Hello my friends....
I got mail... from Ludo

Check out the goodies he sent me!

Woh... a magnet with my picture. :)
Do we look alike? hee

Thank you very much Ludo. :)
I got mail... from Ludo

Check out the goodies he sent me!

Woh... a magnet with my picture. :)
Do we look alike? hee

Thank you very much Ludo. :)
That was furry nice of him!
Any rabbit-dog fur in there?
Hello Bae Bae,
it is so nice so Ludo ^^ and the magnet sure looks like you!
best regards
That sure is a nice pressie that Ludo sent you! And of course the magnet looks like you...it's you! *wink* Hope you have a great day!
What a haul. You are one lucky hamsterrier.
Wow, so many gifts!!! Bae, I think is time to get yourself a storeroom. lol
May be a bigger banglo.
slurpy licks,
Bae Bae,
You are the sweetest little hammie girl. I'm not surprised that Ludo sent you such a great present. Don't eat all your snackies at once.
Goober love & smooches,
w00f's Bae, thats sooo nice of Ludo to send u stuffs..and dat little hammie does look like u..
b safe,
Thats furry nice of Ludo :)
Big licks to you
Hi Bae Bae
Lucky you! We loved your little lookalikey magnet!
Remember not to eat all your treats at once cos we are worried you would have a sore tummy.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
That was so super sweet of Ludo, Bae! You got some lovely gifts from him!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Bae Bae...
Great presents...Enjoy...
Abby xxxooo
how nice of ludo to send you all those nice gifts!
nose licks
Hi Bae
Those are some cool gifts. Ludo is such a nice pup. We love the life size magnet.
Love Ruby & Penny
Getting presents is so much fun! Ludo must be very nice.
Wow, wasn't that so sweet of Ludo to do? Will woo hang the magnet in your house? It sure does look a lot like woo.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Bae, glad it got to you safely. I hope you like your treat sticks. Hehe, how funny that the magnet be the nearly as big as you. Your humans will keep thinking you is not in your house.
~Little lickies, Conehead Ludo
What a great magnet you got there, Ludo is a great pal. It's like you have a mirror. =)
Bae Bae!
That was really nice of Ludo to send that stuff to you! You are one lucky hamster. That magnet is lovely!
That is so totally cool! Nothing like getting a package in the mail to brighten your week!
There almost isn't room for all your presents in your little house. I like the picture of you. Your mom can put it where she will always see your sweet face.
ooohhh what lovely presents!!!! You are one lucky kid!! Love A+A
Hi, Bae Bae!
You got very nice presents from Ludo!
The magnet is pawesome!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Wow, look at all those presents!! Lucky you!
Harrrrr Bae Bae
what a cool package Harrrr. have fun Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Ludo is so nice to send you pressies!! The magnet looks fab!!
So cool Ludo to send you those lovely pressies!
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