Eil, J and Gal gal had so much fun bringing Rusty out last Saturday. She was such a good doggie that the humans can bring her into a shopping center. Rusty looked a little blur when she started the day out with the 3 women. (I bet it's because Rusty is used to listening to commands in English in the foster home then the 3 crazy women were talking to her in Mandarin and Hokkien) But she slowly warm up to them and wag her tail to them and stay close to them for hugs.

Rusty is back in her foster home now, I hope she'll find a good forever home soon. If Rusty can shrink into my little hamster house, I dont mind keeping her...
Meanwhile, during the outting they went into a pet shop and Eil saw...

CC-man (T-man's brother) look alike!!! The bird seem curious about Rusty and came closer for a look too. :) Seems that everyone loves Rusty.
Hi Fufu, I hope Rusty finds a forever home soon.. She deserves one!
if rusty stays with you, she can help you deal with WC. Isn't that a good idea!
oops! if only rusty can shrink into your small house... :-)
wet wet licks
haha, probably he is CC-man twins brother!!
anyway, we hope Rusty have a forever lovely home. ;)
Rusty is beautiful, Fufu!
I love her brindle markings. It was sad to hear her story but she's in very good hands as you all love her so much! I think Rusty is very lucky, afterall!
Fufu, we saw heaps of really cool hamster stuff here in the pet shops too!
Eve and Fei
I'm sure Rusty would love to live with you, but he's a bit big for your cage.
Simba xx
Rusty is adorable! How nice of them to take him out for the day!
We used to have a bird who looked just like that! She did not like women and was mean to my mom. She would tease me too. She screamed whenever she was alone, so we gave her to some family friends who have other birds. Now she lives in a big cage with the other birds and is very happy.
Fufu, you're so lucky to be friends with Rusty too! She seems like such a sweety and I know I would like to be friends with her too. I just know she'll find a loving forever home very soon.
CC-man's look alike...that is sooo funny!
Your pal,
I love that close-up of Rusty's nose!
Yeah, my Mom took care of a dog for a little bit before she got me. The dog was scared of her tho cuz he didn't understand English, only Spanish!
Bussie Kissies
I hope Rusty gets a home soon. Mama is now going to be obsessed about this and checking his status daily.
Maybe that bird is CC MAN!
T-Man will be so happy! He can have all the egg biscuits for himself...and ofcourse share with his true love. Moi
CC-man has lots of look-a-likes all over the place! As long as they don't get together and plot world cockatiel domination, that's OK :) Rusty seems like a sweet dog. I hope she can find a good home.
What a cutie! I sure hope she finds a forever home as great as I did! I just know there is someone out there who will give Rusty all the wonderful love and attention she deserves.
Hi Everyone. Thanks for all your well wishes. We all hope that Rusty will find her forever home soon and be loved by her humans. ;)
~ fufu
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