Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Thank you Goofy

Yeah, look at what my good buddy Goofy sent me.

Yummy hammie treats and a heart pendent for me *aw....*

Oh there's also something for the hoomans.. Can you guess what it is?

SI'm trying to be helpful and open the box here.

It's a box of homemade biscuits. Dont the hammie shape one look like ME?
Thank you so much Goofy. ;)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bae Bae!
You got very nice presents!
Yummy biscuits!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

Hey Bae Bae!
Your friend sent you cool pressies! Yummy treats and a heart! How sweet! Mmmmm... Those biscuits look delicious too! So cute!


Juno said...

Happy belated New Year, BaeBae!!

Goofy knows how to make you & your human smile! :) :)

We love Vitakraft thingies. Their treats are so good! Even our mom samples them. And the biscuits are so cute!!

Momo & Pinot

Kelli said...

Hi Bae!
Those biscuits look almost as cute as you! What nice gifts you got!
PS: I'm happy to see your ornament is still displayed!

Asta said...

Those awe lovely gifts..Goofy is a good fwiend wif gweat taste..those homemade bikkies look tewwific.
I love youw pwesents
smoochie kisses

i said...

Hi Bae Bae! Happy New Year! Those are really lovely presents you've got there!

L said...

Those biscuits are great looking. How creative!

Stanley said...

Bae Bae!

That Goofy is a sweetie! And, those cookies look almost real, but even though they're cute they're not as cute as YOU!

Goober love & smooches,

Boo Casanova said...

yummy treats. got a rat character in the biscuit... did Eil eat u??

wet wet licks


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

They soooo made us smile!

They are furry khute BUT woo are still khuter!


umekotyan said...

Good evening Bae Bae.
It does on the introduction of a wonderful Christmas card of the new year.
A unique device is making of the shining card.
And, it presents Bae Bae the cookie.
The happiness of a wonderful friend is the highest. :D

from loved ume tyan

Mason Dixie said...

How cool to get stuff like that in the mail. You are pretty popular looks like.

The Musketeers said...

Nice pressie there !

Stanislaw said...

Those are the cutest biscuits I've ever seen! But... how can your human eat those hammie ones? They look JUST LIKE you!

Daisy said...

Those biscuits are so cute! Especially the hamster one. Too cute to eat. Unless they taste extra-delicious.

Deetz said...

Happy New Year my lil friend. I really like the biscuits you gots and all your cards. Did you eat a biscuit?

Kelli said...

Hi Bae!
I've given you an award! Stop by my blog to pick it up! Have a great day!

Petra said...

What great gifts! Those biscuits look wonderful!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Bae Bae,

Thanks fow coming by.

It looks like you got some pawtastic pwesents there lil' mate.

Gosh you're a pwetty girl.

Yes! I Have a pet cat now, and she's a hooge responsitility!

I will reveal all in time!


xxx Asta (Oz)

Girasol said...

those biscuits look so cute!!! enjoy it!

Mack said...

Goofy is very sweet! And those biscuits are almost too pretty to eat!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You got some awesome stuff there.. We love those biscuits they do look like you..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Hi Bae Bae! I thought I'd stop by and visit you. I've never met a hamster before. You sure have a lot of yummy-looking treats! I hope you have a hamsterrific New Year!

Your friend,

Duke said...

That was so nice of Goofy! Those biscuits are so cool!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Katie said...

What wonderful presents! Those biscuits look so pretty - I agree with the commenter who said they are almost too pretty to eat! :D

Joe Stains said...

omdog those biscuits are the cutest thing ever!!

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Bae Bae...

Yer one lucky hammie there gettin' special packages.....'n even biscuits in the shape of some of yer friends and ya too....now that must make ya a celebrity fer sure....enjoy yer presents....

Dewey Dewster here....

Dexter said...

Those biscuits are almost too cute to eat, but I bet your mom finds a way.

Save some of your treats for later. You don't want to explode!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a sweet gift and I love the homemade biscuits!