Hey Doggies, Simba is having a house warming party in his new home. And the theme is James Bond 007.
Look I have my own flashy car and I put on a bow tie and I got a gun hee hee. Do I look like Double-O-Se7en?

Here I am with a martini, "Shaken, not stirred"

And it's Boy's birthday TODAY! Doggies, go to his blog and wish him a Happy Barksday :)

Here I am with a martini, "Shaken, not stirred"

And it's Boy's birthday TODAY! Doggies, go to his blog and wish him a Happy Barksday :)
The ally is necessary for 007 of simba.
Girl girl joined it. :)
from loved ume tyan
I can hear the theme music in my head Dundadundundadundundadundun!
You're way more handsome than that Connery guy.
Hi GG, you do look like 007 secret agent. Is that gun real ?
See you at the pawty!!
WOW! you are all dressed up too!
Oh dear.. i forgot my gown.. but its alright. To bare is sexy WOohoooOoo...
wow I never knew they made guns that size, you are an awesome secret agent!!
That's so cute !!
Love the photo's - you look just like "double Oh se7en"
See you there.
Hi double Oh se7en,
you look gweat, we'll have the best time, I'll clinck gmawtini glasses with you..see you there..you'll have the best caw for suwe
smoochie kisses
That is the littlest gun I have ever seen.
Hi Girl Girl!
I'm all ready for the pawty too! i hope I'm not too late for it thou. Hehe. You look stunning with bow, and the gun is oh so cute!
hi GG,
u r the cutest double Oh se7en ever!
cya at the pawty!
You're too cute to carry a gun Girl girl!
Love ya lots,
hehe...so kawaii Girl Girl..... :) Enjoy the Pawty ok? I have to give it a miss cos I have some scheduled opawrations.....
Awesome GG... so glad you'll be there too!
Girl Girl, you look maaahvelous!
Have a lovely time at the pawty. Maybe leave your gun at home, though. Surely there won't be any mischeif at the pawty.
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches
You look great girgirl! Have fun at the party!
Oh, this is totally awesome!!!
Hey Girl Girl,
You have been nominated for Photo of the Month over at the DWB's Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :-)
You make a good secret agent GG. You almost had me fooled for a sec. Have a terrific weekend! Enjoy the pawty.
Looks like you're all set to party, party, party!
Katy x
Hi Girl Girl
You look so cute in your Bond girl outfit and your pink gg mobile really suits the theme. Try not to drink too many martinis though. Have a great weekend.
Love from Hammer
Hi, Girl Girl.
You look ready for the party! Have fun there! And don't drink too much!
you got the gun but not mr. bond! i'm the bond girl! yipee!
wet wet licks
jajajaj GG.
you are a impressive secret agent. intimidate ein that weapon, but that martini betrays you
Girl girl, you look just like a secret agent. We're impressed.
hehehehe Girl Girl
You beauty of a cross dresser!!!
(that was meant to be a good compliment!)
You look smashing.
You look cute even with a gun. I hope CSI don't turn up.
Simba xx
You are so cute Girl Girl.... a beautiful James Bond Girl Girl....Kisses, Faya
Ooooo, look! You even got a gun! Why don't cha tuck that in your tuxedo or something or else you'll freak everyone else! Hahaha!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Girl Girl! You need your own secret agent name. You are GG7, undercover hampster-berian! Able to investigate even the smallest of criminal hide-outs. Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Girl Girl....we would have sworn that was James Bond if you hadn't told us it was you.
Did that martini taste good?
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Very debonaire look with the bow tie!
Great pics GG!!!!
I have always liked your car and also Fufu's car. You get around in style!
You are just the bestest James Bond Hamster Looky Likey I have ever seen.
Lovely Jubbley!
Marvin xxxxxx
Girl Girl,
You look sooo cool - obviously a license to thrill! My mum loves James Bond.
Shaken, not stirred, xxx Asta down under
I indeed saw you at the pawty!
so you got to drink some pawtinis?
Hiya Girl Girl
You look so sauve in that bow of yours! Did anyone recognised you in your disguise?
Hope you had a great time at the pawty. This is one pawty you wont miss :)
Wet licks
Nice costume Girl Girl. You make a very cute little 007. Have a great time at the party!
Jazz and Dixie
Hi GG,
Gasp, I sure hope that gun is only a prop!!
It's JANE Bond!!
Girl Girl,
You are a very special secret agent hammie! I bet you have all kinds of tiny tiny special gadgets to get you out of any tight spots you might find yourself in during your international intrigues!!
You are stinkin' cute.
Goober love,
GG the gun is C-O-O-L! hope you didn't need to use it, but us secret agents need to be ready for anything, anytime right? :)
oh, plz...don't shot me...i'm innocent..
Hahahahaha! Nice pictures!
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