OMD doggies!! There was an earthquake last night in Indonesia and several buildings in Singapore felt the tremors and shook. Eil was reading the newspaper at 7+pm last night and she thought she was getting giddy. Then later she felt it was not right was her whole body was swirling in a clockwise direction. Mama (Eil's mom) then asked if she felt the room shaking as our hanging decorations were shaking too. Eil then send text messages to 2 friends living in that area to ask if they felt it too. One reply negative (probably coz she's staying in a low floor) But Huskee's maid replied that she felt the tremors too. It lasted a few minutes before it stopped totally. It was pretty scary, Mama was thinking if we should get out of the building and where should we run to. And Eil was ready to carry my cage to run too. Thank dog it stopped shaking after that.

It's shaking... Come on Joey, let's go hide!

During an earthquake it's best to take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. So I think I should be safe hiding in my little house here.
This morning, Eil's colleague told her that she felt another tremor in the morning and we checked from news from the internet that it's the aftershock. The public here is advised that there is no cause for alarm. We hope that all our friends are safe and ok. Singapore has so far been safe from earthquake and we hope that it'll continue to be so. Our thoughts are with the poor people in Indonesia~

It's shaking... Come on Joey, let's go hide!

During an earthquake it's best to take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. So I think I should be safe hiding in my little house here.
This morning, Eil's colleague told her that she felt another tremor in the morning and we checked from news from the internet that it's the aftershock. The public here is advised that there is no cause for alarm. We hope that all our friends are safe and ok. Singapore has so far been safe from earthquake and we hope that it'll continue to be so. Our thoughts are with the poor people in Indonesia~
run for cover! that would be soo scary I'd probably barf!
Oh dear, that is scary. I am sure I would panic in fact I know I would.
tail wags
Hi, Girl Girl
Sure it was scary. Glad you all are ok!
Take care
you all can come and stay with me. i live on a landed house, i don't feel a thing. stupid mom didn't know there was earthquake until she heard it on the radio last nite. that lady is so slow in everything. what if something happen?
wet wet licks
I am so happy my Girloober Girl Hamoober is safe! That sounds a little scarey, though. Maybe you should sleep in your house for the next few days!
Goober love,
Hi GG,
I felt the tremors too!! Boy was it scary... and it lasted for quite a while, didn't it?!! I ran for cover under the table..
Hey Girl Girl,
I didn't notice anything but I'm not really staying on a high floor so maybe that's why. Mom felt nothing but it's probably cos she's fat and you know fat people are more stable and yeah...yadd yadda...can't feel any tremors beneath them.
I feel very sad for the hoomans who have been affected by this earthquake.
Oh boy!
How awful!! We heard about your earthquake on the news. We are so glad that you and your family, and all our friends in Singapore are okay.
Hope you don't have any more of those!
Koobuss Kisses
Hi Girl Girl, You got to stay in the building until the shaking stops... which is scary. Our last earthquake Mum was in an 3rd storey office and the floor felt like a trampoline.
Earthquakes are bed :(
Me be in them a lot of time here in Okinawa... thankfully nothing too big over here. Smart thinking to find shelter!!!
Maybe we should all pack our bags and run to Boo..hehe
We hope that the tremors didnt give you a bad scare.
Boy n Baby
The only thing swaying last night was my tail. Hmmm...
Anyway everyone take care!
GG, I read the news this morning too. Hope you didn't have a bad scare. It must be a scawie feeling.
Oh man, this is really scawie...
Two years back when my mommy, her family & their stinking cat Tinkerbell(we were not living with them that time)lived in a high rise building.
One night my mommy was rocking back & forth & she thought she was just sleepy coz it was very late that night but when she saw the hangers in her cupboard rocking back & forth too, she panicked & rushed to her parents room to wake her mom up. She also saw her dad's speaker on a stand rocking back & forth. They all panicked like hell & shoved Tinkerbell in a bag & ran out downstairs very fast.
After a few min, the tremors stopped & an hour later, they all went back upstairs to go to bed. My mommy had school the next day. Phew! Scawie...
Hope you guys are okay. Just be prepared with a bag filled with your hooman's birth certs & documents if anything like that should happen again.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I hope you are all ok. I'm glad we don't don't get shaking ground stuff here.
Simba xx
Hi Girl Girl
Earthquakes are quite scary aren't they? We have experienced many tremors here in Tokyo which mum just can't get used to. You were right to get in your little house and hide.
Jazz and Dixie
How scary for you! We've never felt an earthquake! We can only imagine how terrifying it is!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm so glad you are all okay - that would have been way scarey.
We don't have earthquakes where I live in Melbourne, but have seen on the Tv how scarey it looks, so must be much worse in person.
Thats scary!
I think you'll be very safe in your little house.
maybe i should move all of my toys out of my crate and hide in there... i'm sure they can fend for themselves.
I might save mr. moose with me.
It worries about the earthquake of Indonesia.
And, it worries about the shake of Singapore.
Please prepare disaster prevention.
And, I always like eil and girl girl. :)
Therefore, the prize from marvin is dedicated.
from loved ume tyan
We saw the news reports about the earthquake. We were worried about all our Singapore friends.
Thank goodness you are OK. That picture of you taking shelter in your house is so cute. It looks like you are praying.
Stay safe our little friend!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Scary!!! I now how you feel. My master were in Peru when a earthquake occur.
I hope everybody that you know are well. Stay safe please.
A big kiss for you!
oh Girl Girl, I am so glad you had your wee housie to hide under, what a scary time you and your family had.
We don't get big earthquakes here thank goodness, please stay safe!
love and licks, Marv xxxxx
Earthquakes are scarey! We're glad you're ok!!
Girl Girl: How scary! I'm so glad you're safe! You're such a smart hamsterberian to know to seek shelter!
Stay safe!
Wow GG, that must have been quite scary! My human woman lived in Japan for 4 years and she said they use to have them there all the time too. It always frightened her when they happened. I sure hope everyone in Indonesia is ok!
I hope there are never any earthquakes where I live. Mom said there was a small one like 10 years ago, but we don't live in an area where they happen a lot.
Stay safe!
That's scary! I'm so glad you are all okay. I'm actually livin' on a major earthquake zone, but there has never been any since I've been alive, hehe.
Ooh, that's so smart of you to hide in your house. Earthquakes sound so scary! I'm glad you and Eil are OK!
oh girl girl.. glad that u are ok now.. the earthquakes in Sumatra is getting worst and worst.. and more often now.. just be careful ok..
oh dogness I didn't know Singapore could feel the tremors! Thank dog you are ok!
Stay safe little hamoober Giwl
that is vewy wise to go inside youw house
smoochie kisses
Oh, GG, take care of yourself! Good thing you have that nice house to take cover in!
Pooches Smooches,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella
Oh Girl Girl, I am so glad you and your family are okay, smart thinking hiding in your house.
Frenchie Snorts
We are glad you are okay. Stay safe! We don't like earthquakes too.
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