Thursday, November 23, 2006

X'mas Cards

Yesterday I got my first DWB Xmas card. (I knew standing by my house will pay off eventually) It's from BLU and Comet. The envelope is white, so I guess it was sealed by BLU. Hee. You guys are fast workers.
Ok, let me show you what Eil got for my xmas card design

I hope she execute my design nicely...


Boo Casanova said...

oh fufu,

that's a lot of stuff there! are you sure you r not helping eil? that's a lot of hard work.

i got comet & BLU card 2 nites ago. and guess what? my m'sia pal got mine yesterday!!! fufu watch out, mine is coming your way SOON!

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

looks like you have a lot of work to do there Fufu. I can come and help you if you like. Will I fit in your cage?

Simba xx

Anonymous said...

Fufu, lucky u Eil is helping. My mama? She is hopeless, not productive at all. Can we trade..hehe.

Anonymous said...

I want fu card!

Bussie Kissies

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...


Thrilled to hear you got your first card. You must feel soo special.

(Well you are and cute too - everytime we see you we laugh cause your sooo cute!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Fu Fu, me and my Mama Jeannie feel real bad we are not taking part in the Christmas Card Exchange, it is just too expensive for us sending from the UK!

Hope you know Christmas Love and licks are comin' to you from Scotland over the magic Airwaves!

Marvin and Jeannie x
You are the sweetest Hamster Damster!

Anonymous said...

Fufu, you're making a fancy card. Are you going to help Eil with that? Maybe you can lick the envelopes (hee hee!)

Chelsea said...

Eli must be crafty.

You gotta watch those crafty people

I am looking forward to seeing Eli's masterpiece!


Fu Fu said...

Hey Boo, I'll make Eil open the letterbox everyday to see if your card is here. Can't wait to get it. I helped Eil by designing the card. If not she'll still be stuck. hee

Simba, it'll be great if you can come over to help. Eil is grumbling the whole time she's making my card.

Boy and Baby, I'm sure your card will turn out great. Eil is a slow worker... are you sure you want her?

Buster, your card is halfway done. :)

Jessie and Jake, yes. the vet trip was scary and thanks. I love the cards from my friends.

Hey Marvin, thanks for the Christmas Love and licks. I'm trying to get Eil to make you a card. Let's see how fast she can work on it.

Hey T-man, I sure hope Eil can finish my cards in time. I'll help by.. supervising her.

Hey Chelsea, do tell me how you find Eil's work when you get the card ok

~ fufu

Isabella said...

Your cards are going to be so pretty! I can't wait to get mine. I am mailing yours tomorrow. I hope it gets to you fast.
Big Wags,

Baily said...

cant wait to get your card fufu!
ours will be on their way soon too :)

nose licks

L said...

Fufu, wow, your cards look like they are going to be very fancy! I would be happy to ship Comet over to help you and Eil make the cards.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I can't wait to get a Fufu card!!!! WOO-HOO!

Your pal,

Fu Fu said...

Hey Isabella, Thanks I hope nothing drops off the card coz Eil is using glue to stick most of the stuff.

Hey Baily and Roo, hang on.. The cards are almost done. I hope that I can get them mail out this week

BLU, that is such a great idea. Comet can help me wet the envelope and the stamps. :)

~ fufu