Hello my friends... Did you all had a nice weekend.
Remember last weekend's hide and seek photo of me? Some of you think you saw me... But actual fact... It's not me. tee hee hee

I had a little cotten wool that I made to look just like me.. It fooled Eil too and she keep thinking why was I at that same position for more then an hour when she opened the cage and found that she got bluffed. haa haa

Am I being sneaky here. hee
Remember last weekend's hide and seek photo of me? Some of you think you saw me... But actual fact... It's not me. tee hee hee

I had a little cotten wool that I made to look just like me.. It fooled Eil too and she keep thinking why was I at that same position for more then an hour when she opened the cage and found that she got bluffed. haa haa

Am I being sneaky here. hee
Well, I wouldn't say sneaky exactly just very clever. lol
Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles
Yes, Bae! You are so clever!
I hope you had a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Super smart Bae !
By gosh, you sure are one smart hammie! *wink*
P/S: Did you get the parcel that I sent? Hope it reached you safely! *grins*
You are very clever! I bet you worried Eil tho!
What a sneaky Bae you are!
You are very clever, Bae! You could escape for the whole day and Eil wouldn't realize that you were gone!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You have a cheeky attitude!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
YOu sure had ME fooled!
OMDog, you are so very, very VERY smart, Bae!!! Job well done!
You had me fooled!!
That's great camouflage! Way to go!
Play bows,
You played a good trick on us!
Oh BaeBae
You awe vewy clevew
You had all of us fooled I think, heheheh
You could be a mastew spy
smoochie kisses
You are such a little trickster Bae Bae! You had us all fooled.
Hugs, Kodak
You are one sneaky little hammie!
Rut Roh!
Santie Paws and Khlaws might not like woo doing that!
That is sneaky! We couldn't tell it wasn't you!
You are pretty sneaky there.. Cotton balls!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Nice one! What a atease you are...
Wiry Wags, Eric x
Very sneaky, you tricked me!
you are very sneaky bae bae! Trickster, thats what you are!
w00f;s Bae, heehee me not think u trickie, me thinks u iz tooooo cute....
b safe,
Ha ha, you are a trickster with the wool cloth!
You are very tricky, Bae Bae, because I was fooled, too!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
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