Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fufu look alikes

Hey everyone. I found these hammie toys in Eil's room the other day. Which one do you think look the most like me? Is it ...




Haa, they all look kinda cute huh. :)


Anonymous said...

mmm a is too thin, c is too fat, B is the most like you. The real you is the cutest in the whole world though.

Simba xx

Boo Boo said...

I like C !! but of cos, you are the best :D

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hiya Fu Fu,

I've been slack, not visiting your smelly blogplace 'til now.

And none of the pix look as cute as you. That's for sure.

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Anonymous said...

All are lovely.
Which does look like, and I am making it to B.

From loved ume tyan

Anonymous said...

Ok, I can't answer which one looks more like you since you are cuter than all of them, and they all have a little bit of you. One thing that I can answer is that Bib definitely look like C only in grey. He's got the belly and the huge eyes!!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

L said...

hehehe fufu, they are all very cute. We think B looks closet to you, but not as cute. If you eat too much Christmas candy you will look like C.

L said...
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Anonymous said...

Those are cute, Fu Fu! But you're the cutest of ALL!

Anonymous said...

I think A looks like you most. B looks too serious. C is too chubby (maybe more like Bibi?). A is good too, because he has the big sunflower seed (yum!)

Anonymous said...

Hey FuFu
We think B looks closest to you. It's not as cute as you are though, hehehee!
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers

Anonymous said...

C looks like fat bibi in a fufu costume!

Bussie Kissies

Anonymous said...

Err Fufu, We think the closest is B thou we think tat you are so much cuter.

JustMeCopper said...

I like A. B looks like a squirrel to me. You are the cutest though. I don't think I have ever visited your site. My name is Copper and I sent you a card. See ya.

Chelsea said...

I think B looks the most like you.

In fact I thought it was you.

Fufu - often imitated never duplicated


Anonymous said...

oh fufu, i choose BIG C! hehehe! that's bcoz C is smiling!

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

I vote for B! But they ALL kind of look like you (not as cute, tho)...


Isabella said...

Definitely B! But none of them are as cute as you.
Big Wags,

Anonymous said...

I gotta vote A, but truth be told, none are nearly as cute as you!

Murph the Dog

Anonymous said...

I think you look most like A) but you are much more 3D, hee, hee! You are too cute for words little buddy!

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

I like B but I think you look most like A

Anonymous said...

Dear Fufers,

I have to go with stuffie C...because I always think of you with a big smile and bright eyes and welcoming hands.

Now let me know if you need some help with discipline of these toys. They look mischievous.


Fu Fu said...

Hi Everyone. Hee. seems that all 3 hammie toys are kinda look a little like me. (C looks kinda like Bibi) Thanks to those who think I'm the cutest. hee

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

All the letters in the alphabet couldn't hold a candle to you, Fufu!

Anonymous said...

Hey fufu!

I'm thinking A. B looks too much like a mouse, and C is WAAYY to Chubby (kind of like me!). But I agree most with everyone else, you are DEFINITELY the cutest of all!

We can't wait to see your card! Hope you get ours soon, they were mailed Saturday!


Fu Fu said...

Aw.. Thank you Ronak, that's so nice of you to say that.

Holly. I hope to get your card soon too. ;)

~ fufu

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

None of them hold a candle to you!

Anonymous said...

I think Fu Fu is definitely like B,

So cute,cuddley and hamster like you see,

But out of all the choices and selection,

The Real Fu Fu is just Perfection.

love from Marvin the Poet xxxxx

Anonymous said...

we think a is the cutest, therefore you look most like a, because you are so cute! we wouldn't even think of trying to eat you- you are just like a little doggie. haha. don't worry, fu fu! we just kid. we've never eaten a hamster.

Fu Fu said...

Jessie & Jake, Thank you...

Marvin, That's a really nice poem. Thanks. :)

Hello Akira & Shiro. Haa. ok, I know you guys are hamster friendly doggies

~ fufu

Tigersan said...


Fufu just has to have the food!!! ;)

Fu Fu said...

Haa. Tigersan, You are so funny. haaa

~ fufu

Blythe Buddy said...
