Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Friday

Hello every doggie and kitty, it's FRIDAY~
Let's play hide and seek, try to spot me

And now try to find Bae

Have a pawsome weekend everyone~


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Girl Girl and Bae!

Hope you have a great weekend too! You all look so cute in your hiding places, I have a hard time spotting you! hehe!


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, you two hide sooo well!!


Gucci said...

Ooooh GG, that stuffie thingie in your picture almost had me fooled! Hehehe. You need to help BaeBae with her sneaky hiding skillz.


Moco said...

You two are getting really good at hiding. Have a great weekend back at you.

Asta said...

GirlGirl and Bae
You two awe expawts in camouflaging youwselves, but I found you bof finally!
have a lovely weekend
smoochie kisses

Karen Jo said...

I see you, but it wasn't easy. Have a great weekend.

i said...

I can spot both of you hehe...but after some scrutinizing though!

Have a great weekend!

Amber-Mae said...

You hide so well while Bae still needs some practice...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ben & Darling said...

I cant find you GG!! Where are u?? and how come Bae got pinky bedding?

slurpy licks,

Duke said...

We think we see you deep in your house, Girl girl! And Bae is playing with the pink popcorn!
Have a nice weekend!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe I should get my mom to take my leftover hair khlumps and make me my own hamstertarian!

Happy Weekend and Happy HIDING!!


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Girl Girl & Bae,
Do you both live in the same house?
Have a great weekend...woo hoo.

Noah xx

Snowy and Crystal said...

hide and seak pictures of yours GG always put a smile on our faces

wait a min, we sure have been missing alot

welcome to the blogging worl Bae :o) and to the hide and seak games *hehe*! you sure is a cutie and kindds remind us of Husky the hamster in a lighter color =D so very cute

Maltese Paws

Simba and Jazzi said...

I love hide and seek. Can it be my turn to hide your house next week?

Simba x

One Little Birdie said...

You are such a very good hider, Girl Girl, but we thinks Bae needs a little more practice ;)

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Gee! every time you two playing hide and seek I have to place the picture under a microscope to identify the subjects!
I have spotted you but I won't tell, hehe!
Bae, I think you're more playful than the calm girl but vicious attacking hammie? I think not!
Bluey Wooey, let me kiss your tail to make peace, love you all.

Stanislaw said...

You are a sneaky duo! Your little dens look so cozy.

Daisy said...

You are both very well-camouflaged! Happy weekend!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are so invisible.. We can't find you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I see you both! Have a pawsome weekend too!

Luka & Ezri said...

Wow, you've grown and look a little like a guinea pig.

Oh, wiat, thats not you.

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee you two really like ta hide 'n seek...but I can see ya both this time....tag..... yer it !!!!

Dewey Dewster here....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
Bae is learning how to hide herself too!
I can see you two there!
I hope you have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Juno said...

Well cone, GirlGirl and Bae!! We really had to stare at the pc screen!! :)

Thanks for your kind message about our human brudder. He's doing well and he turns one month old today!

Have a good weekend!
Momo & Pinot

Joe Stains said...

With all those yellow streamers it looks like you are having a party in your cage!

Hugo said...

It looks like fun! Can I join in too? *Beams*

Deefor said...

You need to give Bae a hiding lesson. Have a good weekend.


Luc and Remy said...

Okay, Girl Girl--you were awesome at hiding this time!! We could barely see you! Bae is good, too!!

L said...

You two girls are both so good at hiding! Have a great weekend.

Thor and Jack said...

I can see you two!
Have a pawsome weekend too!

Love and licks

Abby said...

Hi, Girl Girl...

I found both of you, but it wasn't easy...

Bae needs to take a few lessons from you, though...But you have been practicing longer...

Abby xxxooo

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrrr Girl Girl
I found you in yer house Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Eric said...

Pawsome hiding hammies.I could hear you making little snufflies too, hehe!! How are Bae and Bluey Wooey? Still squabbling? You stay comfy in the pinkie house

Wags, Eric

Stanley said...

Girl Girl!

You two could be circus hammies... the Incredible Hiding Hammie Sisters! I bet you could get a circus gig with NO PROBLEMS!

By the way, I see you guys.

Goober love & smooches,

Shmoo said...

You hide very well, I have no idea where you are... is it a trick? Are you not there at all? We could use some hamsters with invisibility powers in HULA.
