Thursday, October 11, 2007

I love peanut butter

Hey Doggies, do you like to eat bread? I sure do. But what is better then bread? Bread with peanut butter spread on it. Heee and mama had this for breakie this morning!

Of course you gotta give some to your favourite hammie

No Pinky Winky. You sit and stay there, you can't have any....

Oh... so yummy.....

Here's a clip of me getting some peanut butter treats!


Asta said...

I just knew you would have an extwa outfit..don't fowget to go to Blue and tell hew..OK?
You awe such a vewy neat eatew..I love peanut buttew, but it makes my tongue stick to my mouf,heheheh
sooo glad to be back with my GG
smoochie kisses

Kirby said...

Hey Girl Girl,

I looooove anything with peanut butter on it. Last week my mommy had bread with peanut butter and I was jumping all over her for one bite. Boy, was she mad!! I'm so glad your mama shared some with you. Watch out for that Pinky Winky, she looks shifty. J/K!!

Your Pal,

Johann The Dog said...

Peanut butter - oh our favs! And Gracie loves bread, me, not so much. You had us drooling! Woofs, Johann

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Girl Girl,
You should get a baby kong, you could put your peanut butter in there and play with it all day long. We love our kong filled with all kinds of treats even peanut butter.
The beard is coming along nicely thanks for asking, same with Willows.

Take care
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Koobuss said...

Boy, am I with you on that one, Girl Girl! I love bread. And bread with peanut butter is even better!! Unfortuantely, i only get it once a week. Bummer.

Koobuss Kisses,

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Girl Girl,
That was a sumptious breakfast you had. It was nice of Mama to share huh ? :)

Joe Stains said...

you beg almost as well as I do, good job!! I cant believe how much you love peanut butter, you ARE party doggy!

the many Bs said...

Hey Girl Girl, you looked like you really liked that treat and you were looking for more. peanut butter is yummmmy, but it kind of makes our mouths feel funny.

Faya said...

I never try peanut butter.... It is something that we don't find easely it salty ?
By seeing the video I just realised how little you are...and cute....
Kisses, Faya

L said...

mmmmmmmm.... I love peanut butter. But I don't like bread. Do you want to share? I'll lick the peanut butter and you can have all the bread.

PreciOus said...

Wooo, yummy peanut butter! I didn't get to try any before I join DWB. After reading how many friends lurve peanut butter then sista is willing to let me try. Now I am so hooked to it!


Lacy said...

woofies girl-girl!!! u lookies sooo cutes eatin ur bread and peanuts likies toasted garlic bread, yummmys....

b safe,

Amber-Mae said...

Hehehe, you really like peanut butter & bread don't ya? I don't like peanut butter that much becoz it sticks to the top of my mouth & it sometimes glues my mouth shut, lol!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

That looks very yummy. We never tried peanut butter before. Maybe one of these days.

Boy n Baby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thats a whole meal for a tiny hammie like you.

Simba xx

Girasol said...

Actually, bread is the best for me with or without peanut butter.

Duke said...

Mom had the very same thing for breakie yesterday! Mitch hangs out in the kitchen with her waiting for a lick off the spoon. We love our peanut butter too, Girl girl!

Love ya lots,


Oh yummy peanut butter! Mum loves it too!
Jazz and Dixie

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh you sure look like you enjoyed those treats there Girl Girl!

Jeannie says the only way she eats peanut butter is with a spoon straight out of the jar......

She gives me some too when she does that, it is yummy!

fee said...

omdog, u are a greedy little thing like me, gg! so cute when u scale the fence and crane your neck for that little bite of peanut butter then try to scramble out for more. bet it was nice!


Par said...

I rarely eat pj, usually it's cook with food used as a sauce. Though it is tasty.

JuLJuL said...

Hey Girl Girl~ I love peanut butter too~ =D u're sooo cute~ i've linked u up ya.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u like eating peanut butter like jasper?

it must taste great... i shld try tat too

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u like eating peanut butter like jasper?

it must taste great... i shld try tat too

Harry said...

Hmm, ma has mentioned this peanut butter stuff. Think I'll be trying some soon.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Frasier said...

I love peanut butter too though it almost glues my mouth shut!!

Isis said...

peanut butttttttttttttttterrrrrrrrr.... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

i loves that good stuff.

Lizzy said...

Mmmm, peanut butter! It looks good! But I am too embarrassed to eat in in public...


Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl
I have eaten peanut butter only in my frosties. Sure I have to talk with my mom about try it with bread! Looking at you sure tastes great!
Have a good night

Kien said...

it does looks yummy.. but i've tried it.. i dunno i just dun like the taste of it.. but i love bread!..


Stanley said...

Girl Girl!!

You deserve all the peanut butter 1 hammie could EVER eat. Thanks for sharing yourself (and your peanut butter love) with us. I'm having a better day just because I came to your blog.

BTW, I won't get your surprise mailed until Friday my time. Start watching the mail...

Goober love,

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, did I hear some birds in the background of the video? Do you have some friends for CC-man in your house? I love peanut butter too!

Anonymous said...

Oh GG - I love peanut butter bread! I loved your video!!! It is always good to see you in action.

Hana said...

Yum, I love peanut butter, but I don't get it too often. Maybe I can convince my Mom to make me a peanut butter sandwich RIGHT NOW!!!! MOMMMMM!!!!

Ferndoggle said...

I LOVE me some Peanut Butter! You're a lucky Hamsterrier.
