Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!! - Part 2

Hee, here's a continuation of the Halloween post.
I didn't take Witchy Cat's (WC) hat coz then he won't have any halloween costume. *And I secretly think he might be bald underneath, which explains the hat*

Here's me doing a Blair Witch Project pose. Doesn't it look like the real thing. Heee :)

I'm trying to be some sort of tree snail here.

If you look close at this pic, you'll see that I have scary red eyes.

Happy Halloween Everyone! :)
I'm going trick or treating ...

And Singapore dloggers, do go to Jay's blog to check out the Christmas event ok.

Happy Halloween!!! - Part 1

Happy Halloween everyone!!! I wonder if my doggie friends are dressed up and ready for trick or treating? Eil did a little deco of my house.

Try to spot the spider and bat in there. Eil actually made a 'ghost' out of tissue. But I grab the tissue and stuff it into my mouth before she could take any pictures of it. Heee

Then Eil tried to make me wear feathers. I dont know what I'm suppose to be here...?

Then the humans tried to turn me into a rabbit with the bunny head and a purple tail.

I'm more interested in the spoon

Can you see my bunny tail?

Here's a better look.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Witchy Cat

HI Everyone, I'm back. Yup I manage to get out from the pumpkin head with Eil's help. :)

I had a new friend visiting me. It's a black cat with a witch hat, so I shall call it Witchy Cat(WC)
Actually this cat is a gift from J jiejie to Eil but isn't it nice of WC to come visit me. This is the first cat I've seen that is smaller then me.

I tried to invite WC to my house but I guess it's too small for him.

I think it's because of the big hat that WC is wearing, so I tried to get it off him. But I think it's stuck on him too...

I wonder if Eil can help him too. *whisper* Dont you think that hat'll look great on me too hee... :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pumpkin Head

Hum.. I wonder when will my treat bag will fill with treats...

Maybe there's something inside already??...

Opps... I'm stuck. HELP!!.. *sigh* wonder if this counts as a Halloween costume?

My bowl

Some of my friends have been asking about my bowl. Well actually my bowl originally was a container for Eil's face mask.

Then after using the mask, Eil wash, clean and air dried the container to be used as my bowl.

So now my seeds, corn and rice are put into this bowl during feeding time. :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm ready for Halloween

Yeah, I'm so ready for Halloween. My buddy Jay has given me a pumpkin treat bag which I can go Treat-or-Tricking.

Isn't it cool and so right for my size. And Eil meet up with Huskee's maid and me and Bibi got new toys.

I saw it when I woke up from my little house. It's a ball with bell inside.

Here is Bibi doing... I dont know what he's doing here.

Here's me posing with my new toys. Thanks Jay and Huskee maid, I like them very much.

Monday, October 23, 2006


One fine day when I woke up, I saw a rabbit's head hanging at my door.

I swear I didn't own any Ah Long (loansharks) money. For those who don't know "Ah longs are illegal moneylenders that splash your house with red paint and hang pig's head on your door if you fail to pay them back"

Then Eil told me that actually the rabbit head came from an old scrunchy of hers and she didn't want it already. And seeing that I was so nice to give Bibi my monkey toy. She asked mama to cut out the rabbit to give me.

Phew, I got scared for a bit there... Great, I got new toy to chew now. ;)
One great news is that Isabella is back, read about our great rescue mission on Zach's blog.
I still can't believe how we left Sunshade behind. Haa...

No Fair!

How come the humans get to drink this?

Don't the Godiva Dark Chocolate Decadence looks yummy-licious?
No fair, all me and Bibi get are plain water?

Then Eil gave me a lecture on how Chocolate might be toxic to hamsters. But it looks so sinfully delicious....

Friday, October 20, 2006

Fufu gets pink tail

The humans thought that it's funny to put the pink monkey's tail at my butt, since I was the one who bite it off.
They did it while I was eating corn, sneaky humans...

What, do I look like a gerbil or squirral to you?
So naturally I wasn't too happy about it and I gave them "the look".

(Who DID it?)

Then I decided to complain by trying to howl like a hamster-rier

I hope they dont play such tricks on me again...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bibi loves tissue too

My neighbour Bibi is such a lazy *oops I mean relaxed* hamster that he just likes to chill in his home the whole day.
I've even gave him the remains of my monkey toy as a pillow, and you see that with the tissue paper given to him, he's really getting comfortable.

See, doesn't he look like a BIG baby all snuggle up with the tissue as blanket.

He's so happy just chilling everyday. And if you look carefully at the picture below, he's winking. ;)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I love it when the family gives me tissue paper. Mama would usually give me new ones when she change the bedding in my cage.

They are good and easy to shred and they are soft to lay one and I can use them to cover my nose during this Hazy period.

I even bring them down to the tree trunk with me if I'm gonna sleep there.

Ah... so comfy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Chicken Rice

Mama was giving me some rice for dinner when Eil thought it was funny to include a "chicken drumstick" for me.

But I wasn't tricked at all. After some sniffing, I know that it's not a REAL drumstick. It's a paper cutout of a picture.

But silly Bibi thinks that it's a treat and stands up for it. Heee. He got punked.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fufu the hamster-terror

My friend Max (M-the-V) has been coaching friends how to break the necks of their toys. Which I thought was a fun thing to do to my monkey toy since the monkey hasn't been good and have been up to monkey business with me. And besides, I need to show my power as a hamster-terrier.

Come here monkey

I tried to imagine that monkey is Mr Rain (hee, dont let Eil knows. She probably wont be too happy to know if I try to chew him)
By the way, Eil decided not to go to his concert coz $888 is too.... costly and $188 is a waste of money to be sitting right at the back of the stadium of 7000 people. She'll wait and get the concert DVD instead (what a cheapskate, hee). Never mind Eil, I'll help you take revenge...

Then before you know it, the tail came out. Haa.. I happily grab the tail to keep it as my victory prize.

What's left of Mr Rain *opps* I mean monkey is the head. Haaa. Eil tried to take photos of the monkey's ripped out limbs and stuffings but felt that it was too gruesome to be shown.
Hey Max, how did you think I fare? Am I doing this right? Hee :)

Yeah gifts for me

Over the weekend, Eil meet up with J and Huskee's maid and I got gifts from the 2 jiejies.
So nice of them. They must have thought that I've been a good hamster and reward me. ;)
I got a bottle of the pet's water from J and food (I love food) from Huskee's maid.

I'm being made to pose with the gifts.

I can't wait any longer and wanna taste the treats..

But No... Eil said I have to be good and pose for the pictures first. *sigh*

But I think I moved too much and the treat fell on me. That's mama's hand rescuing me.
Thank You J jiejie and Huskee's maid for the yummys. :)