Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Chin ups

I've seen lots of hoomans keeping fit by doing chin ups. I wanna try that too, you just grab hold of a bar then pull yourself up....

I found the bar then pull... *argh......* ok.. this is harder then it looks. I'm gonna keep on practise

Bae: I think many friends like the idea of a hot tub. Even Mr Rain's latest advertisment he's pretending that he's at a sauna. Check out that cute doggie at the front part.


Asta said...
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Asta said...

Sowwy That was you GiwlGiwl..those chin ups awe vewy vewy hawd..Pleeze don't huwt youwself doing them
smoochie kisses
pee ess.I got a CAWD fwom you !!!thank you so much! I wish I could come to Singa paw wif my pawents..they said we can only come if we win the lottewy ow something..
that doggie is vewy cute in the video..and so is MrRain

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, in a few more practices, you will do it well! I didn't really get the advertisement but the doggie in there is cute like you said!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

I think you should have been in the video.

Simba x

Cassidy said...

My muscles feel sore just looking at those photos!

Cassidy x

Toffee said...

So THAT is how you maintain your pretty figure!

Mack said...

Wow - chinups are hard -
You must have lots of muscle!

I wonder if my sissy Paris is related to Mr. Rain - her full name is Paris Rain!

Murphey said...

Wow, I have never tried to do a chin up before, I wonder if I could? That is very impressive.


Petra said...

Do you know what would happen to me if I tried a chin up?!

You are GOOD, Girl Girl!

Deefor said...

You have a lot of energy. I didn't know I had a chin. I have to try that. Keep practicing. Cute video.


Joe Stains said...

dang Girl Girl, you are TOUGH! I could never do that. Then again, I don't have thumbs ;)

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I should start my chin up soon, I've gain 1 lbs since my mom feeds us.
Say hello to Mr. Rain, please, he looks hot in that sauna.

The Army of Four said...

Good job doing PT! And how COOL that Bae has joined your family!
Play bows,

Moco said...

You have ddiscovered a new exercise. You are pulling yourself back and forth with the bars. You are a genuis.
What is a matter with Bae sitting in the food bowl. Mr. Rain isn't sitting on his food.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, you are strong! That is also almost like the monkey bars mom used when she was a kid.

Girasol said...

working out? hehehe
I gave you an award in my blog...

Gucci said...

whoas girl girl,

you gots some kinda upper body strength!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl!
Good job with your work out!
Both, Mr. Rain and that doggie are soooo cute!
Kisses and hugs

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Dang Girl Girl!

You are looking buff!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, you sure have a knack for doing the chin ups! Go Girl Girl! I don't think my Mom can do that...haha! She's quite the lazy bum...=P


Islay said...

Wow, like I could never do that! You are one strong hamster!

Please stop by my bloggie cause I have some awards for you!


Kirby said...

That is a great workout. My vet is always on me to lose some weight, so I'll have to try it out!!

Your pal,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Great workout Girl Girl.. I don't think I can do that since I don't have opposable thumbs. :(

Thor and Jack said...

Great workout, Girl Girl! That doggie is so cute!

Love and licks

i said...

Oh that's how you keep yourself fit! Cute doggie in the video. For a moment I thought Mr.Rain was going to eat the dog's food heh...

Copito said...

Hello GirlGirl, we miss you! Just Bae to write... hehehe


Abby said...

Hi, Girl Girl...

Be careful with those chin ups...You don't want to hurt yourself...

Abby xxxooo

Isis said...

chin ups huh? i can't do them! you're strong!

the many Bs said...

hi Girl Girl and Bae, we can tell that you have been working out, Girl Girl. your big muscles are showing.

Mr Rain is cute in that video. hee hee


Duke said...

Wow! You're going to be in excellent shape soon, Girl girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

T-man's mom said...

Girl Girl,
Those chin ups look hard. Most humans can't do them either ;)

I miss T-man terribly too. Thank you for posting that cute picture of him to tell your friends about him. I hope he's watching over us, and that we'll meet again someday.

T-man's mom & CC-man & T-man Angel

L said...

You are very strong to do those chin ups.

Stanley said...

Sweet Girl Girl!

You are a very strong hammie girl, but those chinups look a little dangerous. Are you okay?

Also, we received 3 cards from you with cool photos of Singapaw on them! Thank you for t hinking of us! Whenever we see your hammie handwriting we get SO excited!

Goober love & smooches,

Dexter said...

GG - You are so totally pumped up. What's next? Iron hammie competition?


Johann The Dog said...

So that's how you keep in such good shape! I need to try some of those exercises.

Woofs, Johann