Friday, March 09, 2007

Sunny play time

Sunny came by for a visit and I tried to invite Sunny to my little house for some snacks.

Ok Sunny, please come in.

What, the door is too small? Ok let's get you in 1 paw at a time.

End of the day, that's how much Sunny can come in. I tried to help... Really I did.. I think Sunny needs to go on a diet.

Here's a clip if me helping Sunny, sorry for the darkness. Eil still don't know how to work the lighting for filming videos.

Hey doggies, check out what tigersan did for me.

Isn't this great, I shall not fear jail again. Anyway I was framed the last time, I wasn't really gambling. And with the 2 integrated resorts coming to Singapore soon, I dont see what's wrong with a little card playing. :P


Myeo said...

Hmmm either Sunny has to slim down or you got to get a bigger house. But you were very helpful there.

Boy n Baby

Bogart H. Devil said...

Oh, that is ADORABLE - Fu fu you get cuter every day!!!


A&S said...

oh nice try fu fu, maybe you need a big back door in your house for sunny!

L said...


It was very kind of you to invite Sunny into your house. If you send Sunny to our house, we would be happy to pull out her stuffing. That way she would fit in your house.


chiyo said...

nevermind fufu, sunny can eat with just his head in your house :)

what a useful card that is!!! can i photocopy one from you? is there an authenticity seal?


IndyPindy said...

Awwww, I love your little house! I think Sunny is some kind of giant hamster breed!

T-man Angel said...

You need to ask Eil to buy you a bigger house so you all can fit. Or you can have smaller friends, but then you might swallow them by mistake (hee hee!)


Luckie Girl said...

You certainly are very strong but I think Sunny is a tad bit overweight. Let Dr Luckie help with her/her (sex still unknown)liposuction? FOC. :)
PS : Yesh, Mom and her sisters are all big kdrama fans. Can't figure out why she enjoy watching them without me. Is Eli following any particular drama now?
Annyeonghaseyo Fufu. :)

Boo Casanova said...

hehehe. when sunny was sitting next to you, he looks small but when he wanted to go to your house, he is HUGE!

wet wet licks


Fu Fu said...

Boy n Baby, I think Sunny needs to go on a diet. Thanks for thinking I'm a helpful hammie. :)

Thanks Bogart, you're cute too

Hi Akira & Shiro, really a bigger door just for Sunny?

Comet, what a great idea to help Sunny lose weight fast.

Chiyo, yeah I also think Sunny can just lie there and eat. Sure you can use my card too. It's good to keep 'emergency' cards like this. You never know when you'll need it

Indy, I think so too. Sunny is such a big hammie

T-man , good idea to have smaller friends. You think CC-man can fit in my house?

Yes Dr Luckie. I think Sunny really needs that liposuction. Maybe you can tell me Sunny's gender after you op on it. Oh a Kdrama fan too. :) Annyeong haseyo Luckie.

Boo, yeah Sunny is huge. Shall we call it fat fat sunny?

~ fufu

Herbie said...

You need a new house... and come to think of it, get a new cage as well, new bowl, new bottle, new food!

Luckie Girl said...

Fufu,the only thing is I cannot guarantee that Sunny will be in one piece after zee opaw-ration. Do you mind if Sunny has say only one eye or one ear..maybe no nose? And yeah, does Sunny have any label? Cos I'll certainly remove the label. I hate labels. hehe..
PS : Mom wants to watch the which star planet show too but it was not available at the rental shop.

Simba and Jazzi said...

If you get his head in at least you can talk to each other. I love the get out of jail free card, that could come in handy.

Simba xx

MJ's doghouse said... need a mansion for sunny to mommy was trying to listen the your tv in the background...she couldnt understand anything..but it was fun...i guess sunny cant fit in your car either eh....

Duke said...

You were trying to be so helpful! Sunny simply needs to slim down if he wants to come inside for a visit!
Tigersan is sure smart to get you this jail pass!

Love ya lots,

Murphey said...

That tigersan is a good friend to send you that card! No more time in jail for Fu fu!

Murph the Dog

jaffeboy said...

I think FuFu, U'll need bigger door. At the rate you get treats, U may end up like Sunny too... hehehe... cute cute

Chelsea said...

Sunny should try slimfast or weight watchers. Poor guy.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You are such a cutey pie Fu Fu!

We love you!

Marvin xxxxxx

Finnegan said...

Sunny needs to run on an exercise wheel or something! Good thing you have a get out of jail free pass so if you are naughty, you can just hold up that card!


Liberty Doo Dah said...

At least Sunny can fit his head in so that you could perhaps share dinner with him! It's always good to have a friend! Maybe a bigger house would b e better! That way, we could ALL come visit!

L said...

Hey Fufu, you are sooo cute. I agree with Comet, I could certainly de-stuff you so you could fit in the house, no problem. Just send Sunny to me, I'll take care of the size issue!

PerfectTosca said...

Yo Fufu! I never met a hamsterer before. You are a pretty cool little guy. That must be why all the dogs love you. Listen, over at my blog I ran a contest on what to do with all the Perfect fur mom takes off me and our mutual buddy Finnegan suggested that I give it to you for nesting. So I hopped right over to your cool blog to see what all the excitement is about this cool hamster.

Joe Stains said...

you need a bigger house?! We got your presents today and want to say THANK YOU so much for them!!! We appreciate your mom picking out great stuff for us even if she doesnt know about dogs. We WILL love all of it as soon as we are done being punished for fighting!

Khady Lynn said...

Oh fufu, you tried soooooo hard to get Sunny into your house! Maybe, instead of Sunny going on a diet, which is very hard to do (believe me, I'm still trying) Eil could just get you a BIGGER house so she will fit!


Deanna said...

Cute card!

Nugget said...

Fu Fu, I love the card Tiger made for you. I need a 'Get out of bathtime card'.

The Army of Four said...

Cool card, Fu Fu! I could use one of those next time I'm in trouble!
Play bows,

Sophie Brador said...

Fu Fu, Your friends are fat! You need a house with a double door to fit your fat friends. Oh well. They can't all be slim and trim like you. You must work out to keep that fit body.

Charlie said...

Maybe Sunny could try Tin Tin's diet; it seems to be working for him!
- Charlie

Cash said...

How cute!!! You are sweet to share your house, but I think you need a bigger on if you plan to have such big visitors!!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Sunny won't be able to fit in your cage never mind your house if he gets any fatter!

Oscar x

Isabella said...

You worked so hard to help Sunny into your house! I bet you were wore out by the end of the day.
Big Wags,