Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Goodbye Girl girl

Hello friends, Eil here.

I'm very sad to let you know that Girl girl has left us last night and cross over to the rainbow bridge already. She had been a very brave and strong girl to wait for everyone in the family to return home from work to see her for the last time. When I returned home last night she was laying on her side still breathing. Then a while later, she left us to join angel Fufu.

She'll be 2 years old come next January, Girl girl went due to old age. 2 years is the average lifespan for a hamster.
For the short time she's been with us, she has brought us so much joy.
She's also the sweetest and tamest hamster who'll let us handle her. So far she's the only hammie allowed on my bed. And who would crawl back into her home when let out to roam around.

Here are some of my favourite pictures of the sweet girl

Goodbye Girl girl. You have been such a sweet friend and comfort to our family. There's no doubt that you'll be an angel at the rainbow bridge
I hope you had enjoy your time with us as much as we had with you.
We'll see you again someday~


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Mom is leaking fur the both of us -

Please hold her memory in your heart just like you used to hold her khuddly fluff!


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We are sad for the passing of Girl Girl. Thank you for sharing her with us!

The Army of Four said...

Oh, Eil! We are so very, very sorry for your loss! Thank you for letting us get to know Girl Girl via the blog. She was a very special little hamsterberian!
Tail wags,

Dakota said...

It's so sad when they cross. Find comfort in knowing she'll be there waiting.
As Turbo said, thank you for sharing with us.

Dakota of the East and The Mom

Peanut said...

Oh Eli we are so sorry. Girl Girl is with Fufu now

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Girl Girl...she was such a sweet friend to me. I had great fun reading her posts...run free,Girl Girl. I'll see you someday too. =(


Teddy Westlife said...

I'm sorry to hear about Girl Girl. Hopefully she is running free across the bridge now.

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Anonymous said...

Oh no :( Rest in peace sweet Girl Girl. Run free at the rainbow bridge and give FuFu a hug for us.
hugs, meows, and puppy woos,
Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie

Lacy said...

Very sad woofs, ooo noo, my heart is breaking..she will c fufu again, and all of our precious "kids" thats at the bridge..RIP sweetie..

a very sad,
angel lacylulu and

Shmoo said...

Run free honorary HULA member and beloved Hamsterrier. Please tell FuFu hello for us, you will be missed, until we meet again.

Loki (Mutatoe)
Sam (Spineless Bionic Hip Puppy)
Human Woman
Human man

Carolyn said...

Oh I am so sorry for your loss! There has NEVER been anyfurlittleone like Girl Girl.

Maddox and Shelby also send their love and sorrow--they have four mice, and know that though lives of the little ones are way too short, they bring such joy.

Girl Girl definitely brought that.

Indy said...

Oh, we are so sad to read this! Our favorite picture of her is the one with her stuffies. She sat so still it was hard to pick her out!

Lots of hugs to you and your family. We are all thinking of you,

Indy and family

Kirby said...

Oh, my heart is broken. Mom and I are both leaking over here. I'm sad that Girl Girl is gone, but I'm happy that I got to know her and got to see what a wonderful hamster she was. May she run free at the rainbow bridge with Fufu. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Eil. Please give Bae bae a kiss from us.

Your pal,
Kirby & his Mom Kirstin

Khady Lynn said...

Oh no!!! I am soooo sorry! I can't believe she is gone already, and that it has been that long since sweet Fufu left too.

GirlGirl will be met at the Rainbow Bridge by Fufu, and so many other DWB members who have left us. My heart goes out to Eil and the rest of the family.


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

so sorry to hear about Girl Girl. She had a great life, thanks to you.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur

i said...

We're quite shocked, actually. Just came over to visit Girl Girl yesterday and now she's gone. We're really sad and we'll miss her. RIP, Girl Girl. Hugs to you all.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

OH NO. Long before I ever started a blog, I read FuFu's. I cried and cried when he went to the bridge. I never commented on FuFu's posts or Girl Girls. Yet, once again I cry over a hamster.
RIP Girl Girl and hugs to Eil.
Jamie and the kids

Summit the Super Mal said...

Woos for Girl Girl. I'll see you at the Bridge some day. Use that sweet nose of yours to find the best sunflower seeds while you wait for all your furiends.
Your pal,

Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about Girl Girl.
Thanks for sharing her life with us.
Lorenza and mom

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We awe so vewy sad, mommi is leaking again..sweet GirlGirl bwought so many smiles to us and helped us when we wewe bwoken heawted ovew the loss of Fufu
I had so many fun adventoowes in hew company..I'll nevew fowget..ouw ski twip, chwissmuss pawty and all the othews..and how she slept on the pwincess bed I sent hew..I will miss hew but know we'll see each othew again someday. Fufu must be happy to have hew at his side..my love to Eil and Bae Bae
sad smoochie kisses

Kapp pack said...

Safe travels to the rainbow bridge. Mom says Fufu reminds her of the hamster she had back in college. They named him "Mouse".

Kisses, Sky boy

Helios said...

bye bye girl-girl. Go look for my big brother at the rainbow bridge.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Farewell sweet GirlGirl - hope you and FuFu are hooning around in the FuFu Mobile.

You will be greatly missed - you will always be part of the dwb family.

Eil - thank you for sharing GG with us.


Brooke, Greg, Opy & Charlie

Southbaygirl said...

I am so sorry for your loss! I just came back from the vet myself after sending my dear boy, Winton, to the rainbow bridge! If only they could live forever!

Rest in peace Girl Girl!!!

Velcro, Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Mom(Penny) and now angel Winton

Raising Addie said...

--sniff, sniff --

We're so sorry that girl girl is gone.

We love the pictures that you have chosen as your favorites! They are our favorites too.

You gave Girl Girl a wonderful home. She will always be your guardian angel hamster.

Goodbye sweet Girl Girl. We loved you like a part of the family.


Maggie said...

Oh goodbye girl2 see you at the rainbow bridge...
i hope you'll be happy there okay
be good girl2 ...
last licks and kisses
from me

Ben & Darling said...

Sorry to hear that Eil...

GG is a brave & sweet girl just like Fufu. Im sure she is running free with Fufu over the rainbow bridge, chewing sunflower seed and play peekapoo with all our dear friends....

Goodbye GG, till we meet again.

SLurpy licks,

Goofy said...

oh... mom and i were sorry to hear this news... sad news for the day.. GG is really a sweet little gal.. we gonna miss her so much!!!


Boo Boo said...

Good Bye GG.

Take care Eil, thanks for sharing GG with us.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Eli...we are so sorry to hear fo Girl Girl's passing...we know she is with Fufu...

We love her dearly and can't imagine blogging without her sweet presence...

We know she's at the rainbow bridge and is ready to welcome friends to that very special place

Run free, Girl Girl...we love you!

Sad sad barks,

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan

Kien said...

Am so sorry Eil.. i wish i can be with you right now.. but i know GG had been enjoying her life with you and your family...

rest in peace, Girl Girl..

we always remember you..


nl1990 said...

safe travel to the bridge GG

{{hugs}} to Eil and family


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We are so sod to read this post. We loved reading GirlGirl's posts.

Two years .... that might be a long time in hamster years, but it must seem like way too short a time to you.

Special purrs, {{{hugs}}} and tail wags.


Sparky said...

Oh no!

I'm so sorry to hear about Girl Girl... Well, she's had a good long life for a hamster, with the best humans she could possibly have... Good bye Girl Girl, we will miss you dearly.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Eil...
Mom and are so very sad. We will miss GG so much, but know she is running free with FuFu and all our other friends.

Be strong Eil...

Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby and Michele

xiaocangshu said...

Gosh... that's sad...

MJ's doghouse said...

i dont know about you but i am geting a little annoyed that this bridge is stealing all my friends...but however...i hope your journey was wonderful GG...we will miss you dearly......

Charlie said...

Eil, we are so sorry to hear about Girl Girl's passing. You did such a wonderful job of chronicling her life. It was clear that she loved you as much as you obviously loved her.
- Anne & Charlie

The Brat Pack said...

Oh, Eli...we're so, so sorry to hear this news. She will always be in our hearts and we're thinking about you all.

Maryann & The Brats

duo_disaster said...

We're so Sorry to hear that Eil,

But be comforted that she is to join Fufu in Heaven eternally.

Goodbye GG, till we meet again.

We will miss you much,
Rudolf & Goofy

The Musketeers said...

Sorry for your loss !
Girl girl ! run free ! Rest in Peace !
You will forever be in our hearts !

Lots of Loves ,
Four Musketeers

Simcha said...

Soft sad woo's can be heard from out house for Girl Girl's family.


BrandytheGreat said...

We're sorry for your loss, Eil and family. We sure know how it feels. We also want to thank you and Girl GIrl for bringing so much joy into our lives. We LOVED reading your posts, and enjoyed playing hide and seek with Girl Girl. May she run free and always be happy at the bridge.
Brandy theGreat and Gang.

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi Eil!

I am so, so sorry to hear this sad news.
Girl-Girl was such a sweetie.
I loved to see her photo's & the way she participated in everything.
I will miss her visits to me too.


Cat Naps in Italy said...

Oh Sweet little Girlgril, rest now little one. It is sad to know that you have crossed the bridge, but I just know that your brother was waiting there to welcome you with open paws.

My brother went to the bridge just two months ago. I know that Rosoce and Girlgirl will become great friends. They will all be watching over us from beyond the bridge...

Simba and Jazzi said...

No, no, no, no!!!!! Say it isn't true. We will miss Girl girl so much. But we know she will be happy with Fufu.

Simba x

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We's just finded out about GirlGirl going to tha Bridge from Opus.
I's posted it on tha Cat Blogosphere and tha Purrs and Purrayers.
We will certainly miss her.
Lots of purrs to comfort her fambly...

fee said...

goodbye, girlgirl. i'm sorry i haven't visited as much lately. say hello to fufu for me when u see him. u are both dearly missed.


Daisy said...

I am so sorry to learn the sad news about Girl Girl. She will be greatly missed. My sincerest condolences.

Duke said...

We just found out and already we're crying buckets! We will miss you so very much Girl girl! We hope you and Fufu have met up already at the rainbow bridge! Our thoughts and prayers go out to Eil.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Pipa said...


We're so sorry... she was beautiful!
She'll be happy in the sweet rainbow bridge, you'll see!

Lot's of kisses,


Everycat said...

I am so sorry for you loss. Girl Girl was a lovely hamster and I am sorry I didn't get to know her.

I send you rumbly purrs and love

Whicky Wuudler

Princess Patches said...

We are sooooo sorry about Girl Girl. Thank you so much for sharing her with us! We know she will be cared for by Fufu and all of our doggie pals at the bridge. Run free sweet Girl Girl!

Sad Aire-hugs,
Poppy, Penny, Patches & their Mom

Kaz's Cats said...

We're so sorry that Girl Girl has left you. We can see that she was very much loved, and our hearts go out to you all, especially Eli.

Sending hugs to all of you,

Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so sorry to hear about Girl Girl, our sincerest condolences.

Purrs & Hugs ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Abby said...

Me & my Mom are so sorry to hear about Girl Girl...We know she is with FuFu now & they are playing & hiding & sharing stories...

We will miss our Dear Friend Girl Girl so much...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Me & the Mommy are both crying now. Girl Girl was very special and the first hamster we every meet. We started visiting when we heard about FuFu and now losing Girl Girl is so hard.

She is always be in our hearts. The Mommy hopes she and FuFu fibd my big sister Samantha at the bridge and become good friends.

God bless...Mona & the Mommy too!!

Thor and Jack said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. Goodbye Girl Girl. You will always be in our hearts.

Love and licks

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Girl Girl, Bae and Eil,
When I look at my blogrolls this morning, I saw the new post title in The Four Musketeers: Rest in peace Girl Girl, I couldn't believe my eyes.
No Girl Girl, I only have 5 months with you since I learned how to blog. Since then, you had been my dear friend who always left a kind nice words in every entry that I posted.
Last week, I was excited when I read back Huskee's post that you were his wedding planner, how cool, I had thought of asking you that favor in the near future.
I enjoyed playing hide and seek with you, now that you crosed the bridge, one day I'll be there, we'll continue the game, right Girl Girl?
Today is my very sad day, I have a lump in my throat and my eyes moisten with tears.
You'll never be forgotten Girl Girl.
Kisses and hugs to Girl Girl, Bae and Eil.

Hammer said...

OH NO, not Girl Girl !!!!!
This is just too hard.
Love from Hammer, Susan and our family

umekotyan said...

Good evening Girl Girl.
Very, it is a sad thing.
I learnt the sadness of Eil following Fu Fu.
Please have Eil and the nature importantly though I am sad.
I think that Girl Girl smiles with friends of Rangorbrigge.

from loved ume tyan

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

We were visiting Asta's blog and saw the news about Girl Girl. We never had the pleasure of meeting her or Fu Fu. But we send you caring thoughts during this difficult time.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Deefor said...

I am so sorry to hear such sad news. I loved seeing Girl Girl on her bloggie. I will miss her.


The WriggleButts said...

We are so sorry for the loss of GirlGirl. She was such a special hammie.

Ane, Bajas & Virus

Mack said...

Dearest Eil,
I am so sorry to hear of GirlGirl's passing. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain.

Mack & mom

cookie said...

We were very sad to hear of Girl Girls passing. As said before we would like to thank you for sharing her with us. It was really fun to read her blog. We will see her again someday across the rainbow bridge.
Cookie and crew

Kathryn and Ari said...

I'm so sorry. We'll be thinking of you.

Forty Paws said...

We are sending tons of purrs and many purrayers your way. We will see her again one day at The Bridge.

Luf, Us

Dexter said...

Goodbye Girl Girl. We are all leaking from our eyes for you, but know you are an angel now with Fufu and lots of other good friends.

Mango and Dexter

Toffee said...

Ohhhh...I am so sorry...we all loved Girl-Girl so much. It is always hard losing a friend; it never seems like enough time. I am sure Girl-Girl and FuFu are munching on the most heavenly sunflower seeds together right now.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Toffee & toffee's mom

Beckett said...

We are so sorry for your loss.

Beckett & mom

Stanislaw said...

Sweet Girl girl! We will miss you very much. I hope there are piles and piles of sunflower seeds over the bridge waiting just for you. You were a fantastic blogster!

We think that photo of you amongst the stuffies should be poster sized! It's such a wonderful photo.

The Cat Realm said...

We are so sorry to hear these sad news and our hearts go out to you! We will always remember her, and the wonderful life she had with you!
And be assured - she already has nomss friends (Anastasia, Emil, and many others, I am sure) at the bridge!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl

Jack & Moo said...

Sending sad wooos for Girl Girl. We loved reading about your special hamsterberians, and know that FuFu was there to greet Girl Girl at the bridge. Bless their fuzzy little hearts.

Your hammies bring back fond memories for me of the many sweet hamsters I grew up with, especially Raisins, Fuzzy, and Buttons.

Star & Jack a-roo

Faya said...

Ma petite Girl Girl d'amour, je ne t'oublierai jamais..... Faya & Dyos

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so sorry for your loss.

Junior, Orion and Meowm

Ferndoggle said...

Goodbye Girl Girl...thank you for sharing your life with us. You will be greatly missed.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Petra said...

Girl Girl, you were the best hider in the world. I will miss you so much. Thanks for being my friend, and one day I'll see you again.

Love, Petra

the many Bs said...

good bye Girl Girl, we are going to miss you. we hope you will be happy with Angel FuFu and watch over us. we have enjoyed sharing your adventures. thank you for sending us pressies. we will never forget you.

hugs and gentle licks for Eil.

sad woofs from the 4 Bs

FleasGang said...

So long, Girl girl. Have fun hiding in plain sight with Fufu over the bridge.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh girl girl, you really left us too soon. We're so gonna miss you! You & Fufu now can reunite at the Rainbow Bridge. Have a hamsterific time up there mah friend!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cafe Cats said...

Sweet dreams, GirlGirl.

Strength and love to you and your family.

Sara and the Cafe Cats.

Copito said...

oh my!!! :( I'm so very sad :'( I can't believe it, my GirlGirl I don't want say goodbye baby, no, I don't want :(

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Sweet Girl Girl,

You have been such a kind friend, and so generous. I won my first contest with you and Bae. I will miss you. And when my time comes i will see you on the other side of the bridge

Tears & Puppy Kisses

Coco - The Princess

Eric said...

Oh Girl Girl, you don't know how much I'm going to miss you, my sweet bestest special hammie friend. The photies of yo are lovely, just like your sweet nature. Love you lots. Run free and be happy. Big licks and consoling nuzzles to Eil and her family. Me and Mom send you much love. Eric x x

Hana said...

We are so sorry to hear about Girl Girl's passing. She lived a very good life with you and her family.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Goodbye GirlGirl, we'z gonna miss you.

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh our dearest little Girl Girl,We three have very leaky eyes right now. We hope you are running free and playing with FuFu over the Bridge right now. We know there are lots of wonderfull friends to take care of you. We send lots of love to Eil and Bae Bae....Love Agatha and ARchie and PL2

Unknown said...

Eli and Bae Bae,

We know you must have a hamster-size hole in your hearts today. In her two years, Girl Girl made friends around the world, touched so many lives and provided countless gentle smiles when most needed. She led a very full and productive life.

No doubt Fufu was there in his Fufu mobile to pick her up on the other side of the Bridge.


Petey and Mica

Toby said...

Goodbye Girl Girl..... we will miss you so much. I hope you have met up with Fufu at the bridge and the two of you are playing and having fun.

Eli, I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care.

Joyce & Toby

William Tell said...

We have grown to love Girl Girl, too. Thank you for sharing her sweet personality with us. I especially liked the photo of her with the stuffies. We can tell she was very much loved in your home.

William Tell, Cap and Glynn
and their teary-eyed Mom

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are so very sorry to learn that GirlGirl went to the Bridge. Our purrsss and purrayers are with you and your fambly

Juno said...

We're very very sorry to learn about this news, Eil and family. We will miss you so much, meantime you will join Fufu. Please run free over the bridge with Fufu.

Momo & Pinot

Moco said...

It has been our honor to be counted as one of Girl Girl's friends. She and Fufu are no doubt driving all over in the Fufu mobile visiting all.

Ruby and Penny said...

Run free, little one.

Ruby the Mini Dachshund.

Sassy Kat said...

I am so sorry that Girl Girl went to the bridge. My heart is hurting for her family as I know you all will miss her a lot. There is a place where you can light candles in her memory. If you want that address email me at sassycatlittle@yahoo.com and I will sent you the address.
I lost my nephew kitty just only two months ago and it helps me to feel a little closer to him when I visit the candle lighting place. It allows me to leave him a message and then I light the candle.
Though you are sad try to find comfort that Girl Girl will be with old friends that have gone before her and she will make new friends too. She will forever be free of illness and forever be waiting for you all to be together some day.

Deetz said...

We are leaking here too. Girl Girl was one of my first furry friends on here. I will really miss trying to find her on Hide and seek fridays. Only two years! Life is very short for a hamster and I had no idea. I know Girl Girl is floating on clouds and eating lots of cheese right now, but I will still miss you my sweet hamster friend.
Deetzy and family

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am so sad to hear this news. I will miss GirlGirl so much. She was my very first hammie friend. Purrs to you and your family over this loss. My sisters and brother and I are thinking of you.

PB 'n J said...

We're so sorry to hear about GirlGirl - she was such a great friend to so many buns, woofies, kitties and hammies - she will be missed.

Purrs for her and to your family,
Pearl, Bert and Jake

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Oh, no. :( We're so sorry for your loss.


Putter said...

OMG! Eli! We are just hearing this awfully sad news now ... We are so very sorry and we will miss Girl Girl greatly ...

Our Love,

Putter and Kate

Eduardo said...

I will miss GirlGirl. I'm truely sorry for your loss.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Anonymous said...

Goodbye sweet Girl Girl, we'll never forget you. You were such a nice friend and one of our first. Our Ma says you should look out for her little hammie Lancelot, she crossed the rainbow bridge in 2004 and just like you she was one of the sweetest girls ever (although Ma first thought she was a boy!!!). We're sure the two of you will become great friends.

Blessings, Josh and Jess

Fenway said...

I never wrote directly to GirlGirl but enjoyed reading her posts and messages.

And now it's too late. I'm so sorry, GG. You were a sweet and wise hamster.


Lady Kaos said...

Oh, no. We are so sorry to hear about Girl Girl. Lots of hugs to you! We loved Girl Girl very much and we know she's having a lot of fun with FuFu.
Kaos & Hilary

Rambo said...

We are sorry too! We hope your Girl Girl rests in peace.
Rambo & Midget Molly

Murphey said...

Oh my Eil, we are sorry to here about Girl Girl, two years can go by so fast. We will miss her.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

So sorry to hear of GG's passing. She will be sorely missed by all her pals. J x

Amici said...

I am so sorry to hear about Girl Girl going to the rainbow. My thoughts and love go out to you and your family

Islay said...

Girl Girl, I will miss you terribly. You were the sweetest fluffiest little creature and brought so much joy to so many - I always liked stopping by to see what you were doing. It always left a ray of sunshine in my puppy heart. I will see you at the rainbow bridge, my furry friend!

puppy love
from Charlie & human

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We just stopped by to tell you how sorry we are for you. She will meet lots of new friends over that bridge and surely miss you. All our thoughts are with you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Girl Girl; I was so very nice knowing you the short time we were blogging friends. I am sure you have left your family and blogging friends with many happy memories. XOXO Peanut

Pedro said...

Oh Eil, we are so sorry to hear that Girl Girl left for the Bridge. We will miss her sooo much. Our bird Edward the canary left for the Bridge on Monday so maybe they're meeting each other right now. We hope Bae will continue in Girl Girl's tradition. Our hearts go out to you.

Pedro & my mom

Puglette said...

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of GirlGirl. She had a special place in my heart. You have my sincerest sympathies.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We had to come back...we've been thinking of Sweet Girl Girl all day! How beloved was this little sweetie! She represented all that is good. She was innocent, fun loving, gentle and loved and was loved by all!

Run free Sweet Girl!

Scruffy, Lacie, Babystan and Mumsie

A&S said...

oh sweet girl girl. we first met fufu and loved his sense of humour and adventurous nature, then we met you girl girl and fell in love with your sweet demeanor and gracefulness. We are really sad to hear that and the sis is crying too. we will miss you but we know you'll be with fu fu and going on great adventures!

Kodak the Eskie said...

OMG! I am so sad at the news that GirlGirl passed away. I so was not expecting this. Please know that we fell in love with her and she filled the hole that Fufu had left. I'm glad she a full, good life. You gave her lots of joy.

Hugs, Kodak (& Kathy)

Isis said...

we just heard the news, and are very very very very sorry. One day, we will all meet again at the bridge... until then little angel...

Whimpurr said...

I'm so very sorry! :o(

Par said...

Oh my, so sudden,
Pearly and I send hugs your away!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We are so sorry to hear that GirlGirl has moved on to the Rainbow Bridge. She has been a joy to so many of us but especially to your and your family. We know she will have wonderful stories for FuFu and they will enjoy getting to know each other. We wish there was something we could say to make this time easier. Just remember that you and your family are in our prayers.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Mr. Hendrix said...

we read about GirlGirl at Astas. We are very sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet girl. We're sure she and FuFu are burrowing in sawdust over the Bridge right now.

We will purr and pray for your family. purrrrrrs

powder-puff said...

Oh no me and my mom were shocked to hear of girl girls passing. She was such a special friend to you and everyone at DWB and she will never be forgotten. We are sure she and Fu fu are so happy to see eachother again and we know other dogs who have already passed will definitely look after her.

We are sending lots of prayers your way

love powder-puff and her mom

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Bye bye lil Fluff Girl Girl. Please give Fufu a big hug from me.

Bussie Kissies

Harry said...

Oh Eil, we haven't been blogging for ages and now we log in to see this sad news.

Thak you for sharing GG with us, she never failed to make us smile.


Clay's Mommy said...

Good bye Girl Girl. Wishing you peace and love in Rainbow Bridge.

Jack and Abby

bk said...

I have been reading your blogging from my sis's Claudette and wanted to express how sorry I was to hear about Girl Girl. Auntie BK

Unknown said...

Goodbye swee Girl girl! My heart goes out to your family, they will surely miss you!

Kellie The Orange Cat

Copito said...


We share the pain with you, we are very sad about GirlGirl's goodbye...

She was the inspiration from my mom to make my blog.

:( I'm 1 year 2 months old, mami is so worried about that.


Moondance Huskies said...

Sad husky howls are being raised for GirlGirl. We are so sorry for your loss. She will live on in your sweet memories and you will be reunited at the Bridge.

With sympathy,
Skye,Lakota,Dave,Angel,Blaze,Velvet,Jasmine,Becky,Diana,Misty,Starr & our human mom Joan

Dewey Dewster said...

We send our deepest sympathies on the loss of Girl Girl....while we have not known her as long as many others, we grew to love her sweet furry face and her weekly hiding sessions....we hope she is running free with all the other furry creatures at the Rainbow Bridge and that Bae will help fill the void that she left.

Dewey Dewster, Asta Marie and Toby, the Terriers

Alfie's Mum said...

Eil,my deepest sympathies on the loss of Girl2. My Fiffy Ger is over there and Girl2 can look for her to play with. Take care of yourself.

Koobuss said...

Oh no!! I am so sorry to hear the news about dear sweet little GirlGirl. What a shame! She was so lovable.

Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your dear little friend. Two years is such a short time to love someone. How difficult it must be for you to go through this again so soon.

We will miss her.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Karen Jo said...

I am so very sorry that GirlGirl left for the Rainbow Bridge. I really enjoyed reading about her adventures and I loved trying to find her on Fridays. Thank you so much for sharing her with us.


We have been away from blogging for a couple of weeks and we are so sad to come over now and find that dear sweet little Girl Girl has passed away. We are thinking of you.

kisetsu said...

Take care Eil, GG and Fu Fu will be together over the rainbow bridge. She has brought us so much joy in her funny attics. We will miss her dearly.

Anonymous said...

Eil..The Mom and I have been away and just heard the sad news. Take care and we will miss GG very much.

With hugs and puppy kisses,

Bruin and Barb

Casper and pals said...

We are saddened by y the passing of GirlGirl on to the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss her.

We do know that GG is free and happy there and is hanging out with Fufu and others who have gone before her.

We will see you again one day,

Woofs Casper, Buddy, Nikki, foster dog Meeko and Momma

Joe Stains said...

We are so sad to hear this, we just got back :(

Lisa said...

I held my last little hamster buddy in my hands when he crossed over and I cried like a baby. My heart breaks for you and your GirlGirl. I know she and Fufu are doing hamster flips in Heaven now.

Unknown said...

oh my god...
we are so sad to know this...
we missing a lot our GG..
send all the family a big hug and all our love..

wiffy said...

I am so sorry for your loss T_T rest in peace Girl Girl

T-man's mom said...

OH NO!! I didn't know till now that sweet little Girl Girl passed to the bridge!! It seems like yesterday that she joined your family. She still looked so healthy and pretty. You gave her a wonderful home.

I'm sure Angel Fufu and Angel T-man are taking care of her at the bridge. We'll really miss her.

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

Johann The Dog said...

NOOOOOOOOO! We are so sad about GG...

We will always have amazing memories of her antics.

Hugs and licks and sending all of our love. Woofs, Johann

Unknown said...

We are so sorry about Girl Girl. We haven't been blogging very much lately as mom is so busy with the hooman pups. Know that our family is thinking about yours and we love you!
Lillie Valentine, Jordan, Kendra and their mom Amy

L said...

We are so sorry to hear that Girl Girl passed the bridge. We will really miss her.

We love the pictures that you posted for her tribute. We're sure Fufu will be there to show her around and we know she will find the BEST hiding spots!

Comet and BLU

Hugo said...

We're sad to hear of Girl girl's passing. Thank you for sharing her life with all of us! The pictures of her are lovely, hope that she'll be enjoying herself with all her other friends over at the rainbow bridge.

Homer said...

We like to offer our condolences to you and your family. Take care.


gemmak said...

Awwww....I'm so sorry to hear about Girl Girl....very sad :o(

Patches said...

oh my dog.. i didn't know about this.. oh my, oh my.. I hope you're not too sad. Stay brave and be strong!

☮momoKo said...

I pray its soul rest in peace.

PerfectTosca said...

Dear Eli, I know me and The Woman are late. We've been not around and we are shocked to hear that our GirlGirl is gone from us. Rest easy, little Girl Girl. You were a good honorary dog just like your Fufu before you.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Dear Eil,

I'm so sorry to hear about GG. She brought such joy to us as did our dear little Fu Fu. I'm teary eyed and shocked to hear. Little Goofy told me on my chat box. I haven't been checking much lately and I am sorry. She is no doubt running free and having fun with little Bear.

All our love to you.

BIG hugs from Billy Boo and mom xoxoxoxoxoxox

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Balboa said...

I am so sorry, Girl Girl was so special and loved. I will miss her so much.

Our deepest sympathies.

Balboa & Mommy

BenTheRotti said...

I'm so so sorry for your loss, I have been away for a while and only just learned of the sad news. Our deepest condolences, may her memories warm your hearts,

Ben & family xxxxx

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Dear Eil and family - Girl Girl was a very special "hamsterrier", and we just loved reading her adventures. We got a bit behind and we're shocked and saddened by her passing. Our love goes out to you, and we share in your grief.
Peace be with you.

Love, Mary-Margaret O'Brien

Girasol said...

I'm sorry to read about Girl Girl, I was away from the blog that I did not know until today.
I a very sad news for me...

Snowy and Crystal said...

With mommy being so busy, we missed seeing this post :(

we are sorry to read about GG

We sure loved her and loved every single post she posted . She was the one who convinced our mommy to get Husky the hamster

Sweet GG, we know that you had a great life with Eil and Bae..you will never be forgotten. We hope that you are having a fun time with Fufu

maltese Paws


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Dear Eil,

Sorry this is so late. I have only again started helping Asta with her blog. We are so sorry Girl Girl is gone. She brought many smiles to us along with FuFu. Best wishes and Love, Asta and Louise (Oz)