Hey Doggies, time really passes by so quickly. It's already the last monday of 2007... and it's the last day of 2007 too. It'll be 2008 tomorrow. It has been pawsome knowing all of you this year.

I want to wish all of you a happy new ear first here. But I dont really need a new ear, I think what I have now are still working and fine..

Well I better take a nap now if I want to be awake tonight for the count down.

Have a pawsome new year and a hamsterrific 2008 everyone!!!

I want to wish all of you a happy new ear first here. But I dont really need a new ear, I think what I have now are still working and fine..

Well I better take a nap now if I want to be awake tonight for the count down.

Have a pawsome new year and a hamsterrific 2008 everyone!!!
Hi, Girl Girl!
This has been a great year for me and my mom because we had the chance to meet you and all our DWB friends!
I love you so much!
Happy New Year for you, Eil and all your family!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Girl Girl,
Have a very happy New Year! I'm so happy we met and became friends this year. Mom thinks blogging was one of the best things for me this year! Hope you stayed up for the countdown. I'm not sure I'll be able to stay awake that late. He he he!
Your pal,
Hi Girl Girl! Have a hamsterrific New Year!
woofies Girl-Girl!!! jus fink, i jus comeded to dwb around the last week in september...and i shurely didnt nos watt me wuz missin...me not even member how me found u all now...but dats wuz the best fing dat happeneded to me all year...
Have a pawsome 2008, to u and ur family!!!...
b safe,
Hi GG! I hope you have a hamsterrific New Year too. I almost forgot how cute you are. Did you know that you are my most favouritest hamsterrier? Hope you got lots of treats this past holiday season.
Love and Smoochies,
Happy new ear to you too Girl Girl!!
Thanks so much for being my friend!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Girl Girl!
It has been pawsome knowing a terrific hamsterrier too! *Grinz*
Happy 2008 to you and Eil!
Happy New EAR Girl Girl. :)
See you next year okay?
It sure was great meeting you & other friends this year! This year has pawsome but I hope next year, will be much much better for us & for you all too! I'm sooo ready to watch the fireworks tonight. Happee New Year to you GG!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi GG,
I think you have enough ear for now *grin*
Happy 2008 to you !
Have a fun 2008 filled with lots of fun, play, food, treats and love :)
Happy new year. Wishing all the best in 2008
love Simba
Hey yeah my Ears are fine too !!!
All the very best for 2008
Dear Girl Girl, Eil and your family
We hope you have a very happy time tonite on New Years Eve. We treasure your friendship. We hope 2008 is a wonderful year for all of you in every way.
Love from Hammer and his mum and his family
Lots of Luv from C$
I'm so lucky to have met you in 2007!!
May 2008 bring you lots of blogging, fun times and oodles of sunflower seeds.
Wishing you a happy 2008!!!!
Our lives are so much richer having you as our friend, Girl girl!
Happy new year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your ears are perfect Girl Girl! Happy Near Year!! I'm very glad to know you and all the DWBloggers!
Happy New year GG and eli!! It was a pawsome year!
big hugs and licks!
amber :)
GG, Feliz Año Nuevo/ Happy New Year to you and your family.
Sweet GirlGirl
Youw eaws awe pawfect!!
I wish you and youw family the happiest New YEaw and good health and happiness in 2008
I thank you fow youw fwiendship!
I love you ,and hope to have lots mowe fun times togethew
smoochie kisses
Happy New Year!!!
Such cute and delicate ears!!
Have a wonderful New Year Girl Girl!
Hi GG, you have wonderful ears. we like to wish you a happy new Year! we are happy to know you too. we look forward to a puptastic and hamsteriffic 2008!
Happy New Year Girl Girl.
We think your ears are fine too. Hope this next year brings much happiness and many new friends your way.
Jazz and Dixie
Happy New Year to you and to your family, Girl Girl!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Happy New Year to you and your family, Girl Girl!
Lots of licks
Happy New Year, Sweet Girl Girl!
Your ears are gorgeous... you don't need a new one. But, I hope you and Eil have the best year in 2008. Thank you for being my friend. I'm so stinkin' happy we met this past year!
Goober love & new year's smooches,
Hey GG, Happy New Year to you and your family! J x
Your ears are so cute. happy New year to you also.
happy new year girl girl. hope u had fun counting down!
lotsa licks,
happy new year gg....
wishing u a pawsome year ahead
Girl Girl~
Happy New Years..Cheerful Hamster
I don't know whats wrong with your ears. Would you like some Cheerios! How meny can you eat ..woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
Harrrrr Girl Girl
Have a great New Year
Cap'n Maverick The Pirate
Happy New Year Girl Girl!!! Your ears are soo cute!
Hi Girl Girl
A very happy 2008 to you.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hee Hee, your ears look real cute.
Guess what, Papa has been feeding our hammies with pistachio for breakfast and they love it.
Boy n Baby
Happy New Year, Girl Girl! Hey, we have a little brother black and white dwarf hamster. We haven't talked about him on our blog but we will--he's pretty cute. We think you could be his friend. Hey, how about being our friend?
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