Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can you do this?

Hello doggies and kitties, I was really bored when I decided to try something. Can you curl yourself up really small and try to touch your back feet toes to your head?


Asta said...

You would win the gold in flexibility gymnastics!!!
I can't do that at all
smoochie kisses

Ben & Darling said...

I might need to go to the vet after this activity....hehhe

slurpy licks,

Lacy said...

w00f's Girl Girl, me cant do dat either...

b safe,

kisetsu said...

That's 'hamnastic'. GG you are really flexible. :)

Amber-Mae said...

I think I can do that but not sure if I can do that again after I've put on some weight. Hehe! You are such a good contortionist!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

powder-puff said...

Wow you sure are a flexible hamsterrier!

lots of love

Myeo said...

Oh my god, you are so adorable!

How come you much cuter than our hammies :P

Boy n Baby

Myeo said...

Oh my god, you are so adorable!

How come you much cuter than our hammies :P

Boy n Baby

Duke said...

What an athlete you are, Girl girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

I know someone who definitely CANNOT do it... it's my mom cos her old bones are too stiff..muahahaa...

Goofy said...

I just worried I couldn't go back like what I used to be after this curl up!

Abby said...

Hi, Girl Girl...

You are sooo adorable...

Not sure I could do that...I think I would hurt my self...

Abby xxxooo

Abby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daisy said...

I am going to try it!

Stanislaw said...

I tried just for you!


Faya said...

I am afraid if I do this I will need a good doctor.....
Kisses, Faya

L said...

I can touch my back feet to my head (so I can lick my toes) but not in as tight of a ball as you are. Very impressive!

Dewey Dewster said...

Girl Girl...

If I tried ta do that , I would break inta 12 pieces......yer amazin'...

Dewey Dewster here....

Gaia the Airedale said...

Your sure are skilled girl girl! I like to curl up and lick my butt sometimes hehe....does that count??

puppy breath,

Deetz said...

WOE, you are amazing!
I will have to try that later on....gonna have to warm up first.

Lizzy said...

Girl Girl!

Wow, and I thought I was the only one around who could do that! You and me, we're like the most flexible dog and hammie around!


Toffee said...

I gained too much weight while staying at my Nana's to even see my toes!

YOu look so cute!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Maybe you are part armadillo the way you can roll into a ball..
Problem is what ever toy one of us has the other ones want. Siblings!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Deefor said...

I can almost do that. But not as small and round as you. Amazing.


Moco said...

Please don't get your face stuck to your feet doing that.

William Tell said...

If you make yourself any smaller, you'll disappear. Might be a good trick for peek-a-boo Friday... :)

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
How can you do that???
Sure I can't!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Aaww...Girl Girl, you look so adorable curled up like that! Hmm...I'll have to try it out.

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, you're very flexible, Girl Girl!! I could never do that.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

I am not that flexible. Oh wait, yes I am but I have longer legs.

Princess Eva

Mack said...

Eil is welcome anytime over here.

Joe Stains said...

Tanner can do that, but I have never tried. That gives me something to do this weekend.

Gaston said...

I can't do that neither, you are very flexible!miauu

Dexter said...

Girl Girl - That is truely amazing. You are such a talented little hammie.
