Hey Doggies, I'll show you the presents and cards I received today. :)

These are from Boy & Baby Yummy treats~

Their mama even made me a pillow. Isn't that cute? It sure is very comfy and I'm putting it in my container so that I can sleep comfy inside.

This smiling doggie is from Boo Boo. I'm suppose to put money into the doggie's mouth to save it for treats and toys.

Gifts from Boo! I got apple scented bathing sand and treats. I'll smell very nice after each bath.

Licky Card from Boo

Boo's mum also help to bring Ben's card and present over for me. Thank you Ben, I'm giving you a hug here. Boo's picture looks like he's staring at us hee hee

A snow globe from Ben. Yeah, it's really cute and I can make it snow in my own house.

Presents from Huskee next.

A wood log toy and a white xmas mouse. I went to say hello to the xmas mouse!

My gifts from the nite the hoomans went pawty. Can you spot me in the picture below?

I also received a christmas card and gift from Amber. You gals sure look cute in your xmas gear

Cards from Charlie & Opy and T-man

CC-man is so cute to leave a note and his feather in the card. :)

Card from sweet Goofy. He got a cute xmas bear too.

Card from pretty Faya

And card from cute Sweety. I'm trying to whisper "Merry Christmas" in her ear

Thank you to all the doggies who sent me cards even when I didn't signed up for the DWB card exchange. All of you are so sweet. Thank you **muah**

These are from Boy & Baby Yummy treats~

Their mama even made me a pillow. Isn't that cute? It sure is very comfy and I'm putting it in my container so that I can sleep comfy inside.

This smiling doggie is from Boo Boo. I'm suppose to put money into the doggie's mouth to save it for treats and toys.

Gifts from Boo! I got apple scented bathing sand and treats. I'll smell very nice after each bath.

Licky Card from Boo

Boo's mum also help to bring Ben's card and present over for me. Thank you Ben, I'm giving you a hug here. Boo's picture looks like he's staring at us hee hee

A snow globe from Ben. Yeah, it's really cute and I can make it snow in my own house.

Presents from Huskee next.

A wood log toy and a white xmas mouse. I went to say hello to the xmas mouse!

My gifts from the nite the hoomans went pawty. Can you spot me in the picture below?

I also received a christmas card and gift from Amber. You gals sure look cute in your xmas gear

Cards from Charlie & Opy and T-man

CC-man is so cute to leave a note and his feather in the card. :)

Card from sweet Goofy. He got a cute xmas bear too.

Card from pretty Faya

And card from cute Sweety. I'm trying to whisper "Merry Christmas" in her ear

Thank you to all the doggies who sent me cards even when I didn't signed up for the DWB card exchange. All of you are so sweet. Thank you **muah**
Lots of good stuff you got there!
Wow!!!! That is so much stuff! We hope you like the pillow.
Boy n Baby
Very cute snow globe!
Hey GG,
What nice pressies you have! Are you going to share any of them with Eil?
Oh wow, you are one really lucky hamster, Girl Girl! What lovely presents!
Oh GG, you gave me a HUG !!! *Blush*
Im glad you like both the card & the little globe, but the lil globe look BIG next to you. Hehehe!!!
I spot you!! You in the box!!!
I love all the pwesents you got..I suwe hope you have fun playing with all of them in this gloomy weathew..I wish I was in the next block fwom you , I would cewtainly come and nuzzle you softly and play with you..I'm sowwy I'm so vewy faw away..that pillow looks weally comfy, I hope you have a nice snooze on it
smoochie kisses
Wow, sooo many pressies you received! I hope you like the Veggie Bites. That's the only thing that's nice & light that I could find in the pet shop...Thx again for your loverly card!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What nice gifts you got, Girl girl and so many pretty cards! Ours is on it's way too! We hope you receive it before Christmas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Girl Girl! We think you might be one of the luckiest (and most spoilt) hammies out there. Lucky you!
Kisses, the WriggleButts
Wow, that some really cool stuff you got GirlGirl! We love the pressies and the cards. And thank you so much for voting for me, I'm starting to pull away from the kitties! BOL!
Woofs, Johann
Hey GG, pawsome pressies and cards you received! I can't wait to see your card :))
Girl Girl I am sure that you are the most popular hamsterrier of the world... seing you like this with all this cards makes me see how tiny you are....but so cute !
Kisses, Faya
wow a lot of gifts and cards!!!
It is a wonderful Christmas card.
It is everyone's showing place of the device. :)
And, I will send the Christmas card to girl girl tomorrow.
I'm sorry slowing.
from loved ume tyan
Wow!!! All of those presents & it's not even Xmas!!!!! You've been really good this year, obviously.
My Mom has a Card all ready for you but can't find your address...could you pee mail it to her at ferndoggleblog at yahoo dot com? Thanks!!!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
What nice presents. You are so cute in that box.
Sweet Girl Girl!
I'm not surprised you're getting so many gifts and cards. You are the most lovable hammie girl and we all ADORE you.
I spotted you in that one photo. You were in the box with your new hut-house. Right?
Goober love,
Girl Girl! I think you are cutest and sweetest hamster on Earth! I sending you lots of hugs and kisses!
Hiya Girl Girl,
Look at all those cards you have, you are the most popular hammie ever.
It must have been great fun for your family to meet up with Huskee's mom. Glad everyone had fun.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Wow, you got a lot of lovely cards and presents! I must say I'm getting quite jealous! He he.
wow!.. Girl Girl.. me jealous ler.. anyway.. glad u got so many pressies and cards.. u are sure famous hammie.. hehehe
Hi, Girl Girl
Wow! You got tons of cards and presents! The pillow is great! And what about the treats!!
You know how much we all love you!
Have a good night
Hi Girl Girl,
All those great gifts and cards, you are such a lucky hammie! I really like that pillow, but I'm not sure how I feel about the bath salts. I'm not a fan of baths. He he he!
Your pal,
Wow, you got the coolesst presents!!! Enjoy!
wow you got so many presents! I wish I could just roll around in scented sand to get a bath. I need to talk to Mom about that.
Wow Girl girl you got so many presents. You must have been good for like a whole month.
Simba xx
wow so many cards and pressies! :) the feather from CC-man is so cute hee hee
sorry i haven't been around to leave a message the last few days. but i'm glad to say my tummy is finally recovered! :) thank you for the well-wishes, GG :)
lotsa love..
Dear Girl Girl
What bootiful cards and presents for you. Hope you receive our Christmas card very soon. We thought you would have received it by now. Mum has a gift for you too but she hasn't posted it yet. She's lagging behind again. I honestly don't know what I can do with my mum.
Love from Hammer
wow lucky you! you've got so many presents and cards. u muz be having lotsa fun! =)
lots of licks,
woooooooooow! look at all those things!
i want to share maybe....
Hi Girl! Girl!
What a greatest ever cluster of pressies and cards! The snowglobe is particularly coolest ever!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Wow that's a lot of cool stuff!1 Love A+A
Hmm.. I hope that Christmas mouse did not frighten you too much. Silly mama did not realise that it was THAT much bigger than you..
I'd love to sniff you after your apple bath!
Wow, you got lots of pressies and cards! How cool!
Lots of licks
Hee hee, CC-man is tickled pink that his feather made it all the way to Singapore!!
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