Doggies.. thanks for all the nice comments you guys left me for yesterday's post. It's really nice to see many of you care and you all gave
Girl girl a very warm welcome. But I dont know why some of you thought that I'm a girl.
Boo!!! I can't believe you didn't know I was a
boy or
For the records, I'm a
boy and here's a picture of me to prove it.. er...
underage doggies cover your eyes ok..

See my
boy bits there, ok I'm a little
shy there so I didn't smile for this picture. To answer some of your questions.
Girl girl is a
sapphire winter white, Eil thinks she's about
3 months old from her size. I'm a
syrian hamsterrier and I'm bigger then Girl Girl (about double her length) . We dont stay together, I have my
own house and she lives in her own place. Her cage is placed above my house. So she wakes me up every morning when she runs noisily on the
wheel. We dont get placed together coz we're of different breed and I'm all slow and relaxed while she's all speedy and jumpy. So we just look at each other through our cages.

I loan her some of my toys to welcome her, Eil says that I'm a good
big brother. She's really nice to that
stuff hammie (that my mother-in-law) gave me as she doesn't bite it. I'll ask her what she's going to name that stuff hammie next time. And if Girl girl is nice and behaves herself, I'll let her
guest blog sometimes. Meanwhile, here's a video of
Ms Speedy Girl. See how fast she can run and she can even turn around and run in the other direction real fast.