Monday, January 15, 2007

Count down to...

Rain (Eil's idol) is finally coming to Singapore soon...
I heard news of him falling on stage during his concert in Hong Kong, I hope he'll be good to dance for his concert here this Sunday.

I got news that he'll be arriving in Singapore on Thursday nite. Maybe I could go pick him up in my FuFuMOBILE. Huskee, you wanna come with me? Maybe we can fetch your Maid's idol too if he's tagging along. And we could go see Rain's special plane.

Countdown to Rain in Spore: 3 more days
Countdown to Concert day: 6 more days


Boo Boo said...

Rain ??? I dont want rain to come !!! I have been in the house for the past weeks !!!!


errrr .... wait .... are we talking about different "Rain" here :P

Boo Casanova said...

fufu, must be EIL'S RAIN fault that we have so much rain these days! mom told me her hometown in sabah is flooded too beside Johor!

wet wet licks


Hammer said...

Hey Fu Fu

Speaking of your moblie, I told Charlie to talk to you as he wants a ride down under to Aussieland to come to the beach. Do you want to play in the sand with us ?? I hope so.

I know Rain will be so impressed if you pick him up in your mobile, and you'll have to take Eil too !! My mum understands because she thinks Rain is very handsome too.

Have a great time at the concert.

Love from your mate, Hammer

Myeo said...

Well, we are not a Rain fan but we hope that Eil will enjoy his concert. By the way, you going with Huskee? Are You planning another outing again?

Boy n Baby

Hammer said...

Hey Fu Fu

It's me again. My mum asked me to say that she feels it is very good when pop stars like Rain try to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and highlight the plight of orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS.

Human children are like us because we are vulnerable and innocent too. Mum doesn't compare humans and animals .. she believes we all matter very much. But some humans get very angry with my mum for loving Beau so much, because to them, he is 'just an animal'.

Love from your good friend, Hammer

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I haven't heard of Rain, but it sounds from that story that he's doing some good work.

Oscar x

Duke said...

I've never heard of Rain the singer - just rain the wet kind that falls from the sky. Hey you look pretty cute tucked in your house Fufu!

Love ya lots,

Ben & Darling said...

well I hate the rain that came down from sky.....

but I dont mind the another Rain that coming to Spore....can u fetch me along Fufu??

The Airechicks said...

FuFu - make sure when you drop Eli off at Rain's concert that she get some good pics ...singing and dancing and Eli must be in the pics.

We don't know of Eli's Rain but We're sure he must be good if she likes him....

We don't like ICE Storms....but rain is okay...we can ride in the car....

Chelsea said...

Please take a picture of you picking them up in your fufumobile


Joe Stains said...

you sure do look cute in your little house! mom doesn't know who rain is but she hopes everyone has a great time!

T-man Angel said...

So Rain was falling on the stage?? Did it get all wet?? (hee hee hee!)

Could you tell him to come to Chicago to melt all our snow? Maybe you can stop by on your way to Singapore. It's not so far :)


L said...


Love your house. At first it looked like it was full of snow! Hope your people enjoy the concert.

Toby said...

FuFu, I love your house. It looks so cozy...


Herbie said...

Remember to put some cover in your fufumobile, you won't want it to get wet from the rain. Oh wait, or could it be drool?

Fu Fu said...

Boo boo, that's a different type of Rain lah.

Boo, brace yourself when Rain goes to KL for concert on 27 Jan.

Hey Hammer, sure I can pick up Charlie to go to Aussieland. It'll be fun in the sand. Your mum really thinks Rain is handsome. Maybe people thinks his new haircut looks ugly. And we are not 'just an animal'. We're our humans' best friends.

Boy n Baby, yeah Eil also hope that the concert will be good. Haa.. it's just a ride to the airport not really an outing.

Fu Fu said...

Hey Oscar, yeah Rain was recently appointed World Vision HIV/AIDS Ambassador. Part of his concert proceeds will also be donated towards World Vision’s work in aid of Asia’s young HIV/AIDS victims.

Hi Maggie, Yeah the house is good place to be comfy when it gets cold.

Ben ben, you also wanna see Rain? He's going to KL too.

Hi Airechicks, hee I dont think Eil can get anywhere near Rain. He has 80 staff travelling with him and at any time there's at least 4 bodyguards with him

Fu Fu said...

Haa Chelsea, I'm not sure if I'm going. I'll be flatten by his fans

Hey Joey, yeah I think Eil would have a great time

T-man, yeah it was all wet. Rain's concert had this rain making machine. He just had his concert in vegas in Dec.

Toby, you are welcome to visit my little house anytime.
BLU & Comet, I would love my house to have some snow so that I can experience snow...

Herbie, yeah.. that's so true. I dont want drool on my FuFuMOBILE.

Chiyo, I know.. Alot of people are laughing at his new hairstyle. His arm was bandage when he left HK. I hope he can make it for the spore concert. Haa.. Eil is too lazy to go at 11pm. I dont wanna get stamped on by his fans too

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

I'd let him be picked up by a bigger vehicle ... you don't want all those crazy fans trying to mob your Fufumobile! They might squash it!

Huskee's Maid said...

Hi Fufu.. ok on.. u and huskee can drive me and Eil to the airport and pick up our idols. heehee...

Fu Fu said...

Zach, that is so true. I dont want my FuFuMOBILE to be spoilt by those crazy fans.

Huskee's Maid.. heee really we're going. But I dont know your idol coming or not too. :)

~ fufu