :)
Huskee, you are not scary at all. I think you're cool with your short fur. :)
Jay really? hiya, the pumpkin did't come with instructions on the usage. :(
~ fufu
Hey Sam, I did. I found ONE sunflower seed in there. haa..
Boomer, thanks. The last pic seemed to be the fav of many. *sigh*
Sunshade. :) Glad I made your day.
Butchy & Snickers, OMG you mean I might actually turn orange. yew.. Lucky that didn't happened.
Herbie, so no costume for you? How lucky...
~ fufu
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