Hey Doggies, it's Christmas Eve at our side already. Time sure passes by real fast!

I got so many more xmas cards over the past few days, I tried to decorate my house with the cards then I found out that I can't see much of outside haa haa

Thanks Stanley and Stella for the kiss *muah* I'm covering Stanley's eyes here so we can play hide and seek. Go hide doggies!

Hey Peanut! I see you in the card too

Thank you so much to all the doggies who mailed cards and sent e-cards to me.

Can you see where am I in the above picture? My legs are at the left side of the car and if you look closely you can see my head behind the seats. I can't wait for Christmas day to come. I hope Eil gets me a present. Merry Christmas to everyone~

I got so many more xmas cards over the past few days, I tried to decorate my house with the cards then I found out that I can't see much of outside haa haa

Thanks Stanley and Stella for the kiss *muah* I'm covering Stanley's eyes here so we can play hide and seek. Go hide doggies!

Hey Peanut! I see you in the card too

Thank you so much to all the doggies who mailed cards and sent e-cards to me.

Can you see where am I in the above picture? My legs are at the left side of the car and if you look closely you can see my head behind the seats. I can't wait for Christmas day to come. I hope Eil gets me a present. Merry Christmas to everyone~

Merry Merry Christmas Girl Girl
Merry Christmas for you and all your family Girl Girl!
Girl Girl
Merry Christmas!
We are sure Eil has a pressie for you. You have been a nice girl all year long :)
Boy n Baby
I'm suwe you will get lots of pwessies..you awe so loved by youw family and youw fwiends,,I love you so much!!! and hope you and youw whole family have a vewy Happy Chwissmuss..I'm glad you got my cawd, but I don't want to block all youw light so you can take it off,muwahhhh!!!
smoochie kisses
Merry Christmas Girl Girl!!
woofies Girl-Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRYYYYY CHRISTMAS AND ME LUVSSSS UUUUUU!!!!!
b safe,
Nice cards! They look nice on your cage...Merry X'mas to you dear!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
merry christmas, gg! may the day be filled with love, peace and much feasting for you and your family!
Merry Xmas to you !!!
Enjoy the food and presents !!!
Dear Girl Girl and Eil and your family
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow on Christmas Day.
Love from Hammer
Merry Christmas, Girl girl! We know Santa will be good to you! You're so sweet!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Girl Girl!
You have so many cool decorations for your hammie house! It does look like it might be hard for the sunlight to get in, though.
You didn't have to cover my eyes for our hide-and-seek game. I wouldn't have peeked... probably.
Tell Eil that I think Mr. Rain should send her some smooches, but in case he doesn't, I'm sending plenty of goober smooches for you AND her.
Goober love,
Wow GirlGirl,
You should be an intewiow decorator!
Your house is so cool!
And you are really in the Christmas spirit. I like that about a hammie.
Christmas sugars,
Merry Christmas Girl Girl to you and your family!!
Don't forget to put out the milk and cookies for Santa Paws tonight.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Good evening Girl girl.
The exit is not seen with the Christmas card.
Please spend a wonderful Christmas Eve. :)
from loved ume tyan
Very Christmasie there!
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, and a delightfull new year!
A very happy Christmas to you and your family GG!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Harrrrr Girl Girl
Happy Christmas Hope you get cool Presents from Sanny Paws Harrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
WOW look at all those cards! You're quite the item girl girl!
Maybe next year, i'll join in the card sending!
Merry Christmas GG and Eli!!! The cards are lovely! I hope you receive my card soon!! 0.o
Wow !! Thats a log of cards you got ther :)
Merry Christmas to you ! Have a Wonderful Christmas :)
Merry Christmas Sweet Girl Girl!!!
Merry Christmas Girl Girl!!!
Merry xmas and a blessed 2008 to you and your family.
Dolly and Zoopy
Merry Christmas Girl Girl.
Wow you have so many cards we can't see your house anymore.
Have a wonderful day.
Jazz and Dixie
Hi Girl Girl!
You house is sooooooooo beautifully decorated!!! It is sooooooooo christmassie!!! Will i be invited to stay over??? I love christmas parties!
Thank you so much for your gifts!! I love them! Especially Mini me hehehe
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Have a great year ahead!
Reina & Family
Merry Christmas Girl Girl. I hope you get all kinds of hammie gifts. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas day!
Your pal,
merry christmas 2 u, girl girl...
may u had a pawsome day...
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi Girl Girl! We hope our favourite Hammie will have a very, very Merry Christmas! And Eil too!
Sniffs and kisses,
the WriggleButts
Merry Christmas GG and to Eil & family too!!!
Merry Christmas, Girl Girl!
Love from all of us,
Hi Girlgirl
Merry Christmas to you too!!
Hope Santa Claus brings you parcels that smell great!
Hi Girl Girl, we see our card there at front and center! we're glad you got it. and we're glad that you got so many others that you covered your cage. hee hee.
we hope you have a great day and some wonderful pressies.
happy christmas woofers.
Hiya Girl Girl
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all the best to your family too.
Have a great holiday break.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Merry Christmas, Girl Girl.
We are sure that Eil and Santa will bring you lots of presents. You are so nice and sweet.
Comet and BLU
I love the way you decorated your house with your Christmas cards, Girl Girl. A very Merry Christmas to all of you.
Merry Christmas girlgirl!! You sure got lots of pretty cards. Momma mailed hers late but it should be coming soon. Hope that Santa Paws was good to you. I'm sure you were a VERY good girl girl.
Hi Girl Girl,
Happy Boxing Day! I hope you received lots of presents since you have been such a good girl!
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