Mr Rain's 5th album Rainism is out!!! This is also his first album from his very own company
J Tune Entertainment.

Take a look at the album when we managed to get our paws on. Imported all the way from Korea. Pinky Winky look like a DJ there.

Other then the previous Music Video Love Story we showed you. New songs include Rainism which we think will be a total hit. We love the dance move esp with the cane at the last part.
Wow, this contest is so cool...as cool as the videos! *grins* Okay, I'm going to try:
1) Rainism
2) A cane?
Hehe...hope you had a great weekend!
w00f's Girl Girl and Bae, me guesses me answes iz Scotties answers..
1) rainism
2) a glow in da dark walking cane it looks like..
3) and yes Bae iz a cutie..
b safe,
pps and pinky winky shades iz sooo sexy...
We bet Eil knows every word to every song on Mr Rains new CD by now! Did she sleep with the music going all night too, Bae? We know the answer to question #3 - yes, Bae is VERY cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mom says Rain reminds of her of Michael Jackson. You know when he was cool before he got creepy and weird like now. :) We will answer question #3. The answer is TRUE. Those songs sounds like something our girl would like. We are going to let her listen to them when she gets home from school.
Hi Girl Girl and Bae Bae!
It's been so long since we've caught up on the blog that this is the first time we've had to meet Bae! I'm so happy you have a hammie friend. I don't know what I'd do without Mica to help keep the two-leggeds in check!
Your pal,
I know i know !!! and im a DWB member !!
1) rainism
2) a cane !!
Nope , I can't squeeze into it ! Is either I am too big , or the bed is just too small for me (:
my daddy is from Korea and my uncle is teaching english in Korea to children right now too so lets see how i do:
Question1: Name one song from the Rainism album.
~Rainism (#2)
~Rainism Remix (#13)
Question 2: What prop did Mr Rain use in his Rainism dance?
Question 3: Bae is a very cute hamster, True or False?
~WAY Cute!!!
How kool! Okay, here's my try...
1) My Way (Can be any songs in his album besides the main song Rainism right?)
2) A red cane I guess.
Looks like everybody has answered it right already.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
omdog what a fun contest, Mom is not a huge fan of that kind of music so she will leave the contest to others!!
I don't know much about Mr. Rain, but I do know Bae is cuter than words!
Bae is real cute! And so is DJ Pinky Winky!
#3 is true and I think it should count because it's the only answer I know.
Well mom isn't going to win this one. She has never heard of this dude although he sounds really good...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I don't know Mr. Rain, but what great news!
Wow.. fun contest..
#1 : Rainism
#2 : A cane
#3 : Very cute
ooooooo... **excited**
Yes yes... Bae is a cutie and so are you, Girl Girl!
For me its still a small collection of bones ! As I am a spoilt puppy ! BOL !
Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers
Crikey, we don't know who he is hee hee. We do know the answer to question 3 though...yes Bae is cute.
We're happy for Eil that Mr Rain has a new cd.
Don't know
Don't Know.
I know, I know, yes!
Simba x
oh there are lotsa girls screaming for him down there..
i bet ur mom is the fan of him right!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know the answerr
1.) Only You..
i think this is a sweet song.. :D
i think..
2.) it must be the famous red cane!
oh well.. my mommy said, she loves him more in Full House drama hahhaa..he is handsome though..
any Korean dog?
Hi, Girl Girl & Bae...
1) Rainism
2) Cane
3) Yes, Bae is a very cute Hammie...
Abby xxxooo
I learn so much from your bloggie. I didn't know anything about him before.
Woo! We're back! And happy to meet Bae!
OKay here goes,
1) Rainism!
2) A cane!
3) NO! Just joking! Of course!!!
This would be like asking whether rain is wet or not! (number3)
Mr. Rain reminds us of Michael Jackson too (in a good way). Bae is super cute (but second to GG).
1. Fresh Women
2. A cane.
3. Yes.
That is a lot of girls screaming in his video. He probably will sell a gadzillion copies.
Gee I can tell yer excited about Mr. Rain 'n his new album....We're sure the young people love his songs and charisma..... and Yes Bae is a cutie pie.....
Dewey Dewster here....
I love the songs .
You look cute in those sunglasses.
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