Monday, November 26, 2007


Hey Doggies, how was your weekend? I hope you all had fun! It was Eil's birthday last week and Jay is so nice to ask his J jie jie to take Eil out yesterday for a spa session and a yummilicious lunch.

They also went to a cool lounge and had mojitos and caipirinhas (what are those? Are they like pawtinis?)

Then Huskee's maid also gave Eil a present. It's a very well dressed cool looking bear.

Somehow I have a feeling that I've seen this bear somewhere..... hum....

Then I noticed that Mr Bear was wearing low waist pants.

I wonder where he learned that from....

So I quickly whisper in his ears that his boxer is showing.... He sure is a nice fluffy friend.

This morning I'm getting monday blues again. I keep pushing my nose out.. I wish I can go out and meet your doggies to have fun.


Boo Casanova said...

aiyoh yoh yoh, even the bear is showing his undies ah! aiyoh yoh yoh!

wet wet licks


Emily and Ike said...

With the time difference, I am reading your post from the future! How cool is that. I will have the Monday blues soon :(

Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy birthday to eil

Luckie Girl said...

Happy Barkday Eil Jie Jie!
Uh oh..we didn't know it was your barkday else I'd insist to come along last week on your lunch date to give her a big kiss.

Ben & Darling said...

Happy belated birthday to Eil!!!

Wow, that bear is so cool!!! Mayb can call him Mr.Rainbear. hehehe

Joe Stains said...

what a cool bear, is his name rainbear hehe? We sure like the looks of those drinks, I bet one of those would take away your Monday blues!!

Stanley said...

Girl Girl!!

Please give Eil a goober hug & a big juicy goober smooch from me for her birthday!

I'm sorry you have the blues. Maybe Mr. Rainbear will help you hatch an escape plan to come visit me in GooberStan!

Goober love & smooches for you,

Stella said...

Miss Girl Girl!

Hi!! My bruzzer, Stanley, talks 'bout you all the time. I told him I wanted to have a HAM fren like you, and he told me you're a hamMIE - a small furry 4-legged friend, not a HAM - a large juicy piece of PIG. (heehoheehee)

Sorry, Girl Girl. I'm still learning 'bout things! I still want to be your fren. Please, please say you will.

No matter what you decide, I will love you because you are a bundle of sweetness.

Gooby love & tiny kissies,

Lacy said...

woofies Girl-Girl, happy late birfday to Eil...and me likies da bear....u can come sees me, and me will teach ya how to dig in dirt instead of sunflower seeds....heehee, and me will protect u....

b safe,

Amber-Mae said...

Happee Belated Birthday to you Eil! That Rain Teddy is sooo cute & fluffy. At least you have a new friend now. An impersonator of Mr.Rain...Hehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber said...

The bear have many resemblances of Mr.Rain. Eli must have really love it. Is really nice of Jay and Huskee's mom. I hope I can cheer you up GG.
Happy Belated Birthday to Eli !!

Duke said...

Happy belated birthday, Eil! Do we share the same birthdate - the 24th??? Your Mr. Rainbear is adorable. Maybe you could tell him to hike up his pants - his undies are showing!

Yer friend,

Unknown said...

happy birthday to eil

the bear is pretty..
a big hug GG

Kien said...

oh..happy belated birthday to Eil.. i got a 'present' for your Eil too.. hehehe.. later show u..


Jessica said...

We like the rainbear. Too cute. Hope that your Monday Blues don't last too long.
Be happy....
Love, Seadra and Zoe

umekotyan said...

Happy birthday eil.
I'm sorry slowing.
A wonderful birthday is a friend, and a hot spring of the lunch.
It is very glad on the birthday celebrated with the friend.

And, is it a commercial of Calvin's pants?
Rain is famous.

from loved ume tyan

Peanut said...

The bear is perfect for Eli. I wish I could meet you also. It could be neat.

Girasol said...

Happy birthday/Feliz cumpleaños to Eil.

jaffeboy said...

A pawtini sounds real nice for a drink!

ToFFee said...

Hi Eil! Many happy returns of the day!

Mom has Sunday blues.. because that's the start of the work week here.. hehehe!

I'm sure Eil enjoyed the SPA.. and the pawtinis look alike too!


Asta said...

Hi GirlGirl,

Pleez don't have the monday blues! You awe so vewy loved and all of us would love to have you come play with us ..i know I would!
Happy belated Birfday to Eil..tomowwow is my Mommi's birfday..they'we pwactically twins,xept my Mommi is ancient,hehe
those dwinkies look gweat..I think they'we biggew than pawtinis but yummiu!
smoochie kisses

Harry said...

Happy birthday to Eil! Those drinks looked pretty, but I hope they didn't give her a headache!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Thor and Jack said...

Happy belated birthday to Eil!!
The bear is very cool!

Love and licks

Noah the Airedale said...

Happy birthday to Eil. Hope she had a great lunch.
Hey you should come down to Oz GG. It's not too far and we can hang out.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

L said...

We hope Eil had a great birthday. Those green drinks look yummy.

Myeo said...

The bear is cute.. so smart of Huskee's maid to find that bear.

You can ask Eil to let you out and you can come to our place to play with Mimi & Momo :)

Boy n Baby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Girl Girl
Happy Birthday to Eil!! Looks like she had a great time celebrating! Mr. Rainbear is very cute! Sure Eil loves him! And you have a new friend to take away those monday blues!
Have a good night

ycling said...

Wow, I got to learn some fashion sense from this bear bear!


Eddie N Peaches said...

Whoo Hoo to the bear! Oh my! We love you GG!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella

i said...

Happy belated birthday to Eil.

That's a real cool trendy bear there :-)

MJ's doghouse said...

girl should get the bear to smuggle you out of your cage....jump in his pocket....and make him walk you to the airport and fly to my mom will let you live here.....ummm..but ...i am not too sure about Zippy...maybe you better stay where you are safe and lovedd

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooh Girl Girl, so sorry to be late in commenting, our internet has been playing up!

Happy, well belated, Happy Birthday to Eil!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

love and light Jeannie xxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh and those cocktails looked lovely!

Hammer said...

Dear Girl Girl
My mum feels so bad for missing Eil's birthday. Some unexpected stuff came up and this is the first time my mum has helped me with my blog since my anniversary. Please ask Eileen to forgive us. We do really love you both.
Love from Hammer

Hana said...

My mom does not know much about alcoholic drinks, but she loves the mojitos are the Cheesecake Factory!