Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Keep warm - Let's snuggle

Hey doggies, well it has been windy cold the last few nites but I was kidding about the snowing part. If it ever snows in SingaPaw, I think the end of the world should be near haaa coz we're located at the equator and it'll probably mean the whole eco system is all messed up. Anyway, I found a new way to keep warm. I manage to sneak up to the flower bed and found a doggie to snuggle with.

Then the purple kitty decides to join us to keep warm too. It sure was snuggly warm


Urban Smoothie Read said...

with all the puring rain recently...i feels very cold too...

i think i need to sleep near a stove...

Indy said...

What was a good idea to cuddle up to the doggie. I should send you some of my fur, you could use it to make a bed and it would keep you really warm!

Asta said...


That looks so cozy..I'mglad you'we snuggling with youw doggie and cat fwiends..I snuggle up to Mommi and she sys I'm like a little heater
stay wawm sweetie
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

You are looking very toasty. Keep yourself warm.

L said...

If you can't snuggle with your people, snuggling with other dogs is the next best thing. Glad you were able to stay warm.

Joe Stains said...

You sure do look warm and comfy!

Myeo said...

Its nice to have friends to keep you warm.

Boy n Baby

Noah the Airedale said...

That is a good way to keep warm GG. Hey what is going on with the weather. We hardly had a summer this year.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Karen Jo said...

Snuggling with the dog and cat to keep warm is a very good idea. You look very comfy and cozy.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its always nice to have friends to snuggle up with.

Simba x

Stanley said...

Hey, Girl Girl!

I am very pro-snuggle! Anydog or cat you can get to snuggle with you is a great idea. (I'm sure they are all lining up to snuggle with you).

Stay warm, sweet hammie girl!

Goober love & warm goob smooches,

Mack said...

You are the Cuddlenator!

Deetz said...

Hi Girl Girl...thanks for coming to my blog and reading about Pepper. I didn't know Pepper. I read about the kittie on another blog.

Amber said...

snuggling is very warm! :)


Girasol said...

A cozy place is perfect for a nap.

Daisy said...

It never snows where I live, either. Darn it!

The Army of Four said...

It got warm here, now it's back to cold. We might get snow tonight!
Play bows,

Lady Kaos said...

You're a very smart hammie! Mom says her favorite way of warming up is to snuggle up with her doggies and kitty.
Stay warm!!

Duke said...

It looks like you're all set with your two best buddies, Girl girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am glad you like to snuggle too!

Lacy said...

woofies Girl Girl,,,,sunny but windy here today, highs in da middle 60's...gonna rain again puppys r warm to snuggle wiff...and mama says me makes a pawsome pillow...

b safe,

the many Bs said...

hi Girl Girl, it's nice that you have good friends to get all snuggly cozy warm with. that's what we do when it's cold too.


Anonymous said...

Keep warm Girl Girl :)
My brother and I shed a lot of fur so maybe my Ma could knit you a sweater?
Josh and Jess

The Zoo Crew said...

Stay warm!!! It's windy and cold here too. Where's that warm weather? We're ready here in NM!!

Peace + Paws,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
Sure is nice to have your friends to keep you warm!
Here is windy too!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Woohoo, I'd love it if Malaysia started snowing one day! I'm sick of the sun & rain already...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

William Tell said...

Don't let them roll over on you, Girl Girl! You might disappear from sight.

William Tell

MJ's doghouse said...

wow girl girl you look so warm and cuddly with the teddy bear....i just snuggle with mom and dad....but ...they try and kick me off the bed...