Friday, March 07, 2008

Peek-A-Boo Friday

Hey doggies, well since some of you mentioned that my monster had nice nails. I'm letting her put up 2 pictures of her recent nail designs. Please excuse her fat paws.

She does her nails herself with nail sticker. But of course I helped to pick out the colors. :)

Ok, enough of the monster. Today is Friday and let's play peek a boo. Hee. I'm sure I'll well hidden this time..

Have a pawsome weekend everyone~


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i bet your monster doesn't need to do any household chores...hahaha

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Girl Girl
How does yer monster keep stickers on her nails if they get wet Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!!! THose are beautfull!!!Ut must take a long time to do them!! Have a wonderfull weekend GG!! Love A+A

Ferndoggle said...

My Mom doesn't have any nails...she chews them off. Maybe she'll paint mine like Eil's. They're PINK & would look great one me.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hey Girl,
You are funny hiding behind a fake hammie.
Those are some great nails by the way, my mom likes them!

Peanut said...

My mom wants to know how she types with those things?

Joe Stains said...

her nails sure are pretty, Mom could never have nails like that she'd poke her eye out!

Faya said...

Waouw great VĂ©ronique has the same. This coming week-end she will go and see the swiss championship of nail art design...
Have a nice week-end Girl Girl !
Kisses, Faya

Lacy said...

woofies Girl Girl...dose nails are pawsome, but how dose she work wiff dem...heehee me c's u girl girl, u can hide from us...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
How she can do that by herself?? Sure Eil is an artist!
Have a great weekend hidden behind hammie!
Kisses and hugs

Goofy said...

Wow!!! Those are nice!!! could Eil do that for mom if they meet some other time?

i said...

Nice nails!

I can see you, Girl Girl! ;-)

Hammer said...

Hey Girl Girl
This one is easy .. I can see you clearly behind the orange hammie with the pink tongue.
Your mum's nails wouldn't last long working on our property .. hehehe.
Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer

Stanley said...

Hey, Sweet Hammie Girl!

I can see some little Girl Girl ears poking up behind the hammie stuffy. Are those really yours?

Eil's nails are gorgeous, but my girl could never have nails that pretty. She barely has room to put any color on hers at all.

Is that Sponge Bob on one of her nails in the first photo?

Goober love & smooches for a great weekend,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Mummy wants to know how your Mummy gets her nails like that. I'd rather play peek a boo with you.

Simba x

Duke said...

We can see you sniffing the stuffie hamsterrier's butt, Girl girl! hehehehe
Eil's nails are works of art! Mom says she probably doesn't garden in dirt!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

I don't know yet cause Copper is in charge but we did talk about going there to see all our friends but we gots to be home before Easter so the Easter Bunny can bring me & Easter Basket & I avn hunt eggs. I love eggs if the Mommy peels them for me.


Girasol said...

cute design!
i see youuuuuuuuuu...

Snowy and Crystal said...

we always like those well designed nails ;)

and awwww that pic of your back is soooooo adorable ;)

Maltes paws,

Snowy and Crystal

Harry said...

How pretty. Ma is still trying to find someone who can do her neails as well as the lady who used to do them. She says there's no way she'd be able to do her own.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Mack said...

Those nails are absolutely beautiful!

I see you!!

William Tell said...

I see you too, Girl Girl, but just barely!

Our Mom would love to have nails like that, but on a farm that just doesn't work out well. She once lost a pinkie ring while feeding the piggies and Dad complained that he wasn't going to be happy if a pig choked on it. Oh well, maybe just once for Easter?

William Tell

Deetz said...

Peek a Boo...I see you!!!! hehe
Love the monsters nails....they are awesome. I am so glad you can come to the party...what do hamsters eat? I will have plenty for you.

Daisy said...

Girl Girl, you are far too good at hiding, I cannot see you anywhere!

BrandytheGreat said...

My hooman says she cuts herself accidentally with her nails. BOL.
I see you GG! Wait, that's NOT you!

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, very fancy nails! I bet she has to be extra careful about scratching herself with her nails or else, something might just chip off.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Moco said...

How does she have time to make her nails so beautiful and give you all the attention that you deserve?

Deefor said...

Those are some real fancy nails. Do they hurt? Where are you?


Lady Kaos said...

You are so cute Girl Girl. Mom usually does her own nails but since they've been working on the house lately she hasn't done them in awhile because they were getting in the way. She can't wait to finish the house because she misses her long nails and she can't grow real long nails because she chews them off.
Have a great weekend!

Petra said...

Oh, what beautiful nails the monster has. I'm sure it's because of your good taste, Girl Girl.

I nominated you for the Sweet Sugar Award, too, because you are so sweet!

Khady Lynn said...

Cool nail art!! My human is not that talented!

Hey GG, were are you? I can't see you in that picture!


Par said...

Yes, very nice nails.
Maybe she can offer some nail tips?

Hana said...

Your monster has very nice paws! They are pretty, but doesn't she need a clipping like the rest of us dogs do?

Dolly & Zoopy said...

Nice colorful nails. You have good in colors!

Dolly and Zoopy

Kirby said...

Hi Girl Girl,

Eil's nails look so good! You are so lucky that you get to pick out the colors. He he he, I found you behind your toy. Are you sniffing his butt? He he!

Your pal,

L said...

Oh no! Where is girl girl? We hope somebody finds her in time for dinner or she will starve!

Eil's nails are very pretty.