And check out her luggage~
It totally exploded! and I have been assigned to look after her stuff at home now when she went off to work this morning. Nobody is to touch those posters that she have placed near me
Guess it's a busy work day for security guard Bae today. ;)
However did she kharry all THAT!?!
Happy Monday!
Ooh, are those hammie treats and pressies in that suitcase?? Maybe that's why it's exploding!!
there has to be something good in there, check it out!!
HI, Bae Bae!
Well, at least you will have a working monday!
Keep and eye on them!
Kisses and hugs
I hope you have a Segway you can use for patrol. You know, like Paul Blart's!
Wow, that's quite a lot of stuff! That ought to keep you very busy today, Bae Bae!
It looks like you're having an exciting Monday, Bae! We're glad you're back!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
For all that hard work I sure hope there is something in the pile for you.
I just know there has to be a hamsterrier treat in there somewhere!
Welcome back Bae, we missed your sweet little face.
Get into that luggage and find your pressie!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Looks like you have your work cut out for you today - never a dull day in hammieland.
woos, the OP Pack
Well done Bae Bae!
Little Paws
Hello new tiny friend,
You sure are a cutie and what a big job you have!
If you don't mind we are going to tag along
Benny & Lily
Your a good security guard. Guard well.
Sally Ann
Bae Bae!
You're going to be the best security guard ever. Keep up the great work!
WHOA!! That is one packed bag! Good thing you are there to watch over it!! Love and kisses A+A
Hi Bae Bae...Wow, you are really doing a great job at security!
You have also gotten very good at hiding on Friday's! We sure missed being able to come and see all our friends and especially our favorite lil hamster friend...
w00fs, heehee Bae, they always comed back with more than they leave wiff..
b safe,
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