doggies, I have finally figured how to make
Joey the Hammie move and get some excercise.

You see that little white ring at his
bum bum, you're suppose to
pull it away from him... Like what I'm doing here.

Then off he goes
jiggling away.. Haa haa..
Joey come
chase me.

Girl Girl, you are so smart!! Does Joey like you pulling on his butt though??
last time, my owner did hd a similar toy like ur joey..
but tat's a pig that she had...
when u pull d white ring, tat fat pig will go vibrating, as if she got electric shock...
Add aerobics instructor to your many talents GG!
Hi, Girl Girl.
Sure Joey need exercise. I think he is a little bit fatty. Glad you found the way to make him move!
Have a good night
Hi GG,
You look so slim next to Joey.. hehehe... I hope he is not stealing ur food though!
Hi Girl GIrl! haha yea Joey definitely needs some exercise;)
oh btw come have a look at my new hammie siblings! they are sooo cute;)
GG, so smart! :) hee hee you have amazing strength! i get tired after i pull it a dozen times :p
you know what? HM went to the bird park and got me a jiggly duck. it's got thicker string on the behind than Joey the hammie, so it doesn't spoil after a few times like the rest.
That is so cute ! But does Joey likes to have that string attached to his butt?
Hmm I sure am glad I don't have a string in my butt that makes me wiggle around, Mom would be pulling it all the time! You guys look like you are having fun!
Hey GG, you look like you're begging in the 1st picture! I'm surprised, you're natural with it! Heeeheee... Mommy has one of those too but it's a puggie in a cage. It vibrates lie crazy too... I don't really get it why but I think it just wants to get out of its cage. LOL!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hahaha GG. You are so cute!! I like your 1st pic. By the way, have you been tagged for the smiley thingy?? coz I tagged you!!
Ha ha ha! Do you have a video of Joey chasing you? This would be very funny to watch!!
girlgirl...thanksyou so much for the birfday came right on my birfday in my mail box...i will take extra extra good care of it...and zippy loves her mouses too...thanksyou sooooooooo much
GG, you are brilliant. Now you can get Joey to chase you as n when you feel like playing.
Boy n Baby
I had one of those they are such fun. You must have super hampster strength to pull that string though.
Tail wags
You are soooooo clever. You look so cute in the 1st picture I want to send you a kiss x.
Simba xx
So that way you both get exercise! Not that you need it, you are in perfect shape. Joey could stand to lose an ounce or two though!
Oscar x
You're so smart Girl girl! I think Joey could use a little bit of exercise! He's looking a little bit roly poly!
Love ya lots,
did they tried putting in the middle of a hullahoop?
JJ did tt to our ham korkor last time. And he doesn't know how to climb out of the circle. he juz keep running in circles inside the loop..
But boy, your strong to move joey around.
Lots of Love,
Did he catch you GirlGirl?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You're very smart, Girl Girl.
But I would think a string on your butt would hurt...At least it's on his butt and not yours. He could use a little exercise anyway.
G girl is lovely.:)
Can trace joey and, to escape can be high?
from loved ume tyan
oooooh Joey is a bit odd then with that thing coming out of his bum bum! How unusual Girl Girl!!!!
I like you best!
Hi Girl Girl,
Thanks for thinking of me. It is still so super busy here. Starry is getting adopted tomorrow and Mom is still finishing up the house to put on the market. She says it will be done this weekend. Maybe then we can go back to having some fun sometimes.
Keep checking my blog, I'm sure I'll be back online soon.
You are so smart to figure that out!!
A ring in his butt. haha At least you are making sure he gets his exercise.
Girl, Girl, you're so cute!
Thanks for saying I look cool with spiky hairs!
I want mommy to make me a black leather raincoat with chains on it and then I'll spike my hairs!!
Girl Girl, I just love your poofy cheeks!
Way to go you smart girl. Make Joey get some exercise so he can be lean like you!
you;re so strong to pull that Joey around, I better not mess with you.
Frenchie Snorts
Hehe, that's so cool! I'm glad you figured out how to make him move.
it must be fun pulling Joey's butt!
You better outrun him after u do the pulling!
Oh Girl! Girl!
What funnest you are having! Super greatest!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hee hee, that is funny, pulling on the tail and it wiggles around!! You were very nice to send Casper one of the jiggling hammies. In his pictures, it looks like he loves his new hammie.
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