Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I'm bored

Hey doggies & kitties... I'm bored on this mid-week Wednesday

So I decided to do some climbing...

Hope your day is better....


Moco said...

You are in such great shape to be able to climb up your house. Will you be rock climbing soon?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
Sure you are doing a good excercise there!
I wish I'd be there with you and play together!
Kisses and hugs

L said...

Climbing is always a good way to get rid of boredom. You could alway rearrange everything in your house too. That's what our girl does when she gets bored.

i said...

You certainly can climb well, Girl Girl.

Myeo said...

We had a great start today. Papa woke us up at 4am to have chicken wings that he brought home..YUMMY!

Boy n Baby

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, hello, you are a nice little hamster.I´m Luna the cat. My humans also have a hamster. They always think I want to eat it, but they don´t know he is my friend.
He loves to climb but sometimes he is not careful and fall down.
Nice to meet you.I convince my humans to make a photo of my little friend Bubi the hamster.


Simba and Jazzi said...

You are very good at climbing.

Simba x

Stanley said...

Girl Girl!

You could climb all over me if I came to visit. It would be like a mini massage for me, and like mountain climbing for you!

You're the best hammie climber I know.

Goober love & smooches,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

if there's agility for hammie...u're the pro...

Amber-Mae said...

I'm bored today too. I bet that climbing helped you to build some muscles...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Harry said...

Gosh, you really do look awfully bored in that photo. Hope the climbing perked you up a little.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Duke said...

Climbing is great exercise, Girl girl!
We saw that you were one of the winners for the Easter bonnet contest! Congratulations! We thought you looked so cute!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

GG - You are ready for the hammie agility for sure.

Moco said...

You are the best climber we know. It is very impressive.

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

How can you be bored with all that food right beside you?


Agatha and Archie said...

Good excersise!!! And then you can climb back down and get into the food goodie bag.....Love A+A

The Army of Four said...

Always a good idea to get some PT in! That's what makes you such a great Trooper in the Ao4!!!
Play bows,

the many Bs said...

hi Girl Girl, we are bored too.

that's a good way for you to have fun. you are a good climber and a good hider.

happy middle of the week.


Daisy said...

That is some very impressive climbing!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Gril,
I am a little bored too. My mom is working and I have nothing to do. You are a really good climber!

Copito said...

Hi, honey.

I climbed last night and fall down! hehe But I'm ok. To climb is dangerous.


Deetz said...

I am sorry you are bored. You are a good climber Girl Girl. I wished I could climb. I tree'd a raccoon this morning, but since I cannot climb all I could do was bark on the ground.

Par said...

I can see you got some yummie nibble bars....

Petra said...

wow! how do you do that?!

Islay said...

Climbing - gee, that expends a lot of energy. I'll have to have a nap to think about that...
licks & slobbers

Girasol said...

wow! climbing is not my forte but I think it is yours.