No fair... Why is Eil's pillow a gazillion times bigger then mine. I dont think her head is so big that she needs a pillow that is so big.

Hey Pinky Winky, can you give me a paw up the giant pillow?

See how big is this? I can host pawties and get many of my dog and kitty friends for a sleep over on this pillow.

Pee S, check out Mr T-Bone bloggie about International Package Exchange.
Ahhh.. Eil is 'sleeping' with Mr Rain!!I bet she has sweet dreams every night.. Hehehe...
wow, she gets to sleep with rain!
is that Rain?..hehe
Boy n Baby
Eil must smile every night when she lays her head on that pillow! Her pillow sure is a whole lot bigger than yours, Girl girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Equal rights for hamsters! Leave her your pillow and take hers.
Simba x
now everyone knows eil slept with rain
Hi, Girl Girl...
That is a big pillow...But it sure looks comfortable...
Get up there & take your nap & have Pinky Winky stand guard so Eil doesn't take it back...
Abby xxxooo
Isn't that Mr. Rain??? Eil needs a pillow big enough for both of their heads!
We had fun at the pawty too!
Hey at least you have your own pillow - we have to share with Mama!
That is one giganto pillow. You might want to stay with your little GG pillow. You could get lost on that thing!
Wow Girl Girl, that is a huge pillow..Wouldn't it be great to jump on it, like a trampelene or something....You need a bigger pillow for sure
I'll bet you could do some fun circus stunts off that pillow!
I love big, fluffy pillows! That one looks comfy!
Sorry, Girl-Girl, just giggling @ you & the pillow.
Gentle pets
w00f's girl girl, dat pillow of eil's iz sooo big...heehee and i sees who is on it...eil's Mr Rain!!! nice of pinky winky to help u check it out..
b safe,
~rocky and company~
You're funny, Girl Girl! We think you should use Eil's pillow as your bed and yours as a pillow! You sure would be comfy.
Life is so unfair. You should have that large pillow to rest on as long as Pinky is there to watch over you. I don't want you falling off and hurting yourself.
Hi cutie GG!
Maybe Eil will let you share her pillow one night. Just be sure to tell her not to roll around too much!
Are you having a sleep over, Girl Girl? Would that be fun, pillows or not!
Thats some size of pillow.... it must be very comfy.
GG check out my post on good friends there is a wee surprise for you there.
lots of licks
Hi, GG!
I just can imagine the sweet dreams Eil has every night!
Sure there is a big difference in sizes!
Kisses and hugs
That is a giant pillow. Your small pillow looks about the same size as my catnip pillows!
woah Mr Rain pillow! wow, how cool! But is definitely big enough to have a party on!
thats a HUGE pillow, I bet there's lots of yummy stuffing in there to pull out and throw all over, hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
Girl Girl,
If we're talking pillow fairness, then Eil is a big fat bully for making you use such a tiny little pillow.
But, you have to admit, it's a pretty awesome pillow, isn't it? Looks like you're about to run right into Mr. Rain's ear!
Goober love & smooches,
oooh looks kind of high up there on the giant pillow GG. You sure your safe up there? Be careful ok?
Wags, Eric
Girl Girl, is that Bi / Rain?
My aunt is a big fan of him!
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