Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hey Doggies, remember last time I told you that Mama wasn't happy that I was cleaning my house and dirtying her kitchen floor. So I decided to be a nice hamsterberian and help her keep her kitchen clean instead.

So there you go Mama. I hope you're happy now and have fun cleaning up MY house now.... I'm going to have a nap now. Wake me up when everything's clean


chiyo said...

haha GG you look sooooo lazy stretched out like that :p

is eil going to clean up for you? are you going to pay her with sunflower seeds? make her eat that for lunch! :p


Joe Stains said...

I sure hope she appreciated that and cleaned it up real nice for you!

L said...

What a messy house! Eil better get that cleaned up soon! Just don't get too pushy. She might use the vacuum cleaner and suck you up too!

Khady Lynn said...

As soon mom starts cleaning out house with that evil Dyson fur sucking machine, we all vacate the premesis so it doesn't get us!


Boo Casanova said...

u mean u no longer throw rubbish out of your house? how does your mom make you do that?

wet wet licks


Myeo said...


We saw a pink tub in your house. What is that for?

Boy n Baby

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

I love your house very cute. I hope your mom appreciates your thoughtfulness.

tail wags

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Girl Girl,
SO nice of you to keep your rubbish in your own compound. But don't you find it very messy now?

PreciOus said...

Girl Girl, you are so thoughtful! You Mama should be happy now. Hehe.


Bella said...

That a GirlGirl - you tell that mama how things need to be - but what if she doesn't clean it to your liking? You will have to do it yourself again ??

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow GG, that's some mess you made. Did you have a wild hamster party?

Oscar x

Duke said...

You're being pretty messing Girl girl! This makes more work for Eil! Be a good girl and clean up after yourself, okay?

Love ya lots,

IndyPindy said...

Your mom was silly to complain! You enjoy your nap while she cleans!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

GG, that must have been some wild party to make that mess. Did Mama or Eil help you clean up? Oh, that's right, you were napping after the wild party. They had to clean up the mess while you slept! Good plan.

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Wow you gave in eh?

Well we think your swell for helping out you mama.

But your digs are sure messy!

Finnegan said...

Isn't that what mamas are for? My mommy cleans my blankies for me!


umekotyan said...

The house should be made beautiful.
Let's take , garbage, and wipe the house of g girl with the dustcloth. :)

from loved ume tyan

Ume said...

keke... i'm sure your Mama appreciates your efforts to keep her kitchen clean.
the way u napped was so cute!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, mommy & her mom helps clean EVERYTHING for me! Even my bum bum.. hehehehe! I'm soooo spoilt!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sasha said...

Girl Girl, that's what humans are for. They're here to clean up after us, and feed us, and give us treats. Otherwise what would their purpose be?

Charlie Kelley-Church said...

Maybe Eil could leave a trash bucket on the floor below you house and you could put everything in that bucket. That way you get your house to be clean and Eil doesn't have too much to do. Have a nice day Girl Girl!


Anonymous said...

Well, what did she think beautiful?

The Airechicks said...

Girl Girl

Maybe you should interview for maid..That way your house stay cleans and Mom doesn't have to clean it up ....

Jessica said...

Girl Girl....You don't look very comfortable sleeping on the floor. You need a nice little pillow, maybe a cotton ball would work.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Emily and Ike said...

You look totally zonked out!

T-man Angel said...

Girl girl, your mama will have to clean around your sleeping body (hee hee!)

Girasol said...

hehehe you are funny hehehe

Asta said...

I think it must have been a wild pawty to make you so tiwed and your house such a mess....hope it was clean and bootiful by the time you woke up
smoochie kisses

Ben & Darling said...

wahahahaha......well done GG.
Sometimes we gotta teach those hooman some which does she prefer now?? leaning ur house or the kitchen??

Simba and Jazzi said...

Clearly working too hard, you need a maid.

Simba xx


Hi Girl Girl
You've been tagged! We have a new little game to play. Check out our blog for details.
Jazz and Dixie

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, what a neat & responsible hammie you are GG. Good job!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

HI, Girl Girl.
What kind of activities are you having at your house to have that mess?? I do the same and my mom has to clean! Enjoy your nap while she works!
Have a nice day

Ferndoggle said...

Very nice of you to help your Mom out GG. Now she just has to tidy up ONE house!


Gwyn Valentine said...

Hahahaha thats sweet of you to leave the mess in your own house!


Stanley said...

Girl Girl!

You are so SASSY (I recognize major attitude when I see it). But you cloak your sassiness in so much sweetness! You're a pro!

I just have to tell you that you are STINKIN' CUTE when you sleep. You should do video of you sleeping! I think you could sell it on peebay!

Goob love,