Hello my friends, I received some xmas cards the last few days and I endured a photo taking session last night too. But silly Eil forgot to bring her camera to upload my pictures..
Can you believe her? I slap my paws to my forehead and went "oh boy... that's so embarrassing"

We will be also away for a short break and will be back next week

Please dont forget me~
Can you believe her? I slap my paws to my forehead and went "oh boy... that's so embarrassing"

We will be also away for a short break and will be back next week

Please dont forget me~
I nevfur furget a khute face!
Have fun!
How could we forget you Bae, I'm On Hiatus too, because the humans are fixing my camera :(
No worries, Bae! Hope you have a good break with Eil...we'll visit again when you're back! *wink*
How could we forget you? Have a good week.
Aww~ We will miss you when you're away (:
w00f's Bae, noooo me not will furgit u...haff fun on ur vacation....and Merrry Christmas iffin me not c u b4 then...
b safe,
Hi Bae!
I will never forget you!
Have a great week!
Love and licks
I won't forget you Bae.
See you soon.
Love Ruby
Have a nice break with Eil, Bae! We'll be here when you get back!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I miss you already my sweat little Bae !
Kisses, Faya
enjoy your break.
Simba x
Bae Bae!!
You are one of the sneakiest and slyest hammie girls I have ever met! I didn't think that was you, but if it wasn't, then I didn't see you at all.
Have fun during your break. We will miss you, but could NEVER forget you!
Goober love & smooches,
HAve fun during your break!
I could never forget you, little Bae! See you soon.
hi Bae, don't worry, we won't forget you. we want to see your photos when you get back, okay?
We'll miss ya little one!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Have a great break; we'll see you when you get back!
Play bows,
Gee Bae Bae...
Who could ferget such a cute little hammie.....why yer memorable fer sure.....'n furry too....hope Eli has a good trip....'n we'll see ya when ya get back....we've been pretty busy here and haven't been around much lately....
Dewey Dewster here.....
I could NEVER forget you, Bae! Have a good break and we'll see you when you're back.
We can't wait till you get back. Be careful..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We can't wait till you get back. Be careful..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Harrrrr Bae
we will not forget about you Harrrr. I cant beleve she forgot the Camra Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
We will never forgot about you.
Bae! Why didnt u hide in her bag & tag along! Enjoy your trip Eil!
Missing you already,
Rudolf + Goofy
We will miss you!
We'll miss you, but we'd never forget you.
You took such adorable photo's!!!
Have a good vacation, we'll see you when you are back!
Hi, Bae Bae!
I hope you get my card soon!
Have a happy break!
I will be waiting for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Bae Bae,
We haven't met yet because I haven't been around much lately. My name is Koobuss and I am a wire fox terrier. Welcome to blogland.
I was very sorry to hear of Girl Girl's passing. She was one cool hamster. I know that you will be as much fun as she was.
Enjoy your break. We'll be here when you get back.
Koobuss Kisses,
Have a good break!
How could we ever forget you!
Thank you very much for our Christmas card, it's lovely!
Cassidy x
I'll save your annual fur drive for when you get back.
I fur sure will not forget you. Have a good break!
Oh my dogness... I would be sooo embarrassed if my Mom forgot my camera. I'd be slapping my paws to my forehead, too! Hopefully Eil will be better about it next time! We certainly will not forget you when you are on your break next week.
Have a nice break, Bae Bae, and we'll be looking for you to come back quickly!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
we wont forget you, have fun!!
Hope you have fun on your break, Bae Bae!
- Charlie
Hi, Bae Bae...
Have fun while you are away...
We could never forget you...
Abby xxxooo
No way Bae Bae...how could anyone ever forget you. I bet your Mom was terrified when she found out that wool wasn't you. I bet she thought some body had kidnapped her baby.
Have a good trip and Merry Christmas....Mona
Enjoy your break. I love your pictures. You look very serious. I could never forget you.
Sneaky little Bae. HA, HA. Take care and hurry back.
Good evening bae bae.
I'm sorry that my visit slows.
Do the keep well of the end of the year taking care of health though busy time continues.
A wonderful weekend with the preparation at Christmas. :D
from loved ume tyan
We'll miss you while you're away. Have a good break and a very Happy Christmas!
licks & puppy love,
have a nice break - we will miss you
I will not forget you Bae Bae! Have a wonderful break. I love your pictures. You are very cute. XOXO Peanut
Don't be embawwased..you look sooo adowable.!
Have a wondewful bweak..I could nevew fowget you..ow youw angel sissie and bwuvvew eithew.
smoochie kisses
Have a great time! See if you can scam a cranberry at Christmas Dinner. They are very tasty!
Ha, that photo is funny! Why would we forget you..never. Have a good break. Leaving ittle wiry kissies on you noddle. Wiry wags, Eric.xxx
We hope you have a good break.
Thank you so much for the card. It is so creative, and you look so cute on it!
Comet and BLU
We got your wonderful card! I did not know you were doing the DWB exchange....I would have liked to send you a card too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Forget you??Why never!! Love and kisses A+A
You look like a cute little snowball with eyes!
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