Monday, October 08, 2007

Great Pawty

Hey Doggies, what a great pawty it was at Butchy's campout. I just got home and am ready to snuggle up to Joey the Hammie for a nap. It was pawsome meeting all you doggies.

Then I saw an invitation for another pawty at the end for the month for Amber and Koobuss. Will there be scary stories to share during this pawty? I gotta think what to wear, what do you think I should wear?


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Girl Girl
It was great meeting you at Butchy's campout. Have you recovered yet? The gals are still talking about it. Our beards are still matted from the gooey marshmellow.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Myeo said...

Oh no, Oh no.. what are we going to wear now?

Boy n Baby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl
Sure it was a great party! I've been resting a lot... and thinking about what to wear for the next party!
Have a good night

Hammer said...

Hi Girl Girl
I'm going to make sure I don't miss out on another pawty. I'm going to give my mum lots of my soulful looks to make her feel very guilty so she'll have to make me a costume pawty outfit to wear. Glad you had such a great time at Butchy's pawty.
Love from Hammer

Huskee and Hershey said...

So many pawties and so little time!! Hmm.. I think I wanna go to this one dressed as a pumpkin..

Unknown said...

my mom sure is jealous of our pawesome social life, we go to more parties than she ever has!!

Bella said...

good idea to cuddle with Sunny coz the next pawty looks kinda scarey.

Lacy said...

woofies ms girl-girl!!! me iz sooo tireded froms de pawty...i hads sooo muchies funs...oooooo another pawty soon, hmmm salem is wheres all the witcheses wuz...hopes us nots getted to bad skeered...

b safe,

Faya said...

Nice to see that you had fun ! Kisses, Faya

ycling said...

I bet my pumkin outfit will be good for this pawty!


chiyo said...

more pawties!!! i need to get more pawty clothes and maybe also a car :p



HI Girl Girl
It sounds like youve had some highs and lows over the past week. We are sorry to hear about your friend Herbie. We are sure Fu Fu will be there to greet him. Another party coming up - maybe you could go as a pumpkin!
Jazz and Dixie

Duke said...

Butchy's pawty was a blast! It was so nice sitting next to you at the campfire Girl girl! We can't wait for Amber and Koobie's pawty! It's going to be such fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

So many pawties, so little time!

I think whatever you wear Girl Girl will be ok, you always look so sweet!

love and licks and have a nice week, from Marvin xxxxx

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Ewwww that party looks scary. I don't like scary things like spiders and witches....


Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Girl Girl - happy to hear that you had a great time at the pawty =)

S and C

umekotyan said...

A happy party was held.
The campfire was a beautiful night view.
I think clothes to suit Japanese clothes. :)

from loved ume tyan

Stanley said...

Girl Girl!

I had so much fun at the campout with you! Thanks for snuggling up with Asta and I under the stars by the fire all night. You sleep like a little rock, girlie. We had a hard time waking you up for breakfast!

Rest up!

Goober love,

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, it was great meeting you for the 1st time GG! Thanks fro bringing over those seasoning & spices for the dead birds. Ooooooh, Koobuss & I will make sure that the pawty will be great. I still haven't got my costume too. Better nag my mommy to quickly buy it for me!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Frasier said...

We doggies pawty a lot,dont we ?

Anonymous said...

Oh GG... a costume huh? You are going to look great in anything!!!
Hugs, Sitka

Kirby said...

Hi Girl Girl,

You are just too popular. Another party already, you are a party animal!! I'm glad you had so much fun at Butchy's party. The Girl Girl Mobile looked great near the campfire. Rest up, the party circuit begins again very soon. He he!!

Your Pal,


Suzanne G. said...

Can anyone go to the pawty? If my mom gets an orange running-ball then I'm going as a pumpkin! What do you think?

Scotty the Hamster

Urban Smoothie Read said...

is really scary looking... i need to come along wit my mummy