Hello my friends...
Did you noticed something new in my home?

We're helping to hammie sit a hammie. Coz his family are going overseas for a week, so he'll be staying with us for the time being. Bluey Wooey also came out to check the new hammie out. Can you see me in the pictures too?

His name is Remy, he is almost 2 years old and is a winter white dwarf hamster. He seems a little shy at first.

Can you see him now?

Did you noticed something new in my home?

We're helping to hammie sit a hammie. Coz his family are going overseas for a week, so he'll be staying with us for the time being. Bluey Wooey also came out to check the new hammie out. Can you see me in the pictures too?

His name is Remy, he is almost 2 years old and is a winter white dwarf hamster. He seems a little shy at first.

Can you see him now?

Remy looks nervous! I guess it's coz he's not familiar with your home yet, Bae...=) Hopefully he'll be comfortable enough to play with you too! *grins*
yes, i saw him! ^^ Maybe you could play with him, to ease Remy shyness :DD
best regards
I can see Remy too! He looks a little shy but I am sure that he will get used to your house soon and have lots of fun with you!
How neat. You have company. Will you get to play together while he's there?
That's sweet of you to let Remy stay ovew..it's aways nice to have house guests if they'we nice..and he seems shy but fwiendly
have a nice visit
smoochie kisses
Hi, Bae Bae!
Remy has a pawesome house!
Have fun hammie sitting him!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
w00f's bae, heehee he iz a cute little guy...shy, but cute...me iz gonna haff to hunt sum of me piksurs mama messed up..
b safe,
I think Remy will soon get used to being a celebrity Hammie!
Remy is nearly as cute as you.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
Hi Bae Bae
How nice for you to have a house guest. We hope remy enjoys staying with you although we expect it will be a little strange for him.
Find him a nice sunflower seed and then he will feel at home.
We struggled to see you both this morning but that is probably cos our mum cant find her glasses!!!
your friends
Martha & Bailey xxx
I'm sure you two will be bff in no time :)
Big licks to you
Oh wow, a house guest. I hope he isn't shy the whole time he is visiting.
Awwwwwwwwww, Remy is adorable, Bae! How neat that you get to have a visitor!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi BaeBae,
My Mommy must be getting old. She is havibg trouble reading the words on your bloggie..they are so light against the brown.
We found out that the tree is a Bradford Pear.
Mommy wants to do a hammie feature dedicated to your angel brother and sister. We have done posts on dogs and cats and we want to do one on hammies too but I don't know many that are part of DWB so could you heap me locate some?
I hope woo two didn't pawty tooooo long into the night!
Remy is very cute Bae! I likes him. I see you in your wheel!
~lickies, Ludo
Hi Bae Bae! How nice of you to take care of Remy! I'm sure you'll both have a great time.
See ya!
Woo two should be able to play a great game of hide 'n seek but woo can hide so well that Remy might not be able to find woo.
Happy Hammie Sitting and Playing and Partying.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi, Bae Bae...
I see him...
Have fun with your friend...
Abby xxxooo
How fun to have a little houseguest!
Whoa! You have a new friend?
Bae Bae, where is Remy?
Should I wear glasses?
I'm sure you'll be the cute generous hostess!
I know you will be the best hammie sitter ever. I hope he warms up to you. =)
we so excited we found a hampster blog!!!
do you eat sunflower seeds? so does our mom, but she isnt a hampster. come visit!
Poor Remy he just isn't used to his new surroundings..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ah is Remy shy or are you both playing peek a boo with each other?
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hi Bae Bae,
We saw Remy! We hope you guys will have a good time.
Hi Bae!
Remy is a cutie! He does look a little camera shy though! You should give him some modeling tips while he is there since you always look so adorable in your photos!
:) Tibby
He sure has a fancy house.
It sure must be fun having a sleepover guest!!
nice homestead
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