Hey doggies, alot of you said Eil's nails are nice in yesterday's post. So I want to show you my nails too. I think mine are long and nice too. And yeah Eil does her own nails but I help her pick the colors and design. Maybe I'll let Eil do a blog post on it next time for all your mums. :)

I found a new toy to play with recently. It's the toilet roll, look there's still some paper left here. I look like I'm wiping my mouth after a meal here. Haa haa

Eil tried to take pictures of me going through the roll. But I'm always too fast for her, by the time the camera snaps, I'm out of the roll already. hee

Have a pawsome weekend everyone.

I found a new toy to play with recently. It's the toilet roll, look there's still some paper left here. I look like I'm wiping my mouth after a meal here. Haa haa

Eil tried to take pictures of me going through the roll. But I'm always too fast for her, by the time the camera snaps, I'm out of the roll already. hee

Have a pawsome weekend everyone.
Woh GG, you sure have needle sharp nails like the kitties do! Good to scare others, hehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey GG,
Next time, Eil can paint your nails too. hehehe....
PS : Eil can teach our DWB's Moms how to do their nails!
Hi GG,
Wow.. your nails are long.. maybe you can ask Eil to help you paint your nails like hers!
You have lovely nails too. May Eil could paint them for you.
Simba xx
Me loves toilet roll tubes too, but me no can ruin through them, whee! Me likes to rip them up and make big mess!
Happy weekend!
Cassidy x
You have such cute nails! Fine and sharp!
Have a good weekend!
Your nails are just as beautiful as Eil's are, Girl girl!
We love to chew up those nasty toilet paper rolls!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We like your nails better then Eli's. My mom wants to know how she types with those things. Mom does not have long nails. I can't believe you fit in a toilet paper roll. Those things are tiny. :)
woofies Girl Girl, Eli's nails r bute ti ful...mama's always chip n split...heehee tell Eli to give ya a papaer towel fingy, iz longer and she can get an ez er shot...
b safe,
Hi Girl Girl
You have the most delicate, long nails. You're a real lady.
I'm fast like you too, 'cept I'm too fat to fit through a toilet roll.
Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer
GG, wow, your nails are sooooooo long ler. u get eil to paint it for ya one day.
wet wet licks
You have very nice nails, too! My mom does her own nails too! She says she doesn't like paying for others to do it when she can to a pretty okay job of it. Whenever she does it though, I like to go outside because the stuff makes me sneeze.
Have a great weekend!
Hey GG, ooooo, I never realised that you had such long nails! They must be good for giving scritchies! J x
I bet those nails come in handy when you rip up that TP!
Bye cutie,
I'm glad you help pick the colors out! i'm sure she needs your help. And, i love your nails, simply gorgeous! And your wiping your mouth manners, well... they're just fantastic!
My favorite toy in the whole world is toilet paper tubes! I love 'em!!!!!!!
Hi Girl girl,
Those nails are SLEEK!!! hahahaa
my nails are black and tough looking :p
Hi, Girl Girl!
I'd love to have long nails like you and Eil! But my mom doesn't let me! She cuts her nails every week and mine every month!
Eil does her nails?? She is a pro!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Hi GirlGirl!1
Your nails are great!! Not only are they pretty, but I bet that they are sharp, too.
Did anyone ever tell you that you are a real cutie?
Toilet paper rolls are great toys and the nice thing about them it that there are so many. You can easily replace them if yours breaks. Another good toy is paper towel rolls. They are like toilet paper rolls, only a lot longer. Try one of those sometime.
Don't forget about our ski pawty next month!
I like toilet rolls also ! But mom is not happy when I play with it. I wonder why ? Your nails are beautiful Girl Girl ! Have a nice week-end !
Kisses, Faya
Youw nails awe lovely just like Eil's I have to keep mine showt fow playing the piano,hehehe..I love toilet wolls too
Have a gweat weekend
smoochie kisses
awwee what tiny nails :o) CUTE
aren't they sharp?
ask Eil to paint them for you .. oh and if she asked you what color, answer her: pink
S and C
ur really a hygienic ham....i never wipe my mouth after every meal...i definately gotta learn from u...
Hi Girl Girl... You never fail to make us smile!! Those are the most dainty beautiful nails that we have ever seen. We think you should paint them red.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
You have such cute little nails! My mom makes me wear mine short or I scratch.
Harrrrr Girl Girl
Great nails Harrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
wow! Your nails are slim amd long...i like it!
Wow, how can Eil do her own nails like that?? That's amazing!
Girl Girl, you have very long nails. Maybe Eil can paint them red so we can see them better :)
Hi Girl Girl,
you have lovely little nails. One of Dixies favourite toys is the humble toilet roll!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Whoo. What long, sharp nails.
Toilet tissue and paper towel rolls are fun to play with. Some of us enjoy it too. Some of us USED to enjoy it, but just don't admit to it since we grew up.
jans funny farm
Do you do acrylics? Or are yours natural? You are SOOOO lucky to have such nice, pink nails. You can wear polish. Mine are black...eeeyeeew....and...well, I like to keep them short for digging and cat chasing. But if I had nails like yours, I'd paint them for sure. You think Eil could do you too? Maybe?
Girl Girl,
Your nails are long e very pretty too! The toilet roll seems to be a fun toy. I hope you´re having a great weekend!
Love and licks
Oh wow. You have reli nice nails Girl Girl~ =D
Hey, Girl Girl. We are new to the blogging community, and stopped by from Sasha's blog to say hi, and introduce ourselves!
We never met a hamsterberian before.
You've very pretty and girly nails! I like them! Toilet rolls are fun, I heard is nice to chew it.
amber :)
your nails are very pretty. do hamsters have to get their nails clipped like us dogs? I HATE IT.
Wow GG... you sure do have lovely nails!!! Oh, I see you have a "tubey"! I posted about one too!
Hi Girl Girl! Hope you had a pawsome weekend. I like toilet paper rolls too! I sometimes sneak a bit onto the roll when they are still on the holder and when they're empty like yours, I like to chew up the role. BTW: your nails are super cool. Long and sharp, too cool!
Your pal,
Toilet paper rolls are one of my favorite toys! Glad you finally get to know the joy of playing with one.
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