Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pawty time

Yesterday was a public holiday over here in Singapore, and Jay, Boo Boo, Chiyo and I got invited for a gathering to celebrate Baby's barkday. I sent Sunny there coz I was still tired from all the chatting. I'd promise Boo to look after the girls so I gave Sunny instructions on what to do.

Sunny: Ok, what did Fufu told me to do.... something about bum bums... Was it to sniff their bum bums???
(Fufu: Aaakk!!!. No Sunny, I told you to protect the girls from getting their bum bums sniffed) Sunny: Opps.. Sorry~.. Sorry about that Chiyo. You smell nice, by the way. *cross paws that Chiyo dont get angry*

Sunny: So I went about doing my job

Hey Boo Boo, no disturbing the girls ok. I'm watching you~

Ok, Brandy and Whisky, you doggies know what to do when you see anydog misbehaves right.

Hi Baby, I'm Sunny. I'm here to pawtact you.

Sunny hanging out with Boy and Baby.

Sunny chilling with handsome Jay

Sunny chatting with the girls

Sunny getting some of the cake. Hey! How come you didn't bring some back for me?

Brandy sure looked like he want some of the cake

Sunny gives barkday girl a kiss. And got a kiss from Chiyo too. Lucky Sunny~

I think Sunny did the job so well that guess who did Boy and Boo Boo ended up kissing that day since they can't kiss any of the girls.

Oh I got presents too. The pink bag is from Boo Boo and the red bag is from Baby.

I got Lavender sand (yeah sand baths) from Boo Boo and treats from Baby. Thank you Boo Boo and Baby for your lovely presents. :)


Snowball said...

Hi Fu Fu, Oooh... you got so many gifts. I am jealous..

Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog. I have got my human to link you to me so that I can visit you easily.

Have fun with your gifts.


Anonymous said...

FuFu .. next time you should go .. even if you have to stay in a portable cage. Sunny sure was a hit and no one seemed to chew him up - that's amazing!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I didn't know it was Baby's barkday yesterday! Look at Chiyo's fur, so bootiful! No wonder Boo likes her alot... The pawty looked like a lot of fun by the way. Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves. Fufu so sad 6that you couldn't go but at least you got pressies from them. Hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Fufu,
Barkday pawty!!! So fun....too bad you had to send Sunny instead. keke..i bet he had lots of fun. He seems really popular with the ladies. kekeke...
Mom says her sista sent her this link of korean resturants to check out.
She's watching Dal Ja's Spring now and she says it's a farnie show. A lot of Ally Mcbeal moments.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

hey Fu Fu! That all looked like such fun you had there!

chiyo said...

fufu sunny did his job extremely well, neither me nor baby were disturbed at all that day!! hahahha although sunny himself did help himself to a little bum-sniffing :p

such a waste you couldn't be there though. i'm curious how a real hammie smells like hee.

i wonder what Booboo thinks of Boy :p


Duke said...

What a fun day you all had! Sunny made so many new friends. She must be super happy!

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, you get gifts & it wasn't even your birthday, nice going FuFu!

Looks like Sunnny mstly did what you asked of him...

Oscar x

Myeo said...

That was so much fun! We should do it more often :)

Boy n Baby

Boo Casanova said...

naughty sunny for bum sniff MY chiyo! but luckily he's just a stuffie! lol

wow, chiyo has dreamy eyes on the 2nd photo... she looks like one McDreamy now.

wet wet licks


umekotyan said...

Happy meeting after wonderful chat.
Singapore spends wonderful time. :)

from loved ume tyan

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sunny got loads of kisses and cake. Its not fair.

Simba xx

Asta said...

oh FuFu, that looks like a wonderful barkday pawty, and Sunny seems to have done a really good job of representing you..I hope you weren't sad not to go, but sooo many nice presents !!!!wow, I think a lot of friends love you a lot! I loved talking to you at the pawty..I'm still a little "hung over"..too many goodies..kissesAsta(up over)

Peanut said...

Good job Sunny and presents for you FuFu what a day.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow FuFu...looks like Sunny had a great time. Too bad you couldn't go to the party. But at least you got party gifts! YAY!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Finnegan said...

What a fun party and super duper gifts!!! I hope you had a blast!


Tadpole said...

How fun is that?!?! And it's so nice that Sunny could go for you, since you were so tired! And Sunny even brought back PRESENTS!!

e said...

WOW that must have been fun, fufu!
Chiyo chan looks so cute!!

Did you enjoy your presents???


Hana said...

Hi Fufu! Thanks for your comment on my bloggy.

I am wayyyyy behind in reading everyone's posts. My mom was too busy to help me read them and too busy to help me post about my dogventures. Sigh.

Did you get a sister? Oh, I am going to have to read up on her!!

If you have something you'd like to donate to Casper's Auction, in order to keep shipping costs down, we could state in the auction post that only dogs from Singapore can bid on the item. And then you could create a post on your bloggy to tell everyone about the item you listed on Casper's Auction.

Or, if you want to bid on something, let me know and I will ask the donor/seller if they would be willing to work something out with you regarding shipping costs.

Rosco the wonder mutt said...

Wow...Sunny sure did a good job meeting and greeting everyone! And presents for FuFu...oh boy!

Lots of love,

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Looks like Sunny is getting around more than you little Fu Fu Bear! I didn't know it was Baby's barkday?

Sunny even got cake little Bear...what's up with that? Nice pressies too:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

The Army of Four said...

Fu Fu: How exciting! Oooh, I love your favicon! Great job - it looks REALLY cool!
Tail wags,

Maggie said...

hay fufu , i wish i was there !!!!!

Joe Stains said...

sunny is the luckiest EVER, although you are lucky you got some good treats!

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Hey FuFu!
You trained Sunny well!
I can't wait to see the lavender sand bath! Me LOVES lavender! Makes me all sleepy and calm! How dreamy!

Isabella said...

That was so kind of you to send Sunny to protect the girls bottoms! I am glad you got presents. I bet you smell so good after your lavender sand bath.
Big Wags,

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey fufu,

loved chatting with you over the weekend - it was heaps of fun wasn't it :)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hey, Fu Fu! Opy has suggested you come and call for me in your Fu Fu Mobile, and drive me to Kansas! To save my paws walking all the way there.

I live at the top of the UK, in the centre of Scotland, I will look out for you. I hope these directions are enough!

love and tired licks, Marvinxxxxx

(right in the middle of the map!)

Hammer said...

Hey Fu Fu

I wish I had been able to go to help Sunny. I think he had the most fun looking after the girls.

Love from Hammer

jaffeboy said...

FuFu, U taught Sunny well. Sunny did a fantastic job.

Ferndoggle said...

What a fun day! Way to train Sunny to fill your big shoes!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

L said...

Wow! Looks like Sunny was super busy. The party looks like it was a blast. Too bad Fufu had to catch up zzzz's. I also love your favicon. Mom put one up for me too. Aren't they neat?


Anonymous said...

Hi new friend! It looks like you had a lot of fun!

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, it's a good thing I wasn't at that pawty, or I might have chewed up Sunny. I can't help myself with little stuffed toys!!


L said...

That party looks like a lot of fun. Too bad Sunny got to go instead of you. Sunny should have shared the cake with you!