Dear Friends,
I'm very sad to inform you that Fufu has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge to join Bibi already.
We noticed that he was lethargic and not eating much on friday. My mum feed him water and his vitamins at night and before I went to bed I told him that he is a very brave boy and that many people love him.
The next morning (12th May), he passed away peacefully all curled up in his little hobit house.Fufu had a great and long (in hamster terms) 2.5 years with us and we really treasure his companionship and time in our family.
Having a blog for Fufu was one of the greatest thing, he sure had lots of fun and advantures with you doggies. We have to thank Jay, our long-time friend for sparking our interest to have a blog and Jay is the only doggie that Fufu got the chance to meet up close.

Then Huskee is the very first friend Fufu made via blogging and that started a great friendship between both families. Both of them also had alot of funny adventures together.

Miss Sunshade is the first overseas doggie friend Fufu made and whom introduced Fufu to the wonderful community of dogs with blogs (DWB)

Charlie & Opy are the most gracious doggies for accepting Fufu as a member of DWB which allows him to take part in many fun activities and got to know so many great friends.
(He is my super hero)
Fufu is a very special hamsterrier. He is still the only member in the family who got 60 christmas cards, own a car (his FuFuMOBILE), own a spaceship, have multiple properties and gets presents that are 20 times his own size.
Thank you all for loving him so much. He will always live in my heart. We'll miss you, Fufu~

*I would like to continue this blog in honor of his memories and to let his sister Girl girl to get to know so many of Fufu's wonderful friends.
I'm very sad to inform you that Fufu has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge to join Bibi already.
We noticed that he was lethargic and not eating much on friday. My mum feed him water and his vitamins at night and before I went to bed I told him that he is a very brave boy and that many people love him.
The next morning (12th May), he passed away peacefully all curled up in his little hobit house.Fufu had a great and long (in hamster terms) 2.5 years with us and we really treasure his companionship and time in our family.
Having a blog for Fufu was one of the greatest thing, he sure had lots of fun and advantures with you doggies. We have to thank Jay, our long-time friend for sparking our interest to have a blog and Jay is the only doggie that Fufu got the chance to meet up close.

Then Huskee is the very first friend Fufu made via blogging and that started a great friendship between both families. Both of them also had alot of funny adventures together.

Miss Sunshade is the first overseas doggie friend Fufu made and whom introduced Fufu to the wonderful community of dogs with blogs (DWB)

Charlie & Opy are the most gracious doggies for accepting Fufu as a member of DWB which allows him to take part in many fun activities and got to know so many great friends.

Fufu is a very special hamsterrier. He is still the only member in the family who got 60 christmas cards, own a car (his FuFuMOBILE), own a spaceship, have multiple properties and gets presents that are 20 times his own size.
Thank you all for loving him so much. He will always live in my heart. We'll miss you, Fufu~

*I would like to continue this blog in honor of his memories and to let his sister Girl girl to get to know so many of Fufu's wonderful friends.
Hi JieJie Eil, I'm so sad to hear the news from J on Saturday. I thought she was playing a joke on me.
My playmates and the whole family are so sad over the loss of Fufu.
We will all miss him. Especially me... :(
Take care!
hi eil, i'm so sorry to hear this. even mom shed tears. i was concerned when you told me you shed more hair last week. didn't know you are becoming old. i'm sure fufu will have fun over the rainbow with bibi.
i hope girl girl will continue bringing fun to us.
wet wet licks
oh my god Eil i am so sorry to hear about Fufu. it's such sad news on monday morning. *hugz* we all loved Fufu, never has a hamster been more famous or popular or doted on. i know he'll be just as loved over the rainbow bridge.
a big welcome to girl girl as well.
Dear Eil...
I am so sorry to hear about FuFu. Ruby and I are very sad. I know we only got to be friends recently, but have really enjoyed sharing even a short part of his special life. We both look forward to getting to know Girl Girl and to keep FuFu's memory alive.
All the best,
Michele & Ruby
We are very sorry to hear that Fufu crossed the rainbow bridge. Even our girl is sad. He was the coolest honorary dog we've ever "met" and will miss him.
We look forward to hearing about the adventures of girl-girl.
Comet, BLU and their girl
We are so sorry to hear about this. We have known you for a while and we so sad to hear this. It makes us cry.
We hope that Eil will be strong and although Fufu will be deeply missed and will always be in our thoughts, we know that he will be very happy over the rainbow.
Boy n Baby
Oh dear, we are so sad to hear this news. FuFu was such a huge part of DWB's - and we can't believe that this has happened.
Drive your FuFuMobile across the Bridge buddy, all those before you are waiting for you on the other side.
Big hugs and kisses to your family :(
Opy, Charlie, Greg and Brooke
Oh Eli,
I'm so sorry to hear about Fufu. :( This is the saddest day and I hope you will be strong.
PS : Mom says she cannot stop tears from coming to her eyes. We love and miss you Fufu.
Dear Eil....
I am so sad, so speechless and HEARTBROKEN... MY little hamsterrier has joined my Mousie at the bridge....
God speed Fufer...
Sad sad Miss Sunshade...
omdog mom can barely type because she is so sad. I guess part of meeting all of these great friends is saying goodbye to them as well. We will miss FuFu so much and definitely think you should keep blogging. Hopefully girl girl can learn how to drive and keep the fufu mobile running strong. We loved you fufu!
Oh my dog, FuFu gone.
That's so hard to believe.
We'll really miss him. He was the best honorary doooog I'd ever known.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Its a sad day!
DWB will never be the same.
We love you Fufu - You will always be in our hearts and our warmest, funnest, happiest memories.
Love Charlie
oh fufu...
you are so going to be missed.. i have never known a cooler or funnier hamster.
rest in peace.
My deepest condolences for the demised of Fu Fu the little hamsterrier.
I have visited your blog many times and before we knew you, we have never knew that a hamster's life can be so exciting. You are a lucky little guy.
RIP, my dear friend. We will miss you forever.
So sorry to hear this Eil. It's not fair that hamsterriers lives are so relatively short, but we all know Fufu had a great one! He will be missed by all us doggies. I am glad you will continue blogging with Girl Girl.
Oscar & Katy x
This is the saddest day ever. We will miss Fufu so very much.
Simba xxxx
OMG Fufu! We wish you could live longer & a happy life. Hamsterrier's lives are way too short... We will miss you Fufu! Please rest in peace heaven. You're the bestest Hamsterrier we've ever had as a friend!
Tons of hugs & licks,
From Amber, faith, Chloe & mommy Melissa
My mom can bearly see through her tears to write! Fufu was such a true friend to all of us. He was always there - day after day signing our blogs and his daily adventures made us smile. We're going to miss you lots Fufu! Godspeed dear friend!
Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and their mom
oh no.. so sad to hear that my favorite hamsterrier has cross over the rainbow bridge. We'll miss you FuFu! Maybe we'll meet in doggy heaven one of these days. - Joey
Eil - take care! (G)
Dear Eil,
So sad to hear of this, very heartbreaking in fact, Bond, Gal Gal and myself never fails to check out FuFu's thread every day since day one. Fufu is one of our favourite Hams-terrier. A super cute one in fact.
This is very sad news indeed.
Take care Eil **huggss**
Boo Boo
Gal Gal
Oh dear, we will all miss fufu! Rest in peace, fufu. You're the first hamster who has touched the hearts of all of us dogs. And don't worry, we'll love girl girl as much as we loved you.
Sniff. What a sad day for the whole dogblog world. Fufu was a great friend to us all. I hope Fufu enjoyed half the joy he brought to all of us!
Oh so sad news. I'm so sorry our little hamsterrier couldn't be with us for longer - we will miss your cute little fury face you are a true original, but thank you so much for all the fun you shared with us.
FuFu family our hearts go out to you, but please do keep blogging with Girl Girl - we look forward to getting to know her
Bella, Kuki, Billy Bob & Kobe
Dearest Eil,
I'm so very sad to read this. I'm at work and I have tears welling up in my eyes, I'm finding it very difficult not to cry. My heart goes out to you because little Bear was very special to us and we loved reading his adventures. I know how much our little Caramel meant to us and I am so sorry for your loss. Little bear lived a long life and he made so many dear friends here and I am personally touched to have been a part of his life.
Please keep up the blog in little Bear's memory and he will live on through Girl Girl's blog.
We are so sorry.
BIG hugs from Billy Boo and mom
We are very sad and sorry to hear the news.It is terrible to lose something so dearly.
Farewell Fufu... you knack for fun and adventure inspired me.
Lots of love
Cooper Tonks
We are also very sadden by the news of FuFu's passing ....What an angel - now he's got his wings...
Thank you for making us smilie and laugh - and sharing FuFu with us.
Hi Eil, i was so shocked when i heard the news from u on sat. Fufu had a great life with u and was doted on by ur family. I am sure he knows he's lucky to be ur special friend and that he has made many friends from all over the world who love and care about him. Take care and we'd love to see the world thru' girl girl's eyes. Keep ur blog going!!
Dear Eil
My mum is totally devastated to hear this news, more than me. She cannot stop crying, and none of us can stop her from crying.
Why is life so sad ? Why did Fu Fu have to die ? He was the most wonderful hamsterrier and the most wonderful friend in the whole world. He was the most wonderful friend to us, especially my mum. She is mourning his loss very badly.
We will always love Fu Fu and we will miss him forever and ever. No hamsterrier will ever replace him but Fei you have to keep his blog going in his memory, just as my mum has to keep on searching for my brother, Beau.
Your sad news has completely devastated my mum. When she received Fu Fu's Christmas card and looked into his dear little face, it totally broke her up. My mum is so very sad, and my mum has lost a very special friend, her beloved Fu Fu, and we have all lost a very special friend, our beloved Fu Fu.
Our hearts go out to you, Fei. We are devastated to receive this terrible news.
Love from Hammer and his mum
I am very sad of the news that we have lost such a wonderful and sweet hamster. Thank you for sharing him with us and for introducing Girl Girl so we can continue to have a little more happiness in our daily lives.
oh my god
Fu Fu...
I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to say. I'm too upset to say anything...
Fei and Eve
Dear Eil:
We are so sad to hear of FuFu's passing. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Your Friend,
Putter ...
To all of FuFu's family, our hearts go out to you at this time. In his short life he spread so much love and happiness around the world. We are glad you have the blog as a chronicle of his life and his impact. GirlGirl has a big heart to follow. We hope she brings you happiness and comfort.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
What a sad thing to read first thing in the morning. Eil, I'm so sorry about Fu Fu. He will forever live on in our hearts. Thank you for sharing his adventures with all his DWB buddies!
Oh my gosh. We are so sad to hear of Fu Fu's passing. He is the very first and only hamsterrier we have ever had the honour of knowing, and we will miss him. Our thoughts are with you.
Sophie Brador
Dear Eil, I'm so sorry to hear about Fu Fu. Do take care of yourself.
Rest in peace sweet little Fu Fu! Farewell!!
Dear eil
I am very sad.
It is a friend of the hamster that learns through your blog.
Thank you fu fu.
ume tyan
Eil, thank you for sharing Fu-fu with us. We really are going to miss the little guy. He always brought a smile to our faces.
The FleasGang
We were very sad to read this news. Fu Fu was such a good friend to so many of us doggies and we had many a laugh reading your blog. We will miss your dear little face but will continue to check in on your sister keeping your memory alive.
Thinking of you Eil in this sad time,
Jazz and Dixie
We all are saddened by your loss. Our animals make us more human, and never more so than when we lose one who is so very loved. Please do keep blogging, and know that we will always remember FuFu.
aka Gussie's Muzzer
We all are saddened by your loss. Our animals make us more human, and never more so than when we lose one who is so very loved. Please do keep blogging, and know that we will always remember FuFu.
aka Gussie's Muzzer
i`m feel realy sad..
Copper and I are so very very sad to hear your news about Fufu. He was a very special little guy with a blog and presents and cards and a Fufu mobile. He was a huge part of DWB and we will miss him terribly. May you comforted to know that you touched many people around the WORLD by sharing his adventures.
Love, Claire and Copper
Oh my we are sitting here crying for Fufu. You will be missed, we so enjoyed you! Have fun at the bridge, we will all see you again.
Bussie Kissies
The 3Bs never met Fufu, but we saw him in the comments of so many blogs that we visit. We are so sorry that he is gone. We know you had a good life. RIP, little fella.
AROOOOOOOOO! No!!!!!! Sad howls from Snickers, Annabelle and Boomer.
Our condolences to you and your family Eil. You made DWB's extra special. So sad...
This most the tragedy, i is only met the FuFu recently but he was already my favourite Hamster, will miss him and his adventures
Mom and me are so sorry for your loss! We were just getting to know Fu Fu and really enjoyed him. He was our favorite hamsterrior. We will miss him and his adventures.
Many hugs and prayers,
Bruin and Barb
FuFu - you will be missed greatly. Please keep all the other doggies in line, over there beyond the rainbow bridge as you wait for us all! See you again, little buddy.
*BIG hugs* to Eil... mourn and remember, and please continue the blog! It's a great way to honor FuFu, and also to let Girl Girl express herself.
Oh Sister, I am so sorry! I really feel like I knew Fufu! It was Fufu that really stimulated me to get serious about my blog! I am crushed and I can't even imagine how you must feel. PLEASE keep blogging, you have a strong talent. I mean, you were able to bring a hamster into a blog and make us all feel as though he was part of our own families. My deepest sympathies. Tosca's Mom is crushed.
In friendship,
Cynthia and Tosca.
I am so sad to learn of FuFu's passing. I enjoyed see him on Peanut's blog and will miss his smiling face.
Peanut and Flash's Grammie
We'll miss you Fufu!
I am so sorry... :(
dear eil ,
my mom can barely type through the tears . you (and your mom) made FuFu have a great life , l loved all the comments on my blog from him (and him supporting me on not being a pervert :)
fufu was a great friend , and im glad i knew him , even though it wasnt for a long time . we all be devistated by the loss of of oul lil hamsterrier friend ....
love a verry sad maggie #2
We are so sorry to hear this sad, sad news! Fu Fu was always one of the first to comment on our Blogs, and we always had such a great laugh with Fu Fu about many, many things over our Dog Blogging life.
Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of a super, Hamsterrier, the one and only.
Fu Fu had a good life, and lots of fun, and we are sure Fu Fu is still smiling over the Rainbow Bridge.
So sad. Thinking of you.
love and many sad licks, from Marvin xxxxxx (who was waiting for Fu Fu in the Fu Fu Mobile.....:0( )
love and much light, from Jeannie xxxxxx And all of us in Bonnie Scotland.
Fu Fu will be so sadly missed.
xxxxxxxxxxx A good and faithful friend.
Dear sweet Eil,
We are so very sorry to hear about FuFu! What a special friend he was to ALL of us! He has to be the most beloved hamsterrier of all time!
Bibi must have needed him up in Heaven. :)
Lots and lots of love and hugs from the Ao4,
Dear Eil, we are very sorry to hear about the passing of FuFu. Do take care of yourself. Help GirlGirl to continue FuFu's adventures.
MaMa still couldn't believe what she's reading from the blogs. It is too sudden.
FuFu, till we meet again, may you rest in peace.
Lots of love,
MaMa &
We are deeply sorry to hear of FuFu's passing. Fufu lived a wonderful life full of love and friends.
We will all miss Fufu so much...
Toby and Joyce
Dear Eil. I have no words to express how sad I am knowing that Fu Fu is no loger with us. I got to meet him for a very few days but it was like I knew him for a long time.
My condolences and I pray for you and Girl Girl.
Oh no! My heart is broken that FuFu has left us. What a truly special little creature he was. Only FuFu could have made so many dogs and people from across the world fall in love with a tiny little hamster. I know his humans must be deeply saddened by his leaving this world. He added so much joy to all our lives.
Sad, Sad Wags,
My heart and prayers go out to you all on the loss of Fu Fu. I am so saddened to hear of this. I know he is in a better place now and is free of pain. We will light a candle in Fu Fu's honor and memory tonight and say a prayer for him and for his family.
Hugs, Sitka, Tia and Mom (Shelli)
Oh no!! We can not believe this! This is such sad news. Fufu we will truely miss you. We always came to see what was new on your blog and always appreciated when you came to visit us. Mama is very sad and is crying too.
We know that you are at the Rainbow Bridge, running and playing and being free and one day you will see your beloved Jie Jie and Girl Girl again! We're going to post the Rainbow Bridge poem on our blog in honor of Fufu.
Le meilleur hamster que j'ai jamais connu. On se revera bientôt Fufu....
we are all saddened by this loss, such a good little hams-terrier fu fu was! I am sure he will keep the spirits in smiles over the rainbow bridge.
Bentley & Niko.
Dear Eil and the rest of FuFu's Human and Hamsterrier Family,
My mum and I are fairly new to the dogs with blogs world - just 1 1/2 months, and we only got to know little Fu Fu bear a short time ago. FuFu and his blog quickly became our favorite and mum and I checked it all the time. We feel very blessed to have known little FuFu, even for this short time. He gave so much joy to us and to so many people, and even though he lived a long hamsterrier life, his time here for us was just too short. We were shocked, stunned, and saddened to learn about his passing. We are grateful to have known him for just this little while. He always made us laugh and feel happy.
We look forward to hearing from Girl Girl and we hope she will visit us often.
Love, Asta and Louise
I have tears in my eyes after reading about fufu's passing. Fufu, a hamsterrier to beat all others!
We will miss Fufu.
Murph and his lady
Dear Eil,
we're just devastated by today's news..FUFU was the most astonishing little being..I couldn't believe that I met a
'hamsterrier",and what a very special little guy he was..the time we knew him was way tooo short,but soo special. I treasure the time we spent talking during the chat Mummy can't stop crying, so we're not very coherent..I hope you and girl-girl will keep the blog alive, we welcome her, kisses , with heavy hearts Asta and her mom Ami
We are so sad to hear this news. My mom has many tears in her eyes. We will miss you Fufu. You brought so much joy to everydog and human who read your bloggy. You will be greatly missed. Our condolences to your family.
we are so very sorry to hear about little Fufu :(
We will never forget him
KAt, SNowy and Crystal
Fufu had adventures no regular hamster ever had - he traveled the world with his friends and was a star. Now he will shine down on all of us from over the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed ... tell Girl Girl to give Eil big hugs!
We are so sorry to hear that Fufu has passed on. You will be missed little guy.
Mom and I are so saddened by FuFu's passing. Our hearts go out to his family. We would be pleased to have Girl Girl carry on his adventures. FuFu was truly a very special hamsterrier.
Dear Fufu's family. We were searching for a name for our boat when we saw the sad news about Fufu. We hope you don't mind, but we have decided to name the boat after Fufu. It seems we are the only people in the UK with a boat named Fufu. Maybe Fufu will be a little pirate with me in my dreams on the boat.
Lots of love
Simba, simba's Mummy and Fat fat Daddy xxxx
We are all so sorry to hear about FuFu. Mom is crying and if I could I would be to. Go play with the doggies at the rainbow bridge FuFu where you won't have to worry about them being to big and hurting you.
Dear Fufu's family.
We are so sad to learn this news.
Fufu, we will you sooooooo much.
Momo and my huuumans.
You were one of our first friends when we recently started blogging. We won't forget you!!
Missing you, Seadra & Zoe
I am so sorry. My mommy has tears in her eyes and we are so sorry for Fufu's human family. Of course we will continue to read Girl Girl's adventures in Fufu's memory.
Woofs and love,
We are very sad to read of the passing of Fu fu. We will be wooing sadly at our house tonight.
Another little friend lost - the Rainbow Bridge had lots of traffic last week. I am so sorry your Fufu is gone.
I hope little Girl girl gets the hang of blogging to carry on in Fufu's memory.
Oh, Mom and I are so terribly sad at this great loss. We totally enjoyed reading about the dear sweet little hamsterrier and his adventures. He certainly was and still is loved so much by so many. What a brave boy he was. Poor Fufu, we'll miss you so. We sincerely hope you are okay, Eil and that you are not suffering too much. Best wishes to you and your family. Rest in peace dear sweet little Fufu.
I am so sad! I'm going to miss Fufu a bunch. He was so much fun. I'll definatley read Girl girl's posts.
Big Doggie Hugs & Kisses To Fufu's family!
Lady Kaos
Oh Eil!
I am so sad to hear the news of Fufu's passing! I couldn't beleive my eyes! I'll miss FuFu so very very much, but I know he's now at peace in Hamsterrier Heaven! Take Care Eil and know that we are all crying with you!
Liberty & Shannon
Oh no! I didn't know FuFu long but he will be missed. We're sorry that you lost your little buddy.
Soo verys sad to hear of the passin' of Fu Fus. He was the nearest thing to a vole that I could bark a friend. He will surelys be missed. Many licks and crossed paws to his family.
I am verys glads to hear that Girl Girl will carry on the grand tradition of bloggin' that Fu Fus so gallantly upheld.
My secretary knows that Fu Fu will befriend his good companion, Echo, who also crossed the Rainbows Bridge several years ago.
So longs, good buddy.
eli and girl girl,
my mom cried so much when she read the news...we are both so sad...
So sorry to here of Fufu's passing on to the Rainbow Bridge. We have read many of his blog entries and have heard him mentioned in many other blogs. The thoughts and prayers of our whole pack are with you. We know what its like to loose a member of the family. We look forward to hearing the adventures of Girl girl in the days to come. Best Wishes, Tasha, Eva, and their mom & dad.
I am so sad to hear the news about FuFu. He was so special to all of us. Mom is very sad, as is the hooman pup, Kendra. I am going to be good for mom tonight because I know she is feeling sad about our dear friend. We hope to get to know your new Girl girl. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Lillie V and the hooman pups
Dear Fu Fu's family,
Mommy and I are sending our deepest condolence over and we'll miss you!!!!
Love licks
We are so sad to hear about FuFu's passing! He was such a wonderful presence - so happy, so clever, and so friendly to everyone. We will miss him terribly. Girl girl will have big shoes to fill, but we look forward to getting to know her better.
Sorry to hear about Fufu. He was a good Hamsterdor, brave and true.
Hi Aunty Eil,
We heard abt Fu Fu's passing on Sat but didn't get a chance to post anything because mom was travelling. I am so terribly sad because Fu Fu is one of my 'best-est' friends and I will miss him so much. Fu Fu will always be remembered by all his friends.
Big licks,
Huskee Boy
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Fufu's passing.
Dear Eil...
no matter if your pet is large or small it's hard when you lose them I'm sorry for your loss
Lot's of Lick's
R.I.P FuFu
Dearest Eil,
We are so heartbroken over the news of Fufu's passing. We can't believe he has passed on already. His personality and presence were larger than life :) He has to be one of the world's most loved hamsters!! Doggies, birdies and people all around the world are going to miss him dearly.
I'm glad that you're going to continue your blog. Maybe Girl girl can help too in honor of her dear big brother.
Fufu, please wait for us at the bridge in your Fufu-Mobile!!
T-man and CC-man (and their mom)
I was so happy that Fufu still got toplay with us for this last tag..and we got to see his little pink belly ,when I tagged him...I miss him and can't believe he's gone..many tears
We are so, so sad to hear this news. Our thoughts are with you and we will miss Fufu greatly.
Maryann & The Brat Pack
im also glad fufu got to play tag with us ... we luv you fufu !!!!
Rest In Peace Fu Fu, We hope you have a 5-speed-Fu-Fu-Mobile at Rainbow Bridge and you are having lots of fun. We will see you again one day,
Akira and Shiro
I'm so sorry for your loss. Fu Fu was a great friend to us all. He will be dearly missed.
Oh no, poor little Fufu. We are sad to hear you are gone. You were our favorite hamsterrier ever.
We are happy to hear that Girl Girl will get to continue on his path. He was a hard act to follow.
Tears from Texas
I am so sad to hear the news! You were a great friend and my whole family LOVED going to your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Rest in peace.
What does it say about Fufu that so many others are taking note of his passage?
I personally only knew of Fufu indirectly, from his many, many messages on other blogs but it's very clear that he was special.
He's now taking turns on the wheel in heaven that makes the world go round for all of us still on earth.
We are so, so, so sorry to hear that little Fufu left us! He was a very special little guy! We read his blog but we never say "Hi".. But he will remain in our memory forever.
So sorry to hear Fufu is gone. We haven't even got to know each other yet. He is the 1st hamster I know that has so many doggie friends. We will always remember him.
Tiffany, Rubie & Tinkerbell
I'm so sorry to hear this sad news, Fufu will be missed. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hey Fu Fu! I juz got to read about you. I cant believe you are gone!
I hope you have fun at rainbow bridge and if you see my momma's hamster Zip Zip tell him she says hi. He looks a lot like you!
This is a sad news. I'm so sorry to hear it.
Dear Auntie Eil
Mom and I were deeply saddened to hear the news about the death of our super hamsterrier hero– FuFu.
Our thoughts are with you and your family during this time. We are in a state of shock.
FuFu was such a funny, entertaining, never fails (to visit all our blogs) supportive hamsterrier to be around.
I remember Christmas last year when I received my first Christmas gift. Not only FuFu thought of me but he also was kind to acknowledge Rafv (my Siberian Husky friend) and sent him a Christmas gift too.
Auntie Eil, I know you will miss FuFu immensely. During this difficult time, my mom and I know you will draw upon your own strength and the strength of all who love FuFu, will hold you in our thoughts.
Remember that all the doggies in the doggie blogs care about you and are thinking about you in this time of sorrow. We pray that beautiful angels be sent to comfort you.
He was so thoughtful and so loved by all of us and we want you to know that because of his sweetness, FuFu has a place reserved specially for him in Doggie’s heaven (It has been reserved for him by all the doggies he has touched) and he is playing with all of them now.
Bye now my dearest friend. I will definitely miss not seeing comments on my blog.
The above will also be posted on my blog - to remember FuFu my tiniest friend.
I am so very sorry that FuFu has gone to the Bridge. We will miss his little ’waves’ & tales of his adventures in the FuFuMobile.
Wire-y kisses follow you, little FuFu...
Love from your friend in Montreal.
mommy and i are so very sorry!
fufu will always be in our hearts
many many HUGS
We're hiding our faces in our paws all day because we're so sad about FuFu! He was the best honorary dog ever! We'll miss him.
Wuf Ya - Gomer & Opie at DogsAyeView
We're so sorry to have heard this sad, sad news. What a great hamsterrier! We'll look forward to seeing him at the Bridge.
Drive safe little guy.
Pippin, Renzo,Hamish, Rafe, Tansy and Kyzer
Dear Eil: I have such wonderful thoughts of FuFu, and look forward to meeting him someday on the bridge. Me and my mom send our love to you and your family. FuFu has become immortal through his blog and has become loved by dogs (and people) all over the world. Please tell Girl Girl that I would be honored to be her friend, too?
Love, and puppy licks...
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
I am sorry to hear that fufu is at the bridge. Please say hi to katie, ernest's tiny half sister when you are there. She was also a gentle soul.
nm and ernest
We are so sorry to hear this sad, sad news. Fufu brought many smiles to our faces and we will miss him dearly. We know he is happy at the bridge tight now, and we will see him there one day.
Bye bye FuFu, you'll be sorely missed.
Mom is crying right now so I want to say that even though I have only been a DWB member for a short time I will miss Fufu so very much. Not many Doggies read my blog but One terrific Hamsterrier did and I will miss him was so very enjoyable to read about his adventures. I will never forget him.
Paws & Kisses,
Maggie Rose
This makes me so sad...I didn't even get a chance to send him my Christmas in July card that I had all planned out. Maybe I'll still send will just be to Girl girl.
Fufers was my best hamsterrier friend. I think I'll have to go kill a toy in his honor.
I'm very sorry for Fufers Mom. You must be sad too.
Oh Eil, I cannot express how deeply saddened I am by fufu's passing. I always loved reading his adventures, and seeing his toys and presents. He was an extremely special, and unique friend, and the only Hamsterrier to walk this amazing planet. I will miss him very very much. I am glad that Girl Girl will carry on his legacy with this blog. It just wouldn't be the same at DWB without an adorable Hamster! My heart goes out to you and your family.
I am so sad to hear this news.......I hardly knew you dear FuFu, but I see all the doggies who loved you dearly.
You must have been one heck of a hamster.
Rest peaceful dear FuFu.
Eil, We will miss Fu Fu! What a clever fun fellow he was! Licks, Nugget, Stewy & Ozzy
I will miss FuFu very much....I didn't know FuFu very long, but he will be missed...
Dear Fufu,
Oh I am so shocked to know this.. and I am really really sorry that I didn't aware till now, Eil.
Fufu, I will remembered that your kindness, your supportive attitude towards all of us. I deadly miss you..
Eil, Fufu gave me a lots of love, I will never forget.
Love and rest in peace.
R and Ryo
Oh no,
I am so sad and sorry to read this! We have been very busy and so we did not see this until now.
I would like to send our deepest sympathies to FuFu's family. My human mom got teary eyed when she read this.
Prayers for FuFu. We are glad that his crossing was peaceful.
Please keep up the blog, we would love to keep FuFu's memory alive and get to know GirlGirl.
Indy and family
We just saw your comment on Meeshka's blog. We wish to extend our wooooos to FuFu's family. He was the first hamster we got to sort of personally know, since, as huskies, we are not allowed near them. We always enjoyed FuFu's blog comments to Meeshka. We have heard that at the RB, everyone gets along just fine, so we hope his adventures with canine friends continue there, too.
so long, little fluffball.
star & sherms
Run quickly on your wheel across the Rainbow Bridge sweet Fu Fu.
The only Honorary Hamsterrier to ever be nominated into the HULA Hoop, your work here on earth is done.
We miss you already
I just got online and read that my friend FuFu had passed to the bridge. Romeo and I would like to send you our deepest heartfelt condolences on the loss of a truly amazing Hamsterrier. We will miss him and his entertaining blog.
Wirey hugs & kissies,
Ozzy & Romeo
fufu, you were the coolest and bestest hamsterrier i ever knew. i will see you at the rainbow bridge someday and we will haf lots of fun together along wif all your other dog friends!
luv ivy
Adios, FuFu. We are observing a minute of silence in hour honor.
the D'Azul Siberians
Fu-Fu the King of the Crows Nest can never be replaced. We will miss him.
Cap'n Maveric the Pirate
I am so sorry to hear of fufu's passing. He was a great hamsterrier and will be missed by so many people and doggies.
Love, Sooky
My computer wasn't working, so I couldn't express my deepest sympathy.
I didn't know Fufu, but hearing all the wonderful things others have said about him, I know he was a wonderful guy.
Just knwoing that he is up there welcoming other furry and feathered babies brings me peace.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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