I had a new friend visiting me. It's a black cat with a witch hat, so I shall call it Witchy Cat(WC)
Actually this cat is a gift from J jiejie to Eil but isn't it nice of WC to come visit me. This is the first cat I've seen that is smaller then me.

I tried to invite WC to my house but I guess it's too small for him.

I think it's because of the big hat that WC is wearing, so I tried to get it off him. But I think it's stuck on him too...

I wonder if Eil can help him too. *whisper* Dont you think that hat'll look great on me too hee... :)
Be careful with WC Fu Fu, I mean that cat looks safe and all but most kitties wouldn't be quite so sweet with an adorable hamster like you...
Just lookin' out for ya buddy,
Be careful Fu, this is the FIRST time that I heard of a cat which doesnt kills a hamster ... Oh well, of cos you are different, you are a hams-terrier, so effectively a dog ...
I think thats why the cat is so respectful of you
I'm sure the hat will look fantastic on you. At least you get a proper hat, my M made me wear an upturned pumpkin basket as a hat and took pictures of it with Scuba's camera. I'm sure Scuba's mummy will be sending my M the awful pictures soon.
Oh my gosh Fufu, I think you should totally chew the hat off and put it on you!!! You will look SOOOOOO cute, ready for Halloween!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Fufu, I agree with Sunshade...you gotta get that hat! It would go perfectly with your pumpkin treat bucket. Just be careful of the kitty....
hey fufu, you should ask Eil take that hat off the WC and let you wear it and take a photo for us! hurry coz halloween is tomorrow!
wet wet licks
Hi Fufu, I agree with the rest, the hat will look totally COOL on you. If you ruin WC, I'll get J to buy another one back so Jiejie Eil doesn't know what you were up to!
Please be careful Fufu! That is a cat! they are devious! I recommend that use the techniques you've learned to discipline him immediately before he gets some wierd ideas. Then you can take the hat and look adorable. So adorable that your mom will buy you more toys to discipline.
fufu be careful dun let the cat use witchcraft on you! you know cats are always assistants to witches! :)
Good evening.
Here should make it deprive WC of the hat and the mantle, wear to the hamster, give the cane, and participate in Hallowin.
Then, it looks cute very much.
Pretty cool to have company, FuFu! Hope the kitty doesn't try to pull a fast one on you.
Play bows,
FuFu, will you be Witchy Fufu or Witchy Hamsterrier once you get the hat? We think it will look much better on you than on WC. But you might have to be careful if WC doesn't want you to have the hat!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Oh, yes- that hat was made for you! You would look stunning in it.
Big Wags,
Fufu - That hat would look adorable on you! Maybe Eil can "borrow" it from WC for you!
o fufu, you are so cute i could lick you! i won't be able to attend the christmas party for us four-legged bloggers and i'm so sad because i hear you will be there! :(
that hat is so yours. it matches your orange coat perfectly!
I agree with Fee .. the color is so YOU!!
Oh Fu, dear lil Fu. That hat is glued onto WC. You wouldn't want to have it glued on your had, now would you?
Now that answer to that question is - yes!!!! You would look so darn good in it and we all do anything to look good, right?
Bussie Kissies
Hi Fu Fu,
That black cat looks like every hamster's nightmare (despite it's size).. You are so brave!!
(And I think you should keep that hat for yourself.. you'd look so fab!)
Huskee Boy
Hey Bogart, Bond & Toby, Thanks for the warning. I'll watch out for that cat.
Herbie, a pumpkin basket as a hat. I feel so sorry for you. :(
Sunshade, Happy Halloween to you too. Are you going trick or treating?
Boo, did you see my Halloween pic? hee
Hey Jay, really another WC? That's worth considering. Hee
Max, I'm planning to discipline the cat soon.
Chiyo really! witchcraft? I better watch my back.
Thank you umekotyan. Happy Halloween to you too. :)
Hey Zim, no problem. I'll keeep an eye on the kitty.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy, I dont know, does Witchy Fufu or Witchy Hamsterrier sounds nicer?
Hey Isabella & T-man, Thanks I like the hat too.
Hi Fee, aw.. so sad that you're not able to make it. Hope to meet you another time.
Hey Zach. Thanks. :)
Hi Buster, haa.. really. But I dont think I want it glue to my head.
salchicha & lilly, Oh haa. really sneak it off the cat? hee. That sounds fun.
Huskee, so nice to hear from you. Really? You think WC might be bad? I'll keep an eye on him. I like that hat too but I'll leave it to him.
~ fufu
That's a very cute WC! I think you would look perfect in the hat! Have fun playing with WC!
Your pal,
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