Eil have been training me to
return to my house. You can see that I'll really glad to return back to my
home sweet home. The video is pretty dark, you might want to brighten your mointor to spot me.
squeaky mouse keep calling me out to play. But I just wanna be in my home. There's
no place like home. How about you
come in my house to play squeaky mouse?
You've been trained well GG!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Are you giving your friend a kiss?
Simba x
You learn fast, Girl girl! Eil will be teaching you agility next and you'll be winning all kinds of awards!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Girl Girll,
Looks to me like your squeaky mouse is bigger than you are. Are you able to pull him around by his tail?
You are one obedient hammie girl. If you ever learn to do an agility course like Maggie suggested, I would pay BIG MONEY to see video of you running it.
I'd come to your house ANYTIME!
Goober love & smooches,
What a clever thing you are Girl Girl! Well done you.
Toodle pip
Harry x
You are a better trained hamster then I am a dog. :) I think there is no place like home also.
I would love to come visit you pretty GG!
But my head might get stuck in your door!
Hee, great work GG! Your home looks really comfy.
Amber :)
I wish I had a ladder to climb when I go to my bed. You've got a beautiful home, Girl Girl!
Wow. Your mouse friend is pretty big. Does he run security for you?
Yous should play with your friend, something tells me your friend may have friends that have food.
What a swell home!
There really is no place like home. Especially a home with a squeaky mouse toy!
woofies and burf's girl girl...heehee u iz so cute climbin up dat ladder...and me agrees dey iz no place like home...rocky says he glad he got a good home, he happy now...
b safe,
rocky, bear and angel lacylulu ;)
You are so smart Girl Girl!!! Nice work climbing that ladder!
Well done Girl Girl, you're so smart! That sqeaky mouse is bigger than you though :)
You've got to go here.
Harrrr Girl Girl
now you have to protest and get treats to go in yer hous like yer Cap'n does Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Hi, Girl Girl!
You are right! There is no place like home!
You are so smart!
Kisses and hugs
Girl! You are so cute....so cute!
Hi Girl Girl
I don't blame you for wanting to stay in your home .. you have a pink car to drive and lots of other things to do. I'd love to come over to your house and play squeaky mouse with you cept I don't think the mouse will squeak for long.
Love from Hammer
Hi Girl Girl! That squeaky mouse looks almost just like you!
Good work, Girl Girl! You´re so smart!
You are very smart to go in your house on your own! It must be safe and nice in there!
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