Eil was back home late last night. And when she opened the door, I was waiting for her outside my little "guard house". I waited up to make sure she's home...

Oh... You're back already~.. I can go back to sleep too now
Have a pawsome weekend everyone~
You are a very good security guard, Bae Bae! It's funny that I was just talking about security too hee...
Have a great weekend!
Oh! we can do the same together, arf, arf, arf... I love sleep ;o)
Paws and good weekend
Hi Bae!
I love your blog's new layout! You're a very good security guard too...*grins* HOpe you have a great weekend too!
Hi Bae!
I love your blog's new layout! You're a very good security guard too...*grins* HOpe you have a great weekend too!
It's always nice to be welcomed home!
Have a wonderful weekend, Bae and Eil!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
A guard hamster! Who would have thought? That is a big job for such a wee beast. I saw your mango minster medal hanging by your house!
We bet your human really appreciates you doing such a great job of securing the homeplace. Have a fun weekend, love your new look.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Way to keep alert!
Bae Bae, I see you already have your Halloween decorations up!
Way to go! Don't work too hard!
Play bows,
Such a good watch hammie! Maybe you need a sign: Beware of the Hamster!
Woo do need a new sign!
What a good job woo do!
Hi Bae!!!
I bet you scare off prowlers all the time...do ya growl at 'em????
Strong work!!!!
Have a good weekend!!!
Hi, Bae Bae!
Eil must be very proud of you and I am sure she feels happy knowing you cares for her!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
hv a good weekend too, baebae
Intruders would never suspect. You are very sneaky!
hi sweet bae bae...
you sleep?? me too :)
Hey Bae Bae...
We know yer the best hammie guard in the entire world.....yep..... ya would sure scare us if we were inta doin' no good...
Have a great weekend....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hug to Bae Bae for being a good security guard!!
small but mighty.. I see you are all decorated for Halloween. Your house looks nice.
Your pal, Morgan
I heart you too, Bae Bae!
Hi Bae Bae, I'm back!
Oops, you have not noticed that I have been missing in action lately?
I'm so excited to visit all of my friends again.
Love ya!
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