Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Funny Toosday

Hey doggies, I just read Opy's blog and what is a whoop a$$? It seems to come in a can form and although I have no idea what it is, it really scares little hammie like me....
But something that disturbs me from Opy's post is that there are mean people out there who leave nasty comments in other's blog. I think those people most definitely deserve a few can of that whoop a$$ for being mean.

Ok, is it safe to come out now?? Right, I thought I would post a funny picture of me today to relax everydog. The below pic kinda looked like I lifted my leggie to pee on Joey the hammie. You dogs believed that I did no such thing right. I want to get to the back and Joey was blocking my way... So this is the best way to get past him. Hee hee

I'll be eating my apple on the flower bed today. I heard apples are good, them help to keep the doctor away. Have a nice Toosday everydog.


L said...

GG - you look so cute eating your apple on the flower bed. Much more ladylike than lifting your leg on Joey. Hope you have a great Tuesday.
Comet and BLU

T-man Angel said...

Yes, Girl Girl, you look like a proper lady eating your apple. We know you would never pee on your hammie Joey.

Lacy said...

woofies Girl-Girl....me mama says apples r good, me not eat dem, mayb me shood at least trwy...heehee does kinda lookies like u peein on Joey...

b safe,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hey GG, girls don't need to lift their legs so we know you were just trying to get passed Joey. That apple sure looked good. If it keeps the doctor away, you make sure to eat it everyday! We love our little hamsterrific friend!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

chiyo said...

an apple a day! i haven't been eating enough then! HM only gives me a few bites off of hers


Joe Stains said...

hm it does look like you were trying to make a stain on Joey the Hammie!!

Asta said...

I would nevew think that you would pee on Joey..it's just not like you,,and I think apples a we supew yummie and healthy, I'm glad you like them,..I like them too..you look gweat on youw flowew bed..you can have anything I cook anytime..I'll pouw some thwough the pootew..I hope you get it
smoochie kises,Asta

Boo Casanova said...

ah! GG r u actually a BB?

wet wet licks


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Girl Girl,
That is the sweetest piccie of you eating the apple. It's the teeniest little piece.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Luckie Girl said...

Hey GG,
Wow, u even get to eat on Eil's bed. hehehe.. Mom doesn't even allow Dad to eat on their bed. LOL!!

Simba and Jazzi said...

You look like you enjoying that apple.

Simba xx

Ume said...

u looked so cute eating the apple! i think i need some of dat too!

n yup, u r juz trying to get pass Joey...

Duke said...

We would never even think that you'd pee on Joey the hammie! You're much too sweet, Girl girl!
Your apple looks yummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! But, can you eat that much? Heeheehee...That is a funny picture of you "peeing" on Joey's face.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cassidy said...

Mmm, that apple looks tasty. mummy says me can try some later, yummy!

Cassidy x

Ferndoggle said...

I'm not too sure what Whoop A$$ is either but I want nothing to do with it!

I peed on Sherman's head once. Ha!


Daisy said...

I do not like meanies, either! Enjoy your yummy apple.

Mack said...

Oh yes, you are way too lady-like to tinkle on your Joey! I can tell you are just trying to get passed him!

Amber said...

Yumyum, apples are yummy! weren't you peeing at joey? tee hee, just joking!
have a nice day!

Amber :)

Unknown said...
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Emily and Ike said...

You totally look like you are whizzing on that stuffie!

Kats_Kritters said...

:::hands over another apple::: Cute!

Kats_Kritters said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Faya said...

Girl Girl ! I love the picture of you eating your apple.... on the bed !
Kisses, Faya

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh girl girl...are u a girl is disguise or wat...

u pee like a boy...

maybe u shld be rename as boy boy instead...hahaha

Frasier said...

Hi girl girl
Yeah some people are mean....mommy gets a whole bunch of nasty comments.the worst part is that she can make out who they are but they dont realise it!!

Thor and Jack said...

Girl Girl! I adore apples! That one seems delicious! Enjoy it!


powder-puff said...

Hey girl girl!!

Some people feel good when they put others down, but thats is just wrong!!

You look so sweet eating your apple!!

lots of love

peace out

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!! You get to eat on the bed!! You are so luckyy!!!!Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
I feel bad for that people who make nasty comments. Something is wrong with them!
Peeing like a boy?? HA! That picture is funny!
I love that picture of you eating your apple!
Kisses and hugs

Kirby said...

He he he Girl Girl it looks like you tinkle like a boy, 'cept I don't even pee like that. I still squat like a girl. He he! I love apples too, they are the BEST! Keep making us laugh, it makes me so happy!

Your pal,

Stella said...

Girl Girl!

My bruzzer, hairy Stanley, told me he loves looking at photos of you because you're so sweet and a cutie. I completely agree with him now.

You are the sweetest hammie girl. Don't worry about whoop a$$. It does come in can form, but it will never be opened on you!

Goobette lovin' & kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah

Girasol said...

you are such a cutie eating your apple!

Jan Price said...

We'll have to go check out that whoop a$$ stuff.

jans funny farm