love some of your suggestions of
ringing the bell to ask for treats..

This kinda look like what I've seen in tv where someone will ring the bell and everyone else will get a
free drink. How about I ring the bell and
everyone gets a treat! So I'm ringing now, get a treat from your hooman...
Hi Girl Girl, that's a great idea! Keep on ringing :-)
*LS: Where's my treat?
That is cool!
Can you like ring it every hour of the day?
Boy n Baby
Hi Girl Girl,
Oh you are such a sweet n considerate hammie.. now everyone gets a treat!!
**Psst.. my mom says sure, next time when they go to that place, they'll ask Eil along. Let's hope Eil doggy-bag some food back for us!
GG, you should ring it whole day non-stop !!!
keep ringing, keep ringing.
Simba xx
We sure hope mom is reading this! What an awesome idea, Girl girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are sooo clever GG. We're going for our treats now. Thanks!!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh I wish that worked in this house. We ring a bell to go potty.
Hi, Girl Girl...
I saw you on Simba's page...You are so cute & very clever, too...
Let me know when you ring that bell again, I'll get my Mom to put on her "listening ears"...
Have a wonderful day...
Abby xxxooo
Can you ring it a little louder please?? My mom can't hear it!!
I'm going to tell my master about your idea but i will change bell for a ring from cell phone...more treats.
Great idea, Girl Girl!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I told my mum you ring the bell I get a treat....hehe Hope it works.
I posted pics of Charlotte today
Ring, ring, ring until you are dizzy. How thoughtful of you GG to think of all of us.
woofies and burfs girl girl, dat a pawsome idea...ring dat bell a lot...me cood us more trweats...
b safe,
hey, my owner is still not moving...
i bet she's deaf, probably.
Woohoo!! Thanks Girl Girl. My Mom shoudl be home pretty soon to get me a treat!
Louder! Faster! Go, Girl Girl, go!
What a gweat idea thank you!!
I'm going to go get my tweat now
smoochie kisses
This is the best idea I have heard all day!!!
Hi, Girl Girl!
Sure this is a great idea! I hope my mom gives me a treat now!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Girl Girl,
I ring a bell to go outside to potty. I should try training mom and dad to give me a treat when I ring the bell. You are so smart!
Your pal,
Hey Girl Girl, A Bell! What an awesome idea!! Our cats used to wear a collar with a bell, but they hated it. Sebastian would always figure out how to remove the collar and hide it! haha
Girl Girl!
You are SO GOOD to us pups and kitties (and other hammies). FABulous idea!
Isn't there a famous line from a movie? "... everytime a bell rings, an animal gets a treat!"
Goober love & extra smooches,
Great idea, Girl Girl. Way to use the bell!1
Have you heard of the psychological experiment involving Pavlov's dogs? You can do the same thing to train your humans. They can be called "GirGirl's humans".
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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