Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Hello my friends.. We had a wet rainy morning today and it's good to sleeeeeeep in

So what are you doing today?


Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

HI Bae Bae - its raining here too -we are sleeping also.
your pal, Morgan

Suzuki said...

Hi Bae
We are just chillin' with Mummy.
Happy Wednesday to you!
Big licks to you

Abby said...

Hi, Bae Bae...

It's raining here, too...And, it's cutting into my walk time...

I don't like it...

Abby xxxooo

Girasol said...

the weather is not perfect, over here, it's cloudy and drizzling...I think I'm going to follow you...I'm going back to bed.

Mack said...

Oh yeah!
Nothing better than snoozin on a rainy day.

Dexter said...

I am doing the same thing! It is raining here too.


The Army of Four said...

Full schedule here: up at 0530, breakfast, walk, zoomies, nap, snack, nap, outside, nap, 'nuther walk, nap, zoomies, nap, lunch...
you get the idea.
Play bows,

Faya said...

As you can see....we are doing just like you !!!!! ZZZZzzzzZZZzzz
Kisses, Faya

umekotyan said...

Good evening bae bae
Is it rainy Wednesday?
It is related on Wednesday to water.
And, the cold is noted. :)

from loved ume tyan

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm khurled up...

Resting up so I khan nap!


Wei Qian said...

Hello Bae Bae,

i'm just doing my normal routine ... Playing with my stuffie, checking around and making sure everything was alright!

best regards

L said...

Rainy days are the best days to sleep!

Daisy said...

I'm sorry it's rainy there, Bae Bae! We have sunshines here, but I am napping today, too!

Petra said...

I can't think of a better thing to do than to nap when it's raining. We're supposed to get rain for the next few days. Ugh!

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

It's raining here too! Even though I love the rain, I'm still kind of sleepy myself. Zzzzzzzzz.


Thor and Jack said...

I am napping too!


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Bae!!!
We're snoozing too.
Love Ruby & Penny

Duke said...

We've had lots of rain and today the sun finally came out! Mom is cutting LOTS of grass while we supervise!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

It raining here too, right now!
~lickies, Ludo

Joe Stains said...

Just relaxing and watching some baseball later !!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Bae, too bad about the rain - do you ever go out in the rain? TD loves the rain. We spent the day eating and napping and eating and napping, then we took a walk with Mom.

Woos, the OP Pack

Katie said...

Today is definitely a good day for sleeping, but I was up really early to go out and get my mum a mother's day present! Maybe tomorrow I'll sleep in. :P

Moco said...

Napping is always a good idea.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bae Bae!
Here is very hot! I have been sleeping on the fresh tile!
Kisses and hugs

Wimsey said...

We had a lovely day today but it started raining for my night walk so I'm going to sleep now too.


Lacy said...

w00fs, it been raining here for days thinks me a duck..

b safe,

The Musketeers said...

Raining day = A nice to sleep day !

Four Musketeers

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Hello there *wags tail*
Autumn's here.. Mango's lil sis >D

Drop by to say thanks for the good vibes u sent for my lil brother last time =]

I linked ya to my blog, so please feel free to drop my >D

Hugs n kisses,