Hi Doggies, glad you all like my bling bling tag. I like some of your great suggestions about asking Eil to feed me more so that I'll grow big enough to fit the tag. That's such a great idea, maybe I'll grow to be the size of the siberian if I eat more. Woo~
I've been tag by Asta down below on this new game that involves posting a photo of myself in a silly situation.
So below is a simulated picture of what my "future" photos will look like if I grow bigger.. Hee hee see I'm so big, I can't fit in the camera frame. Haaa~

And here's another 'silly' picture I did. I'm trying to do yoga here after reading Joey doing it in his blog

See the little white mouse is peeking at me. Ok, I'm going to tag Chiyo, Bruin and Ben Ben now. Have fun you doggies and show us your silly pictures. :)
I've been tag by Asta down below on this new game that involves posting a photo of myself in a silly situation.
So below is a simulated picture of what my "future" photos will look like if I grow bigger.. Hee hee see I'm so big, I can't fit in the camera frame. Haaa~

And here's another 'silly' picture I did. I'm trying to do yoga here after reading Joey doing it in his blog

See the little white mouse is peeking at me. Ok, I'm going to tag Chiyo, Bruin and Ben Ben now. Have fun you doggies and show us your silly pictures. :)
Girlgirl I tagged Ben too! Ben is Two Time Tagged! I mean it doesn't get any more popular than that does it?
you are so flexible!!! hehehe.. how about curling up the other way?
i just saw your bling post. it is soooo big!! the next time you can lead the hunt to find santa paws, and no dog will miss you!
You are too cute to be silly looking, but "A" for effort little hamsterberian.If you grow too big we wont see any more pictures of you? that would not be good..I think you should stay just the way you are...great yoga move!
lots of kisses Asta
hamster yoga...I think you might be starting a new fitness craze there Girl Girl!!! I have to agree with Asta...you are just too darn cute to be silly!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow, Girl Girl..You are so flexible. Could you come over n teach some yoga skills to Mimi n Momo?
Boy n Baby
Oh I love your second photo!!!
Can you teach me yoga too?
yoga is a great way to get rid of stress!! I am glad you were inspired!
girl girl, are you gonna have your own yoga video?? i love how joey and tanner are so flexible with your body.
i think you look cuter smaller!
wet wet licks
Hey Girl Girl,
Wah, you are very flexible....I can do that donut yoga pose too..hehe..cos my body is so long, the donut "O" shape is very obvious. hehehe
Hi Girl Girl, I think you are perfect & very very cute!
Licks, Nugget
Wow nice yoga pose!!
you look scary big. You are very good at yoga.
Simba xx
Loving the yoga moves Girl Girl!
Oscar x
Yoga is good for u~
Will you teach me how to do yoga Girlgirl? I've always wanted to learn!
Love ya lots,
Oh those are really silly pics of you Girl Girl... Hope you grow into a big hamsterberian someday! Hehehehe!
P/S: The video should be working now. I've changed the status to 'public'.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Girl Girl,
Nice yoga pose - how long did you hold that one for? How did you get so big so quickly?
Jazz and Dixie
I think I would prefer you the size you are now, a hamster the size of a husky would be a bit scary!
love and licks, Reasonably sized Marvin xxxxx
They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but you're HUGE in that first shot! We love the yoga picture.
Very silly Girl Girl
Sherman, Penny & Lola
hee hee hee Girl Girl you are so flexible doing 'doga' and oh my very scarey when really big !!!
In the yoga of girl girl, it is good.
It recalls the hedgehog. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hi, Girl Girl. Please don't eat too much and get bigger. I love you are just your size.
The second picture is very nice, doing yoga moves.
Have a nice day
dear girl girl,
you don't know me but i'm friends with your brother, fufu. i've been naughty and haven't blogged for a while and this is the saddest piece of news i've read since i got back. i miss fufu... please give eil a hug for me; i hope she is well.
Girl Girl. Does Eil learn Yoga moves from you? hehehe
AHAHAHA!!! Girl Girl, you crack me up!!!
Hahaha! Great pictures! I love the one of you doing yoga. :D
G'day Girl Girl, You look so big - it's scawy, wike attack of the 50 foot hamsterrier. You are soooo talented with the Yoga, I don't think I could curl my back wike that. xxxx Asta down under
HI Girl Girl,
The 2nd pictures looks like you are doing some break dancing!
Hey, I think that photo of you looks like you were in the Blair Witch Project! Didn't I once see a picture of Fufu like that too?
You are all rolled up like a ball!
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