Hey Doggies, it sure was fun at Asta's pawty last Friday. But the hoomans had their own pawty too. Eil met up with Huskee's mom first for lunch and Sunny went along (I was busy at Asta's pawty)

Boo's pawrents came over for visit and met some of the SingaPaw hoomans at one of the malls to shop first then they head to Boy & Baby's home for din din

Boy sure is very friendly and welcomed the hoomans in his house.

Baby was a little shy at first.

Eil got to see Mimi, Momo and Taz too. Can you see the eye peeping out of the hole on the left?

Check out the yummilicious food that Boy and Baby's mom prepared. Can you see who's supervising at the back?

Gift exchange after dinner, can you belive this lots is all Mine and Eil's presents. :)

Sunny got to meet a new friend there too.

But that new friend was busy with Boy later on, so Sunny and Baby took a nap while the hoomans chat and chat and chat.

It was really nice for Boo's pawrents to come down to SingaPaw for a visit and meet up with the hoomans. We hope you enjoyed your trip here. Eil realised that they forgot to take a group picture, so Boo... you have to tell your mom to come down again hee hee.
More pictures on my gifts in tomorrow's post

Boo's pawrents came over for visit and met some of the SingaPaw hoomans at one of the malls to shop first then they head to Boy & Baby's home for din din

Boy sure is very friendly and welcomed the hoomans in his house.

Baby was a little shy at first.

Eil got to see Mimi, Momo and Taz too. Can you see the eye peeping out of the hole on the left?

Check out the yummilicious food that Boy and Baby's mom prepared. Can you see who's supervising at the back?

Gift exchange after dinner, can you belive this lots is all Mine and Eil's presents. :)

Sunny got to meet a new friend there too.

But that new friend was busy with Boy later on, so Sunny and Baby took a nap while the hoomans chat and chat and chat.

It was really nice for Boo's pawrents to come down to SingaPaw for a visit and meet up with the hoomans. We hope you enjoyed your trip here. Eil realised that they forgot to take a group picture, so Boo... you have to tell your mom to come down again hee hee.
More pictures on my gifts in tomorrow's post
Oh wow! Food glorious FOOD!! Everything looks great. :) I bet everyone had a fun time catching up.
Looks like Eil had a great time too! All that food looks oh so good!
Your pal,
Hi, Girl Girl
Sure Eil had a great time there! I want to see your presents!
Boy looks funny with only one sock!
Have a good night
Yah it sure sound like the hoomans had so much fun! Mama and The Miad kept talking about how much they enjoyed the gathering...
Look at all those presents. How cool is that.
Hi Girl Girl
Bob n Baby n their pawrents are very kind to cook up such a wonderful feast for all of you. Wow, you and Eil sure did get a lot of presents .. it shows how much you are loved. Sunny looked as if he had a good time too. What did you get up to at Asta's pawty .. wow, that sure was a pawty.
Love from Hammer
Girl Girl!!
Very cool about Boo's mama & pizza-faced daddy coming to Singapaw to visit. Too bad YOU didn't get to meet them, but it sounds like they still had a good time.
Good thing Sunny got to go. Did she give you all the scoop about the pawty?
Goober love & smooches,
Wah GG, you & Eil got sooooooooooooo many pressie ah!!! Lucky you....boy is sure a good FOOD supervisor....
Oh, Im glad you like my gift. Its small but I think its kinda cute..hehehe
ya hor! mom came back with bags and bags of goodies! but i wasn't allowed to open my pressie yet. something about "it isn't x'mas yet"! ha! i think mom just wanna keep it to herself if u ask me!
ask mom to go down again? CANNOT! i was left alone with the cow... but the cow managed to get in the house coz grandpa didn't lock the glass door. hmmmpf! that's so unfair!
wet wet licks
oh geez!!! i missed all the fun!!! i can't believe it!!! i am very angry with my tummy and with tomatoes, cos i think the tomatoes are what made me sick!!! :(
i do wish Boo's mommy will come down again i so wanted to send her kisses to pass on to Boo!!!
GG i also need to give you your Xmas presents leh.. they're all wrapped and sitting at home. sigh
what a cool get together! I can't believe all those presents are for you two, how cool.
I'm soglad you liked it hewe in NY with me..I would welcome you anytime you want to come..my pawents thought you weee vewy wel behaved and didn't make a mess at all...it looks like youw hooman family had a gweat time too and go so many gweat pwezzies and oooh that food looks yummy
have a gweat monday!
smoochie kisses
woofies Girl-Girl!!! yummmmies all dat food lookies delish!!..watt a fun time u hooomans hads...next time u need to go wiff em..wuz nice boy and baby meeteded new fends....
b safe,
OMdoG! Look at all those delicious food! You & your Eil sure got a lot of pressies. Have you opened them yet? I'm glad you got our card & gift. It's the only gift we could find for you that you may like...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Looks like it was a great get together, with yet more yummy food!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
All that yummy food is making us drool! We love that last picture of Baby and Sunny having a chitchat!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yummy food and gift exchange, that's must be a pawsome pawty. I can't wait to see the gifts :)
Food of , ..do dog cafe and put together.. with wonderful friend.
It envies it. :)
from loved ume tyan
It's a lot of food!!! what's up with the one sock that Boy is wearing?
Girl Girl.. how are you???
the better was the food :)
grate day ...
a big hug
I was so busy supervising the food and that baby was so useless, busy sleeping....and we only got 1 photo only.
Boy n Baby
eh...y no pic of boo's parent??
r they camera shy?
Wow!! That is quite a spread...all the food looks yummmmmy! I hope Sunny told you all about it.
That food looks PAWSOME!!! That was cool that everyone, including your Eli, got to meet up at Boy n' Baby's house.
MEOW GIRL GIRL!!! I got a pressie from you in today's post!!! Mom let me opened it and WOW at the goodies! Sitka LOVED hers too. We will post photos and a Thank you to you this week.. but I wanted to let you know that it made it here just fine. Sitka and I are so appreciative for the gifts!!!
Wow, wow!! Great food, lots of pressies!! I am glad Eil had a great time.
Thanks for being so kind to my little brudder at Asta's pawty. The pawty was so much fun.
Momo xoxo
Harrrr Girl Girl
that food looks great Harrrr. the pawty looked like fun too Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
That looks like a great time with yummy food and presents. What more could you went (except for you to go next time and not Sunny). Why is Boy wearing only one sock?
Comet and BLU
Oh wow, that looked like so much fun. Yummy food too!
I bet Boo´s pawrents adored the trip to SingaPaw! Great pawty with lots of fun, good food and many presents!
Love and licks
Looks like you had an amazing time!
You guys are so lucky living close to each other!
lotsa food + prezzies + happee hoomans = a smashing pawty!
Food, presents, all you needed was Boo and I'd have been on the next plane.
Simba xx
Wow we wish we had been there - you guys really know how to throw a PAWTY!
Boy are you ever lucky meeting up with cool doogs like Boo and Husky. I mean this makes me want to bite my foot! Especially the food. But that's ok.I get to enjoy it all vicariously thru you. I don't even know what vicariously means.
Hi Girl Girl.. i miss U!... and am so sorry for not visiting u for sometimes now.. anyway.. am back!..
oh wow.. that's lots of pressies there.. and u have one pressie here with me.. mom suppose to pass it to Boo's pawrents.. but my absent minded mom forgot to bring the pressie when she met Boo's mom!
We will be sending it this week.. hope is not too late..
Wow, that looks like a real fun pawty! And the food, yummy! And the presents, wowser! Can't wait to find out more about them.
Woofs, Johann
I got hungry just looking at all that yumy food, so much better than my kibble.
Oh no, we need a group picture!! Boo's parents will definitely need to visit again :)
Wow, you sure know how to throw a pawty!! All that food and those presents!! I'm sure everyone had a great time.
Oooh, the food looks great! I'm drooling on the keyboard now!
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