Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hey Doggies, nothing much going on today. So I thought I'll try out roachin' since I see many doggies having fun doing it. So I lay on my back and wiggle.. Hee.. am I doing this right?

The best part is, you can roach anywhere.. Even on the rooftop.

Heee.. I sure look funny in this pose. :)

Sweet Precious have given me this Halloween Sweet Treat Award. Don't that award look yummy...

I'm now giving this award to Sweety (her name is already so sweet) and Hammer


Marie said...

Look at you all upside down! I wonder if I can learn to do that...hmmm...you should come teach me! :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl
I have to tell you that you made my day with those roaching pictures! Sure you were having fun!
You deserve the award sweetie friend!
Have a good night

Luckie Girl said...

You did a great job roaching!!! I didn't know you could even roach on the roof! LOL!!

Joe Stains said...

you are REAL good at roaching! I sure cant roach on my roof top!!

Asta said...

I think you just might be the best woachew of all of us! You should ask Wallyy,since he invented it I think, but Iknow fow suwe none of us lookas cute doing it as you!
I love those pictoowes!
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

hey Girl girl, you can tell you have a lot of dogs for friends. you act just like a dog when you do that.

chiyo said...

you're roaching perfectly, GG :) and what a great idea to do it on the rooftop! suntanning AND roaching at the same time :)

it's raining so much. last night HM couldn't sleep more than 2 hours because it was too cold and she was too lazy to get up and find a sweater.


L said...

Roaching looks like a lot of fun - especially on top of your house. Just be careful not to fall off.

Boo Casanova said...

wah, i thought you were *ahem* dead ler. you sure make a good "bang bang you're dead" trick!

wet wet licks


Stanley said...

Girl Girl!!

WAY TO ROACH, sweet hammie girl! You are a champion roacher, and I think your rooftop move beats anything I've ever seen (even Wally).

You are quite a camera ham for such a little hammie. You always seem to know where the camera is and how to WORK IT!

Goober love,

Lacy said...

woofies GG!!! wow u does dat woachin better dan i does...and on da rooftop too...u needs to give us doggies lessons...and u iz sweets a candy little tiny girlie...heehee

b safe.

Faya said...

You are doing it even better then me ! Bravo Girl Girl !
Have a nice day !
Kisses, Faya

Ben & Darling said...

GG, you are always sooooooooooo active...

Harry said...

Nice roaching! Ma caught me doing my first roaching since I cam to live here yesterday. I suppose that means I feel relaxed and at home here now.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi GG..
Heheheh.. I'd love to be able to roach on top of my house!!

Duke said...

Make sure you don't slide off the roof, Girl girl! You roach very well!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

That's some of the best roachin' I've ever seen! That's, like, extreme roachin'! Well done!


Hammer said...

Dear Girl Girl
No matter what you do .. training for the army, roaching, hanging out with your friends, checking on Eil .. you are absolutely adorable, and we love you. Thank you very much for giving me the Sweet Treat Award. This has made my day.
Love from Hammer

Noah the Airedale said...

You're a very cute roacher GG, it suits you. Keep up the good roaching!

Hugs and tail wags.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Girasol said...

roaching on top of the roof!!!! so funny

Simba and Jazzi said...

You can reach all over the place can't you. Congratulations on your award.

Simba xx

Jessica said...

Wow....Look at you on the roof. I don't think us doggies could do that. You are talented!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Ferndoggle said...

Whoop! You are a master roacher...you don't need to be a dog to roach.


Unknown said...

GG your are sweet .. congratulations to the prize...
a big hug

jaffeboy said...

U can sure do many cute poses! Very agile too. U do Kung Fu practices or yoga?

Miss Badger said...

*kiss on forehead* you are so cute.

Koobuss said...


My, you did an excellent job of roaching!! You are quite good at it. Nice job!! It is fun, isn't it?

Koobuss Kisses,

Agatha and Archie said...

Well GG,We think you win the best of the roaching award!! Whoa.. on top of the roof!! Far beyond what we can do!!! Love A+A

ChaChi Lu said...

Oh my goodness! I am so glad I scrolled down. I just saw a picture of you on your back in a box and I thought, "oh no! " ...quickly to find out you were just having fun...whew!

Love your moves!
ChaChi Lu

Juno said...

GirlGirl, can I give you tummy rub??
Momo xoxo

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Girl Girl
great pictures Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Oh Girlgirl you are so good at roaching I think we could do with some lessons from you.

Have a great day
Scrappy and Pebbles

T-man Angel said...

Hee hee, you're brave to lie on your roof like that upside down!

Kirby said...

Hi Girl Girl,

You are a champion roacher! And roachin' on top of your house. I think you've topped the best of the best doggy roachers!

Your pal,

Myeo said...

That looks like so much fun. Can we come over to join you?

Boy n Baby

Amber-Mae said...

Congrats on your award GG! Hehehe, you look sooo funny roaching. Never seen a hammie doing that before...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer