Thursday, January 10, 2008

How long are you?

Hi Doggies, some of my friends have been asking how long is my body length. Well Eil tried to measure me but I wont stay still besides a ruler so we're using her hand instead. My body length is about the width of her palm which is about 7.5 cm or 3 inches.

So how many palm lengths are you doggies? Ok give me a good back rub now Eil!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
You are sooooo small!
As you know I have a looooong body. I will ask my mom to measure it and I will tell you, ok?
Kisses and hugs

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, Eil looks like she's crushing you with her hands!! She's got pretty nails though :)

Mom says I'm about five palm lengths, or about ten Girl Girl's long.

chiyo said...

Eil has such bootiful nails!!! how does she keep them so nice? HM went to do a full manicure a few times and each time it got destroyed within a day (sometimes within the first 2 hours) she's hopeless.

hee i don't know how many palm lengths i am but i am longer than a forearm, that i know! :p


Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Girl Girl,

We thought that we were tiny furbabies, but you sure are smaller :o)

S and C

Khady Lynn said...

Wow are you dinky!! My PAW is bigger than your whole body!! In fact, my paw is probably bigger than Eil's whole hand! It's bigger than my mom's hand!


Hammer said...

Hi Girl Girl
I was just about to say what Holly just said, my paw is as big as you.
Eil's nails wouldn't last long in our house.
Blogger is much easier to upload videos and mum uploaded 3 videos showing the fun we had with all the squeaky toys you sent us for Christmas. THANK YOU GG !!
Love from Hammer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Firstly, love the nails, or Mummy does. Secondly, she'd squeezing you all flat, make her stop. Poor Girl girl.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, you're small GG! And your Eil's nails are really nice! My body length comes up to 12 palms or more. I'm looooong!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh you are a tiny little thing but so very cute. We really like those finger nails. Did Eil do that herself?

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Harry said...

You are so petite Girl Girl. Ma loves Eil's nails. She used to have hers done like that but the lady that did them just moved home to the US, so ma is missing her!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Not sure about my measurements, Girl Girl, but definitely a lot more than you, you Sweet Pea!

Eil's nails are boooootiful.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Unknown said...

hi GG.. our hamster prefered....
how are you???
we recive your card.. tx so much,, is so cute..
we love you

umekotyan said...

Is girl girl about 12 centimeters in length?
It is a lovely size.
The pattern of the fingernail is lovely. :)

from loved ume tyan

Ferndoggle said...

Thanks an excellent question! I would guess I'm about 15 palm widths.


Amber said...

You are so small GG! Eli nails are pretty!

Amber :)

JuLJuL said...

ahhh! nice nails! you're so long girl girl! =DD dat's a compliment, btw.

Mack said...

You are soooo wittle!
But I am glad you let Eil pet you. I bet you are a very sweet hamsterrier.

Boo Casanova said...

hahahaha GG, all eyes are on eil's nails!

i'm sure you have a good back rub. if mom would measure me with her fingers, she needs her toes too!

wet wet licks


Balboa said...

OH MY you are just tooo cute, I have to have my mommy measure me.

Your mommy's nails are so pretty, my mommy just has stubs.

My mommy finally created an award for the Caption Game Winners, can we get your email to send you your overdue award

Our email is

Frenchie Snorts

Girasol said...

you are so small but you have a huge heart.

Stanley said...

Girl Girl!

As much as you didn't like being measured, at least you got yourself a back rub out of the deal. (By the way, Eil's fingernails are very perty... you can tell her I said so, and that I would love to get a back scratch with those nails sometime).

I am about 14-15 palm widths long. If you lived on my back you could have your own racetrack.

Goober love & smooches,

Faya said...

Oh Girl Girl you are so small ! I don't know how big I am but bigger bigger bigger than are smaller than one of my hear !
Kisses, Faya

Lady Kaos said...

Those are some pretty finger nails!! It almost looks like she's trying to squish you! We all know better though. lol I'm probably about 12-15 of Mom's hand lengths and probably about 8-10 of Mom's. (I also don't stand still very long when it comes to measuring and weighing.)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

izit an excuse..

i think eil was taking the opportunity to show us her beautiful manicure.... hehehe

Murphey said...

The only way we would let ourselves be measured is with the palm too! Once the lady got out the measuring tape and Reilly and I FREAKED OUT!

I'll make the lady measure us by palm.


Asta said...


I'm about5 palm lengths long ,but my Mommi has fat palms, awe so vewycute..I hope you enjoyed youw back wub..guess whatI just got youw Chwissmuss cawd today.and it's bootiful..It's gweat to be still getting mail!!! I'm going to miss it ...
I'm glad you like my sissy,she's vewy sweet,you could go fow wides on hew back
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

You're pretty tiny, Girl girl and Eil's nails are just beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Isis said...

it looks like she's squishing your head!

oh noes!

i hope you recover quite well.

I left you an award on my bloggy!

Agatha and Archie said...

GG you are very petite!!! Agatha want to have her nails done like Eli.SHe thinks they are BEAUTIFULL!!! Love A+A

Hana said...

Hi Girl Girl!!! Guess what! I received your beautiful handmade card in the mail! Woo hoo! I love handmade cards, and I really love yours. It's so beautiful and so cute with the little felt hamsterrier on it. Thank you so much. I am going to put it up with my other cards and it will be there ALLLLLL YEAR. All my guests are going to see how cute it is! Thank you!

L said...

GG, you are very small. Our girl's palm is a bit bigger than Eil's (11 cm, including her thumb) and BLU was 11 palms long if you don't count my tail My tail is 3 palms long. Comet is 1 palm shorter than BLU. (tail is the same length)
Comet and BLU

Myeo said...

Nice nails!

Too bad our nails are too small to be painted.

Boy n Baby

Thor and Jack said...

You´re so small! And Eil have beautiful nails!

Love and licks

Hana said...

Is Eil going to paint your nails too? She has pretty ones! And WOWIE ZOWIE!!! She paints them herself!!!!!