Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fufu's new friend

I got another mail yesterday and it's from Joey and Tanner.

They got me some Yogurt Drops (see Joey even highlight that hamster on that package that looks like me) and some cotton bedding that would fluff up and be very comfy to sleep in. Thank you guys so much, you doggies are so nice. Did everyone read the post where Tanner hack Joey's blog? That was so funny... I hope Joey wont punish Tanner for that coz everyone loves Whatsup!!! Tanner. (esp when he's in that pink shirt)

The stuff hamster also wanna check out that packet of Drops.. But I'm keeping my eye on it... Since Sunshade gave me this hammie, I'm gonna name it.... Sunny the stuff hamster.

See me and Sunny getting friendly here.


Scrappy and Pebbles said...

hahaha Fufu you are just so cute. Joe and Tanner are very nice to send you all those goodies.

Tail wags

Simba and Jazzi said...

wow fufu, you got loads of cool stuff and all that food! You are very lucky.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

That is a big scawie hamster! The yoghurt drops look yummy!

Oscar x

Boo Casanova said...

fufu, is that valentine's gift you got there?? :-) i wanna see the cotton bedding.

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Aren't Joey and Tanner just the best! You and Sunny seem to be getting on really well together!

Love ya lots,

Cash said...

Yogurt drops...ummm that sounds tasty; I wonder if I would like them? You are one KEWL hamster!

IndyPindy said...

Awww, you are so cute Fufu! Hey, you are the exception, you don't have to be neutered!

Finnegan said...

Fufu, you MUST be the most popular hamster EVER! Can I get your autograph, please?

And if you come visit me in my deep snow, I promise to let you ride on my back so you don't get lost in the snow!


umekotyan said...

Fu fu likes the sunshade hamster very much.
The yogurt drop is exactly fu fu.

From loved ume tyan

wally said...

fufu--the yogurt drops look tasty and i'm not even a hamster! mmm. i was worried the video of you and sunny would be dirty. hehe.


Khady Lynn said...

Hi fufu! I want to thank you for the very pretty card you sent for the Chinese New Year and Valentines Day!! That was very sweet!

Cool video! Looks like you might be playing hard-to-get with your new Sunny!!


The Army of Four said...

That looks like a fun pal to hang out with! And those yogurt drops sound yummy! I love yogurt!
Play bows,

A&S said... ROCKSTAR

Peanut said...

Look at all the cool stuff. FuFu you are just to cute. Really you are. My mom says we couldn't have anything that looks like you though since my brother Flash would probably try to eat it. Not me I would just want to play.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hey Fu Fu! You are really getting close up and personal with that stuffie!

love and licks Marv xxxxx

Myeo said...

Very nice of Joey n Tanner. Sunny the Stuff Hamster. That is a nice name..err so the stuffie a boy just like you?

Boy n Baby

Hana said...

Fu fu, you are a celebrity! You seem to know soooo many doggies. It is fun getting gifts in the mail, eh? I don't receive too many, but when I do, it sure is nice. Those are very nice cards you received!

Joe Stains said...

yay, we are glad the presents got there! mom doesn't know anything about hamsterriers so we are glad you liked the stuff! we wanted to taste the yogurt drops before we sent them, but she said no :(

chiyo said...

hehe it's so funny, the stuffie Sunny is so huge, looming over you, but you barely noticed it for a long time :p


Charlie said...

Be careful not to let Sunny eat all your yogurt drops!
- Charlie

Fu Fu said...

Hey Scrappy, Yeah Joey n Tanner are such nice doggies.

Yeah Simba, I'm so lucky to have so many nice friends. :)

Hey Oscar, I'll share my drops with you if you come visit

Boo, Ok I'll try to get Eil to open the cotton bedding for me this weekend

Hey Maggie, Sunny is pretty fun to hang out with.

Jasper, I'll let you try the drops if you come visit me. :)

Hey Indy, phew, glad to hear that I dont need to be neutered.

Finnegan, you're a kewl doggie too. I would love to visit you and ride on your back

Hi ume tyan, Yeah Sunny hamster is very nice

Hee Wally, nah.. no dirty videos here

Oh Holly, you got the cards already. Glad you like it.

Hey Zim, I love yogurt too. I'll let you try the drops if you come visit

Hey Akira & Shiro, that's a kewl Rock star hammie..

Hi Peanut, I'm sure you'll be nice if you get the pet hamster.

Marvin, Hee.. Sunny is a pretty nice hammie.

Boy n Baby, oh.. I haven't check if Sunny is a boy or girl.. Will do so soon. hee hee

Oh Hana, You're a nice doggie too. Have you update your birthday on the DWB calander? I'm sure many doggies will send you cards if they know

Hey Joey n Tanner, thanks for the gifts. Hee, you guys should try the drops, it's nice..

Chiyo, Sunny was so quiet I hardly notice when it came close to me

Good point Charlie, don't want Sunny to eat ALL MY TREATS!

~ fufu