Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Vesak and long break...

Hey Doggies, today is a public holiday for the humans in Singapore. It's Vesak day (also known as the Buddha's Birthday). Devout buddhists will go to their various temples for some prayer ceremonials. Yeah, I hope my humans feed me more treats while they are home.

Eil will be away from tomorrow (Friday) and back only on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, she has given me the important task of looking after Sunny. I hope I dont have to give Sunny baths. (I also hope that Sunny dont eat all my treats) I think I should be able do a good job since I have been taking care of Joey the hammie all along.

Bye doggies, see you again next week. I'll miss you all~


Look what big stuff doggie has on..... Shrek ears haa haa.

He sure looked very pleased with himself. Eil wants to watch Shrek 3, the last 2 movies were really funny. But I think the popular cinema halls are already fully booked and only front row seats are available (as it's the school holidays now). Guess she has to wait for a while before she can get good seats.

Guess which character Eil thinks I look like from the movie......

(I didn't push Joey the hammie, he's just.... taking a nap)

It's in the eyes....

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My list

Hi Doggies, I've been tagged by Ben, Bruin, Lady Kaos, Ronin and Kelsey and Smokey (cross paws that I didn't miss out any doggies) to write a list about myself. Here it goes...
  1. I can run Very FAST
  2. I can climb pretty well
    (Look!! I'm hanging in the middle)

  3. I'm a Trooper in the AO4.
  4. I drink water from a water bottle

  5. I have a stuff hammie that I named Joey~
  6. I have a tv that I can snooze in.

  7. My diet consist of hamster pellets, sunflower seeds, fresh fruits, corn, seeds, nuts...
  8. I love tissue and wool to make myself comfy

  9. I didn't like to eat when I just came in the family. I just run and run and run... These days when I see mama eating bread, I will come out and stand in front of her so she can see me and give me some of her bread.
  10. There's a mouse somewhere in my house...

I think most of you doggies are already tagged so I wont tag anyone~

Monday, May 28, 2007

Pizza and Birthday

Doggies, guess what came into my mail box over the weekends?
Oscar sent me pizza.... Isn't it cool~ And it's hawaiian flavor. *yum yum*

He said he bought it with his pocket money, that's so sweet of Oscar...

He also gave me a WATCH OUT Hamster About sign

Which is so true coz I was running about and out of my cage when I was taking photo with that sign. :)

Thank you so much Oscar for thinking about me and sending the lovely presents.
Everydoggie, today is Oscar's birthday. He is ONE today, go send him birthday wishes here.

(Cute and handsome Oscar)

Oh I tagged for a few games, I'll need some time to thing about what to write. So check back again later~

Friday, May 25, 2007

Eat With Your Family Day

Today the humans in Eil's work place are very happy because it's "Eat With Your Family Day". As part of their work-life balance programme, they get to go off work 30 minutes early then usual.

Yeah, Eil can come back home eariler today... See what I prepared for her to eat with me... (since she's part of my family)

Have a good weekend all you doggies. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I've been tagged by Scuba who invented his own tagging game. The game is called ‘Being 2gether – that’s friendship
Rule for this tag:
1) Picture of you and another dog (or another animal)
2) A funny caption to go with the picture
3) Tag others

Since I can't find another doggie to take picture with me. I went to snoop in Eil's cupboard to see what other animals I can find...

Look!!! There's a whole farm of sheeps here. And they are all in different colors, which one do you like best? I decided to 'borrow' the baby sheep (Yeah, finally! Someone in MY size)
Ok, funny captions.. hum....

If I take a chomp of you, does that make you Lamb Chops?

I swear I didn't push the sheep, he fell over himself.

Then I let Eil take a nice shoot (no pushing or chomping) of me and the baby sheep sitting together. Not too sure what caption I should give this picture.. Any suggestions doggies???

Now I going to tag Joey & Tanner and BLU & Comet. Can't wait to see what captions these doggies can come up with. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tag me silly~

Hi Doggies, glad you all like my bling bling tag. I like some of your great suggestions about asking Eil to feed me more so that I'll grow big enough to fit the tag. That's such a great idea, maybe I'll grow to be the size of the siberian if I eat more. Woo~
I've been tag by Asta down below on this new game that involves posting a photo of myself in a silly situation.
So below is a simulated picture of what my "future" photos will look like if I grow bigger.. Hee hee see I'm so big, I can't fit in the camera frame. Haaa~

And here's another 'silly' picture I did. I'm trying to do yoga here after reading Joey doing it in his blog

See the little white mouse is peeking at me. Ok, I'm going to tag Chiyo, Bruin and Ben Ben now. Have fun you doggies and show us your silly pictures. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dog tags

I see many of my doggie friends have nice tags and collars. I'm so envious...
See Army of 4 each have their own color and they wear dog tags. Even Stika and Tia have such pretty tags and red collars too.

So I asked Eil if I can have a tag too and she said she'll lend me her dog tag to try.

Oh... Nice and shiny~ I like.... See me reaching out to hold the dog tag.

Oh I can see myself on the back of the tag. It can be used as a mirror. :)

Now I'm try to taste if the tag is yummy. (It's cold and hard, so not yummy at all) How do you doggies like my tag? It's awfully big for me but I bet you can see me from far away now. :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Present from Boo

A parcel arrived for me last week, I like those yummy fruits stamp. I'm so happy, my first parcel.

It's from Boo. I was chilling in my tv when Eil shows me my present

See, this is a note from Boo. I came out of my tv to read the note.

I checked out how much LOVE Boo sent me.

The yummy treat. Yeah, can I open it please please please~

Thank you so much Boo. I like the gifts very much. :)

Friday, May 18, 2007

My fur fur

Some doggies have been asking about my fur color. I have white belly and mostly shades of grey on my body. But there's some yellowish-brown patches here and there. (Is that normal for a Siberian?) Eil told me that when the weather gets very cold my fur might turn to a lighter color but in hot hot Singapore, that would never happen. :(

I also got some questions about tail. Hamsters (all breeds) only have a short stud as tail, if our tails were longer, we'll be gerbils or mice. (I dont think mama would like that)

The doggies in DWB have all made me feel very welcome here. Thank you, I love all you doggies...
Here I'm giving big stuff doggie a kiss (or playing bitey-face.. depends on how you view it)
Have a good weekend everydog. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Army girl

Zim from Army of 4 asked me if I am part Siberian coz I love to run run run...
I think that could be true as I have the same grey and white fur like them. And if you look close enough, I have a sharp nose like them huskies too. Does that makes me a hamster-berian?

Eil told me I have to do Woo~ to be a Siberian, I'm trying my hardest to Woo~ here. Joey the hammy helps to listen and 'fine-tune' my Woo~
Zim also asked me if I wanna join the army, I think I will sign up as a trooper coz there are many nice and brave doggies in the troop.

I am a brave girl, see I can climb on bars. And BooBoo, that sharp thing at my butt is not a boy bit. It's my tail. I'm a GIRL! Grrr....

I run so fast that the 'spy from enemy camp' can't capture my mug shoot to be used as evidence. And I blend in so well with the environment. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dont be sad

Hello Doggies, Girl girl here.

Eil and I are very touch by all the kind words you doggies have left us and we saw some of the beautiful tributes you have written for Fufu. We like to say a BIG thank you to all you doggies who have love and care for us.
We noticed the mood with our DWB friends have been somber and we think that even Fufu would want us to all be happy and not be fill with sadness and tears. So today's post would be about things we love:

I love to run.... and I can be very fast on the wheels~

I love to eat yummy things. Here I'm eating a piece of tasty cake

And I love my Joey the Hammie. See, he got sunflower seed on his face
Last but not least, I love my human family. Ok doggies, what are the things you love?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Bye Fufu

Dear Friends,
I'm very sad to inform you that Fufu has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge to join Bibi already.
We noticed that he was lethargic and not eating much on friday. My mum feed him water and his vitamins at night and before I went to bed I told him that he is a very brave boy and that many people love him.
The next morning (12th May), he passed away peacefully all curled up in his little hobit house.Fufu had a great and long (in hamster terms) 2.5 years with us and we really treasure his companionship and time in our family.

Having a blog for Fufu was one of the greatest thing, he sure had lots of fun and advantures with you doggies. We have to thank Jay, our long-time friend for sparking our interest to have a blog and Jay is the only doggie that Fufu got the chance to meet up close.

Then Huskee is the very first friend Fufu made via blogging and that started a great friendship between both families. Both of them also had alot of funny adventures together.

Miss Sunshade is the first overseas doggie friend Fufu made and whom introduced Fufu to the wonderful community of dogs with blogs (DWB)

Charlie & Opy are the most gracious doggies for accepting Fufu as a member of DWB which allows him to take part in many fun activities and got to know so many great friends.

(He is my super hero)

Fufu is a very special hamsterrier. He is still the only member in the family who got 60 christmas cards, own a car (his FuFuMOBILE), own a spaceship, have multiple properties and gets presents that are 20 times his own size.
Thank you all for loving him so much. He will always live in my heart. We'll miss you, Fufu~

*I would like to continue this blog in honor of his memories and to let his sister Girl girl to get to know so many of Fufu's wonderful friends.


Friday, May 11, 2007


Huskee gave a welcome gift pack to Girl girl.

Girl girl: Oh.. presents for me.... so excited!!

Girl girl: This looks yummy.. Can I open this?

Girl girl: Ok, I'll pose nicely for you~

Fufu: What alot of treats... Girl girl, you wont mind sharing with me right... I've been nice to you so far

Fufu: Oh... This one looks yummy.. I wanna eat this one first...
Have a great weekend everydoggie. :)