Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sunny gone wild

Doggies, look at what Sunny did.. Sunny went for a car ride!!

Sunny sure had a great time checking out the scenary at the window.

Staying cool in front of the air conditioning

Adjusting the mirror (I wonder to see the traffic or to see itself in the mirror)

Then Sunny decided to try it's paws at the wheels. I hope nobody on the road freaked out at the hamster driver.

Eil then remind Sunny of the consequences of driving without a licence. Sunny didn't want to go jail so Sunny decided to be a good hamster and buckle up the seatbelt for the rest of the ride.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow.. Sunny is a well-travelled hamster! Remember to tell him not to drive under the influence of alcohol or he'll end up like 'you-know-who'.. heheheh

Myeo said...

Wow Sunny can drive a car. Maybe you can lend him your pink car to drive.

Boy n Baby

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Sunny sure is a good driver for not having a license. We wish more drivers were as polite as he is. Did you stay home and guard the house?

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Toby said...

Yikes!~ Sunny is driving with no license? Now that's what you call living on the edge!! I wonder if Mom would let me drive one day....


Ben & Darling said...

GG, how come you not in the car??

Boo Casanova said...

didn't know sunny knows how to drive. why isn't he take fufumobile or girlgirl's wheels??

if i know sunny drives, i'll get him to fetch me so i can visit my chiyo before HM goes off to aus. :(

wet wet licks


Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hey! Sunny is very brave! To go on a car ride all by himself!

Luckie Girl said...

Oh wow, Sunny also goes for a drive...sounds fun..I think next time he can pick all of us up and we can have our gathering!

Joe Stains said...

next time sunny goes for a ride tell him to come see us!!

ToFFee said...

How come Sunny gets to drive a hooman car?

I'm sure he's vewy jealous of you getting a pink car!


Nugget said...

Hi Girl Girl,
How does Sunny reach the peddles?

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sunny got to drive the Toyota, when do you get a go.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, that's a good good Sunny boy. I'm usually not buckled up & I can sit or lie down anywhere I want except for the front seat of course. Mommy will usually point the air conditioner towards me & so I get all the cold freezing air at my face! After a while, my eyes & mouth tends to dry up after sitting too long in front of the air-conditioner, lol!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Did Sunny make any stops and do any shopping? How come you didn't want to go too Girl girl? Don't you trust Sunny's driving yet?

Love ya lots,

Gwyn Valentine said...

And i thought playing mahjong was cool, Sunny actually knows how to drive a car? I am impressed. I should try it one day too! :p


Peanut said...

Where did sunny go and did she bring you back anything?

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow Sunny, you're such a telented little hammy!

Oscar x

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sunny got to drive? Mom never lets me drive! Sunny is sooooo lucky!

umekotyan said...

Toyota is manufacturing a gentle car to the hamster. It is addition guard

from loved ume tyan

Asta said...

GirlGirl,If you don't want to take your pink car for too long a dwive, maybe Sunny could be your chauffeure in the big car and dwive you over to visit me..you could pick up a bunch of other cutie fwiendss along the way and I could take you all out to bwunch
Smoochie kisses

Putter said...

Hi Girl Girl! Hi!

Wow, Sunny looks like she is having fun! Will you go for a car ride soonest?:)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow GirlGirl...Sunny sure gets around!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Ume said...

hi Girl Girl,
Sunny can drive? he muz have learnt it from u!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Looks like Sunny had a very fun adventure. Next time maybe you can go with Eil to help drive the car!! How could they take a cute little hampster-berian to jail? That just wouldn't be right. We linked to you from our blog, too! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooh perhaps Sunny could drive you over to Scotland to see me! I am at the top of the map of the UK, right in the centre, to the left of the Haggis Farms!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Tadpole said...

Whew! I'm so glad Sunny didn't get pulled over by the police! He probably would have been sent to a circus with his amazing skills and you never would have seen him again!

Anonymous said...

Wow Sunny! Now I want to drive a real car too!



Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Girl Girl,

Maybe Sunny can come visit us in Melbourne. I'm tired of being the designated dwiver when mum and dad go out dwinking.

xxx Asta down under

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrr Girl Girl
Sunny is driving without a licens Harrrr it is so the pirate way.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Finnegan said...

Sunny can drive? Wowzer! I hope Eil lets you drive too!


Anonymous said...

Girl Girl... Sunny looks cute in the car!! I wish you could have gone with sunny and Eli. Hey, what is that thing that Sunny is leaning on in the first photo?

P.S. The evil squirrel is gone form my granna's yard, YEAH!

Ferndoggle said...

At least Sunny didn't stuff you in the trunk when it went for a joyride! Leave the driving to the bipeds!


Unknown said...

who operates the pedals when Sunny is at the wheel? hmmmmm something to ponder :-)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl.
Sunny was driving the car? And what about you?? Why you weren't there??
Maybe next time you can have a car drive too!!
Have a nice day


Hi Girl Girl,
Lucky Sunny to get out and about like that. Have you been for a ride in that big car? Good to see that Sunny buckled up in the end.
Jazz and Dixie

T-man Angel said...

Sunny is very talented to handle that car. Can he reach the brakes?

Hana said...

Wow GirlGirl, you sure got a lot of toys and things in your house. Maybe you need a bigger house for all your possessions.

You are very smart about the albino raccoon! They would take me away to a zoo and I'd never see my family again. Thanks for talking me out of trying to get the raccoon food.

Bella said...

Sunny went on an excellent adventure - it look great - next time maybe he take you too GG

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Hi Girl Girl, we're stopping by to introduce ourselves. We loves your pictures. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

L said...

Sunny is one lucky girl! Next time I think your mom should let you drive the people car!