Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dont be sad

Hello Doggies, Girl girl here.

Eil and I are very touch by all the kind words you doggies have left us and we saw some of the beautiful tributes you have written for Fufu. We like to say a BIG thank you to all you doggies who have love and care for us.
We noticed the mood with our DWB friends have been somber and we think that even Fufu would want us to all be happy and not be fill with sadness and tears. So today's post would be about things we love:

I love to run.... and I can be very fast on the wheels~

I love to eat yummy things. Here I'm eating a piece of tasty cake

And I love my Joey the Hammie. See, he got sunflower seed on his face
Last but not least, I love my human family. Ok doggies, what are the things you love?


JustMeCopper said...

Hey Girl girl. I love the hay across your nose. You look so cute!

Joe Stains said...

What is very funny is I tend to get stuff stuck on my face a lot but I have never tried a sunflower seed before!!!!

We are glad you updated and look forward to a lot of girlgirl adventures.

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Hi Girl girl!
I love you and Eil and all the DWB's! Oh! and I love my mum and dad and all my toys and kookies and bones and toys and.........zzzzzzzzzzz.

Maggie said...

i love kookies , rawhide , and all my friends !!!!!!!!!

Maggie said...

ooh yah , i love you and eil !!!!

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

Hi! It's MEEE, Mary-Margaret. Hugs to GirlGirl. I am happy that you are taking over for FuFu (rest his soul). He would be everly so proud of you...his little sis! I love shoes and toes. Oh, the smells...the visuals I get when shoe or toe-sniffing. Unreal! It's like a travelog of fragrant, odiferous illustrations. I'm not allowed to have rawhide, but I do have a gingerbread doggie cookie that I have with me at night to help me sleep. Niters for now, GirlGirl.

Boo Casanova said...

girl girl, when is your barkday? must put it in the event calendar. i sent something to you last saturday. hopefully you'll receive it sometime this week. yes, it was for you little girl!

gosh, did you feed joey the hammie wif that sunflower seed? u better dun feed him anymore coz he looks fat already. :-)

i love mom & dad, i love fufu, i love chiyo and simba and now i love you girl girl!

wet wet licks


Boo Boo said...

Hello Girl Girl,

This is my first time talking to you. I am Boo Boo, a pug from Singapore !!! **shake paws***

Hey Girl, I need to ask you a question, errrr .... errr ... I saw your pics of you on the wheel and notice that you seems to have a "boy bits" at your bum there ...

errrr ... you sure errrr ... you are a girl and not a boy ? >.<

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi GirlGirl...
I love that you love all us doggies!!! I also love to run, and I love snackies and I love my Mom.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hello Girl Girl!

We love food and treats and tummy rubs and barking and Mom. We also love DWB and all of our friends. We look forward to hearing about your adventures and getting to know you.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

Dear Girl Girl and Auntie Eil

Well said. FuFu will not and never want us to feel sad.

Girl Girl, he will always be around you, teaching you his very best (to deal with us DOGGIES). Boy has he got so much experience in that area. He is probably running Doggie's Heaven right now.

Hope you don't mind, but I posted a tribute to FuFu in my blog and took a picture of FuFu (without asking you permission) and stick it in my blog.

When will I meet you in pawson?

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Girl Girl!
I am gonna call u my 'little sister' cos Fu Fu is your 'big brother' and now that he is not here, I will be your big brother!!
I already have 2 hamster sisters at home and will find the chance to introduce the 3 of you!
Ok here's what I love - my hooman family, all my precious toys, tummy rubs and last but not least, all my DWB friends..

chiyo said...

girl girl you certainly have the same embracing spirit like fufu. :) i'm sure you will bring just as many smiles to every DWB pup.

i love... going out to try new and unknown things with HM, and eating whatever HM eats.


Asta said...

OH GirlGirl, I'm so happy that youwrote and showed us your favorite things..I don't know what sunflower seeds are , but they look yummy, and must be good if you and Fufu love them...I love to run like a maniac, chomp on my stuffies, chew my teething ring, get belly rubs and ear tickles, I love my Mummy and Daddy and every doggy I meat, and not least of all I love you(FuFu will be very proud of you, as he watches over you from heaven)

Nugget said...

Hi Girl Girl, I love tasty cake too! Mum dosn't let me have too much. I love all sharing with my DWB friends.

Ben & Darling said...

Hey Girl girl.....nice meeting you.

You are soooooooooooo cute & mom said u look like her hammie she used to have last time.

I love FOOD !! FOOD !! FOOD !!
and of coz my hooman family, all DWB members & my feline sis, Milky (mom force me to say this.)

e said...

Hello Girl Girl.
Nice to meet you. I am Fei, a Singapore Special. I used to live in Singapore but I moved to Tokyo with my 2 humans (Eve and Caz). Welcome to Dogs with Blogs, this wonderful little community.

I love Eve and Caz. I love people who love animals. I love DWB. I love food and I love to run free like the wind!


Myeo said...

Girl Girl,

Cant believe that Boo Boo thought that it was your boy bits lol.

We love to eat and we love mama, papa and Nadya. And we love all our friends at DWB!

Boy n Baby

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hey Girl Girl,

I love your cute little face.

I also love all my DWB buddies, my mum & dad, food, running, stickies, sunny days...

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said...

I love, seeing you running in your wheel. Splashing in big puddles and eating (anything).

Simba xx


Hi Girl Girl,
Welcome to DWB. We look forward to reading your posts. We love food, food, food and di we mention food! We also like toys, school and going to new places. Of course we love our mummy and daddy too.
Jazz and Dixie

Duke said...

Hi Girl girl,
It's Maggie and Mitch and we love food and ice cream and everything fun! You sure are a cute little girl!

Love ya lots,

Snowball said...

Hi Girl Girl,

Nice to see you blogging. I love my humans, my friends (including you), my cod fish strips treats and the daily walkies I get everyday.

Luv and licks,


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Good morning Girl Girl...thank you for your happy post. I love you and Eil and all our friends on DWB who are simply amazing. I love my mom who takes really good care of me and my hooman brothers and I love my food and treats.

Welcome to this wonderful little community Girl Girl. We are so happy to have you with us and we look forward to reading all about your adventures.

BIG hugs and love from Billy Boo and mom:)

Peanut said...

Hey girl girl. I love you, my family, my food and everything really.

Ferndoggle said...

We love YOU girl girl. And we love FuFu too. We'll take today & write about all the things that make us happy.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I love cookies, and kissies, and pets

Bussie Kissies

Luna said...

Hi Girl Girl!! *waving* Nice meeting you cute little girl. I'm looking forward to read about all your adventures. Keep us updated =)

Oh oh.. btw, I'm Luna. A singapore Special =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl Girl! That's a great post!! I love cookies, and my mom and the trying to play with the evil cats!


Finnegan said...

I love Girl Girl, my humans, my cat siblings, and treats! Thanks for cheering us up, Girl Girl.


Lorenza said...

I Girl Girl. Nice to meet you. I am so happy that your are writing now. Your are so right saying that Fufu wouldn't want us to be sad. We are ready to see all your adventures everyday!
I love my mom, my grandma and grandpa, my food, my treats, my walkies, my mini pool, well I think I love everything... and of course I love you and your family.

Rosco the wonder mutt said...

Hi GirlGirl! I love belly rubs and rolling around in the mud! And I love you!

Lots of love,

umekotyan said...

Hey Girl Girl
The spirit that fu fu is wonderful will be succeeded to girl girl.
I love girl girl.:)

from loved ume tyan

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I hope FuFu saw the tribute I made for him...

Anyway, I love alot of things! 1st of all is food, then 2nd comes sleep then 3rd comes fart. That's all! LOL!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PerfectTosca said...

Girl girl, I just know Fufu is going to interject his happiness and wisdom onto your blog. Nobody made us happy like Fufu did so you are right, he would want us to stay happy. I think you will do just fine helping to make that happen like The FuMeister did.

Luckie Girl said...

Hey GirlGirl,
Gee, there are so many things I love but I treasure my family and friends the most!! :)

Lady Kaos said...

Hi GirlGirl,
I love playing fetch, playing in water, blogging, playing fetch, my mom and dad, playing fetch, my dacshie sister and cat brother, playing fetch, my other family memebers and friends, playing fetch, camping, swimming, playing fetch, Jeeps and.....oh yeah, playing fetch!
Lady Kaos

the many Bs said...

Hi Girl girl. We didn't get to know Fufu, but we can tell that many dogs and people loved him. We love your happy spirit and positive attitude.

Charlie said...

Hi Girl Girl,
I love to eat yummy things, too! In fact, I love to eat non-yummy things. Heck, I just love to eat things!!
- Charlie

The Army of Four said...

Ha roo, Girl girl!
You love to run? Maybe you're part Siberian! We LOVE to run!
Great to see you blogging!
Play bows,
PS: You know ... you'd make a great Trooper in the Ao4 with that running ability of yours. If you'd like in, let us know!

Anonymous said...

Woo Woo Girl Girl! I am so glad to see a post from you AND on my blog :) Oh, I see Zim's post above and I think you should join the army. You know, Tia is in it. Fu Fu loved Tia! You and her could be great pals! She could give you a boost on her back :)

Faya said...

Hello Girl Girl ! I love Ice-cream.... and I hope we will have a long long summer with a lot of ice-cream.... miam miam. And I love you... you are so cute...
Kiss, Faya

Tadpole said...

Girl Girl! Hi! I love see you RUN RUN RUN on your wheel! You're SO FAST!!! Hee! We'll always remember FuFu, but we'll make new memories with you too! (hey, that rhymed!)

Amber said...

Hihi Girl Girl,I'm Amber! You're adorable. We have a lot in common I love eating yummies,running &playing ,my favorite doll, Mr.Ratty and Mommy!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Girl Girl, Mum and I were so glad to hear from you and to know that you and Eil are doing well. We have included your name on the list of favorite blogs. We are glad to know that you're enjoying you're cake and your wheel. Mum had a Syrian hamsterrier when she was little and later, she had a silver colored one just like you! We are looking forward to hearing more of your adventures. xxx Asta

Sophie Brador said...

HI Girl Girl! You are very pretty. ARe you grey or brown or grey-brown? It's hard to tell for sure. Your colour looks very pretty and delicate.

Putter said...

Hi Girl Girl:)

I love your pictures ... You are super cute! Like you, I love cake and food and playing and I love all my DWB friends ...:) I will talk to you soon, okay ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Unknown said...

ei girl girl...i´m verdi
how are feeling your???
you are so pretty and your photos are greats.
your friend.. V
a big hug

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Welcome Girl Girl - I am sad for Fu Fu, but happy to meet you!

love and happy licks for you!

Marvin from Scotland xxxx

Cairo The Boxer said...

I love to play and play and did I mention play

The Brat Pack said...

Hi there Girl Girl!

It's good to see you, your pics are soooo cute!

The Brat Pack

Khady Lynn said...

Hi girlgirl! I am glad you are carrying on for sweet fufu! Things just wouldn't be the same without a sweet hammie in our DWB group!

I love food, and my couch, and my house, and my humans, and going for walks, and sniffing things, and chasing bunnies and squirrels, and, oh yeah, I guess I love my siblings too!!
